Please race mix with asian woman if you are a white male. It is THE ultimate red pill
Please race mix with asian woman if you are a white male. It is THE ultimate red pill
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You don't need to remind me sensei
Please kill yourself
You do realize the more white men marry out of their race means more white woman will also marry out their race right?
>sees flag
remeber to sage
Yes! Asian waifus make the best waifus (but only if you are a white man). Ultimate red pill my man
No hapas are insane the world doesn't need anymore of them.
>"Hapas are insane"
>A few anecdotal cases of insane people who are hapas
I'm half-jew looking for half-asian or half-spic girl so we can mutually bleach each other a little bit.
>You will NEVER cuddle qt3.14 Asian grills
Stop making these threads. You're depressing me.
>speak perfect german
>look like an ideal aryan
>go to Asia, fuck and make babies
>10 years later
>send email that you're really a non-white slav turk rapebaby
>get nuked by great leader
worth it
you mean the ultimate formula to create "le surpreme gentlemen"?
no thanks
Do you know people outside of reddit?
It is the best feeling senpai I think I would have killed myself ages ago but I have now found a reason to live!
Asian women are literally designed to be bred by big white cocks
>tfw my asian folder is larger than my white one
Yes I do have a job. Let me guess you're a hapa or the majority of the people know are hapas?
t. shlomo
>race mixing
>red pill
now that's an oxymoron
>4 Billion Asians
>1 Billion Whites
I would expect your Asian folder to be 4 times as large as your white one.
>implying these are the caliber of asians that the average Sup Forumslack could pull
Useless terms
Only 130 Million Japanese people
200 Million Germanic people (in Europe)
>implying these are the caliber of asians that the average Sup Forumslack could pull
Asian women love white cock, its just a fact. Even the non model ones are cute and probably good at making lewd drawings like pic related.
No it isn't you fuck we already have Eurasians race mixing with an Asian isn't doing anything new and isn't going to produce anything good.
Yes goyim race mix and make mentally retarded hapas!
my gf on the pic
We should make a lot blatantly obvious propaganda to subvert the subtle propaganda.
I think I've seen your gf sucking dick before.
White male here. I go to UC irvine where it's literally 70% asian. I def got the yellow fever since attending here. Love me some asians(but not the ones that are too fobby)
The fobby asians are the best ones though
so you want whites to be niggers for asians?
How are whites being niggers if they're productive members of society?
I lived in china for two years and 99% of the women are ugly as sin.
I can sincerely say on average British women look better.
Their inside surely matches their outside.
Seems like there are some traveling arrangements to be done.
Got some ppl graduating from there. Def lots of cute fobs there.
niggers fuck whites
whites fuck asians
it's not a matter of productivity, whip+nigger=productive
that doesn't mean race mixing is good
I'm on it, my friend
Nice try, bet you want all the qts for yourself!
They don't.
Also sage
stop making my willy happy user
Must not race mix
If you're a white American you shouldn't racemix nor have children with Asians.
azn male here
can't stand azn females, they're all clingy and annoying to me.
will trade all of my azn women for your aryan goddesses
How about you suck a giant black cock Chang, White women are ours.
>inb4 that chink living in UK comes and gets over 150 posts
Stop racemixing. Every hapa I know is either autistic as fuck or deformed looking in some way
Same, im on it btw
If we do that, there will be no white men or Asian women left.
I don't have plans, I want beautiful white children. Not some mentally ill mixed mongrel. White women mix the least, even the roasties usually stick to whites.
kek yep, everytime
Why is it that chinks who live in anglo countries are the most insecure?
I don't know if he's actually chinese, just autistic.
He lives in Northern Ireland and is a Catholic Irish Republican that goes on rants about the "proddies". Don't think chinks would care about that shit. Or know the correct slang.
More importantly there will be a small amount of white children left. America doesn't need more Browns, you must create white children to keep our demographics stable.
Unfortunately most Asian women don't look like this.
You need to lay off the porn
>half jew
You know what to do. Pic related
Remember to sage thread
you cant ever go back to white women after tapping some Asian ass, on god
the arabs and blacks can fuckin have them for all i care, dead serious
We know that never happened but please tell us more
Based chinks!
Not as based as BBC tho
>posts women he will never get
And? What's your point?
I'd race mix, but only once plastic surgery is affordable so that I could fix my resulting children up.
Point is you are just daydreaming
Why is it koreans have amazing plastic surgeons while the west produces shit like the Bogdanofs?
I'd love to.
Harder than it sounds tho.
Okay, Mr. No fun allowed
Sure thing buddy. Sure thing. Anyone can make whatever shit they like up
>Heh bro it's okay to racemix it's not like mixed people aren't capable to hold up countries properly. Make America a shithole and bring in more browns and less whites into this country lol
Are Race-Mixers the most retarded people yet? Maybe they should go to Brazil and see what happens when Race-mixing becomes popular.
I dunno but I've noticed that Asians have better breast augments too.
Western implants look like balloons taped to your chest.
>I can sincerely say on average British women look better.
>You will never go back to 2009 and GEE for the first time
The only way I'd racemix with an Asian is if I could have 2 Asian qts at the same time as waifus. There are way more Asian women than the BWC, it's only fair.
How about you have white children instead and benefit your country's future. Burger
Trust me, chinese women look terrible
And many of them don't clean up. A girl was shocked I changed my underwear every day.
When did you realize that Sup Forums is inconsistent?
Im getting old as fuck. But no worries i have a new love again.
Japanese and Koreans are white Asians. Japanese are Honorary Aryans.
It's kosher.