Serious question Sup Forums, are Turks white or are Mediterraneans nonwhite? If you told me this was the Italian or Greek team I wouldn't doubt you at all. They undoubtedly carry European features, a lot of them have blue eyes, some even blonde hair.
Serious question Sup Forums, are Turks white or are Mediterraneans nonwhite...
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>are turks white
Pic related. Hope that answers your question.
Woah woah woah op
That's too much skin for me. I'm going to have to ask you to delete your post.
Turks look Middle Eastern to me
Still European though
Shame that every single one of the girls in that picture has a black bf
obviously the shitskin girls aren't allowed to play sports
they're basically a mix of the balkans and sandniggers, and some mongolian blood i guess.
I fail to see why anyone thought it was a good idea to use Cosby in this ad. Even before his sexual assaults victims came out.
This. In the early part of Turkish control over Anatolia there were many accounts of Byzantine people siding with the Turks simply because it kept them alive, not just because the Turks wouldn't kill them but because they would be protected from others. This is normal in the mediaeval world. Then in the Renaissance the Ottoman Empire had to become multicultural to make use of its vast manpower that wasn't ethnically Turkish. Atatürk was an incredibly successful liar.
i hate the turkish nose
100% cockroach
>Still European though
Marry a turkish woman and your son would look just like Cenk.
Greek and Kurds
Turks arent Arabs and they arent White. They are Turks.
They are more European in blood than Meds that's for sure. Those of pure Albanian/Croatian extraction at least
those hook noses though.
At this point, being Turkish is cultural. Genetically, we have a mix of Turkic, Greek, Armenian, Arap, Persian, and who knows what blood. We are not slant eyed Asians anymore. 1000 years in this place changed us.
Western Anatolians (already more 'European' in features than Near Eastern) mixed with Greeks in the ancient Hellenic colonies
They are Anatolian-Greek with Turkman & Balkan admixture
Obviously in modern times, poor people from Eastern Turkey have migrated to places like Istanbul
Turkey is quite mixed, so there's no wonder you can find whites here. Like Anzu.
I would like turks if they didn't make Islam threads all day.
Show your flag coward
i wouldnt mind turks if they werent muslim. they are more civilised than arabs.
Its literally the same guy baiting
european ? no
there's good Turk's and then there are roaches
Isnt it the same with every country?
Guize , fist of all sage your posts, It's full of sliders out there , don't reply at all, if it's a empty slider , just let it go so we focus on our proper Sup Forums material.
>sage the thread
Abort thread
Turks are not a single race. There is at least 4 of them in that meme country.
there are no good turks, seljuk himself named his kid kike names like jonah, israel, and moses. dont trust non aryans, ever.
fucking lel
turks arent reproducing enough to out breed kurds. so in the future black/muslim europe will only have to interact with a kurdish nation where turkey is.
their features are so aquiline, dunno about greece but they wouldn't pass as my national team
pic related
isnt an aquiline nose common in spain. a lot of south americans have it. do they have jew or native blood.
more than half of them in the OP don't pass for a Greek, lul. Even though I do not like judging from sports teams but the contrast is too much here.
it's reasonably common with rapebabies especially in the south, which do have jewish/arab blood, but it's a rare site where I live in in catalonia or anywhere with few rapebebes
desu I don't see that much difference between your pic and OP, you have 4 women with bleached hair though?
dunno why you picked this particular picture, it doesn't illustrate your point
if you looked at a spaniard could you tell what part of the county hes from just from his appearance? or is there just a difference between the south and the rest of the country?
native antolians were greeks, assyrians, armenians etc. turks didnt mix with arabs much. ottos only sent governors and beruacrats there.
>all players have brown eyes
>mascots have blue eyes
What did turkgay mean by this?
meh, has to do with the angle too, they all look down like a bunch of downs, kek. Just picked a random one from the web
>Atatürk was an incredibly successful liar.
our national identity isnt based on ethnicity. its different than europe.
I could make an informed guess, but it's not as cut and dried as in italy, there's undoubtedly more rapebabies in the south but they also have blond and blue eyed people there, and there's also rapebabies in the north, you can never be sure. Culturally there are differences though and obviously if you hear them speak you can tell instantly
>Real answer
Turks were an asiatic horse tribe (turkic) that were hired & brought in by khaliphs (muslim) as mercenaries.
Eventually saw they could run things, and began calling the shots.
Osman eventually sets up Otoman empire... and Genisaries... eay too much history
I meant north and south, yes, you can't tell an aragonese from a galician just by looks because there's no province that has a homogenous look
They don't look Italian at all in your pic. I don't mean as in skin color, but facial features. They are different. We might have similar skin color, but the similarities stop there
yeah and the anti-white turk is pretty annoying too
yep, yours have some african features.
what are you a mental case?
Haplogroup distributions in Turkish people
J2=24% - J2 (M172) Typical of Mediterranean, Caucasian, Western and Central Asian populations.
R1b=15.9% Widespread in western Eurasia, with distinct "west Asian" and "west European" lineages.
G=10.9% – Typical of people from the Caucasus and to a lesser extent the Middle East.
E3b-M35=10.7% (E3b1-M78 and E3b3-M123 accounting for all E representatives in the sample, besides a single E3b2-M81 chromosome). E-M78 occurs commonly, and is found in northern and eastern Africa, and in western Asia. Haplogroup E-M123 is found in both Africa and Eurasia.
J1=9% – Typical amongst people from the Arabian peninsula and Dagestan (ranging from 3% from Turks around Konya to 12% in Kurds).
R1a=6.9% – Common in various Central Asian, Indian, Central- and Eastern European populations.
I=5.3% – Common in Balkans and eastern Europe, possibly representing a back-migration to Anatolia.
K=4.5% – Typical of Asian populations and Caucasian populations.
L=4.2% – Typical of the Indian subcontinent and Khorasan populations. Found sporadically in the Middle East and the Caucasus.
N=3.8% – Typical of Uralic, Siberian and Altaic populations.
T=2.5% – Typical of Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, Northeast African and South Asian populations
Q=1.9% – Typical of Northern Altaic populations (also common in Scandinavia and the Alps).
C=1.3% – Typical of Mongolic and Siberian populations
R2=0.96% – Typical of South Asian population
look at the schnozzols on these broads
Sorun degil kanki : ) I have a few Turkish friends and they're really nice, but I triggered one by telling him he talked too much about his wealth and often acted like a Jew, so he blocked me.
I'd like to see how the burger wheel looks, probably as colourful as this one
We're mostly just many groups spread out. For example I'm whiter than you, Spain, and according to DNA analyzers, I'm more British than most Brits.
Worst thing about turks is that they are muslim
turkish society is very classiest. showing of wealth is pretty normal here. i though US is same because of hardcore capitalism.
We are Turks.
what about a basque person, do they look different?
Well, you're pretty much anybody around you who turned muslim during Ottoman rule.
And that's a good thing because the original Turks were pretty much Mongols.
They're Anatolians
They were Turks as well.
there is a certain stereotypical look to basques, but few have it, they are on average whiter than andalusians
>sponsored by Kinder.
this shames the american.
I'm just nice and honest. He's the one who overreacted.
Turks are a mix of white Byzantines and non-white Turks and non-white Arabs, with a non-white muslim Religion.
So all in all they're non-white and need to be purged.
>using a fucking volleyball team to make your argument
turk shill detected. most tall turks are likely balkan rape babies and not your average hairy brown manlet turks that are very common. you're not fooling anyone.
The Greek people of west Asia Minor were Turks?
The Kurds were Turks?
The Pontic Greeks were Turks?
The Anatolian tribes were Turk?
The Armenian people were Turk?
The Persians were Turk?
The Arabs were Turk?
The Albanians were Turk?
The Bulgars were Turk?
The Serbs were Turk?
The Syrians were Turk?
Because you have huge admixture of all those people. Anybody who turned muslim an followed you, you called a Turk at the time.
Some yes, but look at the long faces with the baggy eyes and big lower lip. Some look like NY Jew Girls.
We can keep R1a/b, I and possibly G, also E3b which is a very old chromosome, the rest, Khazakstan.
Oh shit, yes they have great Jewish admixture as well.
I see more white people Istanbul than in London, I visited both
it would be majority R1b because most white americans come from western europe where its common. even a lot of the black population would be paternally european, mostly R1b.
>Turks are a mix of non-white Arabs
[Citation needed]
>with a non-white muslim Religion.
Jesus wasn't white (by your standards), Christianity was established in the ME.
>you called a Turk at the time.
That is why Turkish nationalism focus on cultural identity.
Also you are mixed with Karamanli Turks who turned to ortodocs
Its got less niggers then your team lol.
Yes, millions of Greeks lived there.
You call them Turks today because if you called yourself Greek you got butchered.
I visited Izmir in 2015 and even after all the purging there are a lot of Greek faces there.
They outnumbered you and if you where muslim you were a Turk, Both for the Turks and For the Greeks. We never considered Greek people who turned muslim Greek anymore.
>they are on average whiter than andalusians
i used to work with a basque guy and he was as fair as an anglo but had a southern european temper and attitude.
diversity is good though?
idk why you pretend to be a greek when you're 100% turk blood enriched by my ancestors
Yes, but they were around 4.000 to 6.000 people.
We were millions.
your hatred of Christianity just leaves others empty of any empathy to you , kike
I rest my case. Aside from the niggers, the Italian ones look different from the Turkish ones
Sure sure.
This is the most comprehensive study of Greek genetics ever:
The conclusions from the bottom of the text:
We summarize our conclusions:
Modern Greeks are physically similar to ancient Greeks.
Modern Greeks are contrasted to northern populations, including Slavs and Albanians in different genetic marker systems: mtDNA, Y chromosomes, and autosomal DNA.
Modern Greeks retain characteristics of a southern European population of indigenous, pre-Slavic, Balkan origin.
Both in its crudest form (complete anhilation) and in its weaker form (significant northern admixture) the Fallmerayer thesis has been falsified by anthropological evidence.
It should be noted that some admixture probably did take place, although this was not sufficient to alter the genetic characteristics of the previous inhabitants of Greece. This author does not claim that genetic purity is an ideal for the Greek people, but simply that genetic continuity is established by the evidence.
you cunts post the women who are in general lighter skinned than guys, why dont you post the hook nosed dark skin guys?
Turks speak a central asian language while carring anatolian blood lines and bowing to a middle eastern prophet/religion.
Mad people the whole lot of them.
anzu is cute
you shouldn't take the greekanons words lightly it is you who is full of hostage greeks, I'm all for Byzantium 2.0 by the way and quite a bit of Sup Forums
where i live most of the greeks you meet have black hair and tanned skin but most turks have brown hair and lighter skin. could it mean the greeks here are pontic greeks or from the Aegean islands?
Individually haplogroups tell you nothing. The solution to the Turkish problem is to kill most of them (80%-90%) and convert the ones who look and act white to Christianity, and settle the land with Christians.
>>Turks are a mix of non-white Arabs
>[Citation needed]
Pic related is your citation. You act like Arabs, ergo you are Arabs.
Then why did you genocide Armenians?
How did this happen?
From Wikipedia:
"Everywhere, as though at a preconcerted signal, the peasantry rose, and massacred all the Turks—men, women and children—on whom they could lay hands. In the Morea shall no Turk be left. Nor in the whole wide world. Thus rang the song which, from mouth to mouth, announced the beginning of a war of extermination... Within three weeks of the outbreak of the revolt, not a Muslim was left, save those who had succeeded in escaping into the towns."
"The Turks of Greece left few traces. They disappeared suddenly and finally in the spring of 1821 unmourned and unnoticed by the rest of the world....It was hard to believe then that Greece once contained a large population of Turkish descent, living in small communities all over the country, prosperous farmers, merchants, and officials, whose families had known no other home for hundreds of years...They were killed deliberately, without qualm or scruple, and there was no regrets either then or later."
"For three days the miserable inhabitants were given over to lust and cruelty of a mob of savages. Neither sex nor age was spared. Women and children were tortured before being put to death. So great was the slaughter that Kolokotronis himself says that, from the gate to the citadel his horse’s hoofs never touched the ground. His path of triumph was carpeted with corpses. At the end of two days, the wretched remnant of the Mussulmans were deliberately collected, to the number of some two thousand souls, of every age and sex, but principally women and children, were led out to a ravine in the neighboring mountains and there butchered like cattle."
Their genetics looks kinda off...almost like someone was raped into having a child.
yes i compared the pictures again. yours have weird mouths and chins while turkish girls have more developed jaws. still they will not stand out here. nobody will notice they are foreigner until they speak. people will notice a full blown scandinavian though.
not an argument
Not exclusively, If you read the study I link it says that the original Greeks since Neolithic times are of multiple tribes of people.
From the top of my head:
And there's more but I can't remember them all.
The point is we're not nordic people.
We're multiple Indo-European migratory tribes.
Long story short the brain is the part that actually changed, we are supposedly smarter now.
You can larp as a baatu all you want but that won't change the fact that your ancestors share a bloodline with mine, after being assimilated by the locals. Even your emperors were not turkish at some point. You knoew the Barbarossas , right? Those were of Hellenic origin too, LMAO