Why the fuck do White people tan their skin? Are they ashamed of their skin color? Tanning ages the skin, impairs the immune system, and increases the risk of skin cancer. A tan is a sign of damage to the skin. And it looks disgusting. I think we need to make tanning go out of fashion again.
Sun tanning
Tanning makes whites age like milk.
The media has stigmatized being pale/fair skinned.
its a sign of wealth.
cash = free time outside = tan
((( merchant ships))) im not sure im in the right thread.
Jewish media. Ive never once tried to tan, i think brown skin on white people looks awful, especially on girls.
What about tradesmen (construction workers, electricians, miners, etc.) who are all super tan from working outside all day?
No it's because poor losers don't go to vacation and thus remain white. While reach people visits the best places in the worlds and tan. It's a sign of richness.
A slight tan as a result from being outside is acceptable. Sun bathing, though, is degenerate.
my redpilled ex hung out with mexicans during highschool, they always made comments how white she was. So she tanned. I mentioned how i prefer white as opposed to tan skin, i told her its her heritage to be white as she is northern European. I told her tv depictions of tan bimbos was a jewish plot ect, she literally woke up and told her Mexican friends she prefers being white and doesn't want to look Mexican, they acted like she was racist for saying that, lol she got mad at them for insinuating she was racist for calling them Mexicans, even tho they are Mexican lmao.
Because we can.
tanned white skin is beautiful. sun makes us feel good in the short term (in moderation).
unfortunately many people are ashamed of their pale skin. but tanned white skin looks better than a muzzie because they still have white features.
>if you're wealthy you will automatically have a tan
It's a sign of working outside all day or degenerate teenage girls
> richness
Says it all really, poor idiots think its a sign of wealth, hence the most tanned always being the working class. Who inevitably end up looking like handbags at 40 and then spend all their money on rejuvinating creams that do nothing whilst wondering what magic dem rich ppl used (suncream).
Pasty pale skin looks ugly, objectively speaking. The other stuff you said is wrong
This makes me happy. Good job, user.
Vitamin d
This is subjective, retard. I get that where you're from it is not the norm, but that does not mean it's like that everywhere.
>tanning increases the risk of skin cancer
It is literally a response to sun exposure in order to protect the skin from further damage. There is nothing wrong with a tan produced from just being outside.
You are literally a basement dwelling neckbeard for making this thread.
Trusts cancer panic news. Ignores actual studies.
There's pros to sunbathing for men especially, the key is moderation and sunscreen.
Do you think she looks ugly?
It is one of the worst aspects of beauty culture. It makes people age like shit and severely increases the risk of melanoma.
Farmer's/partial tans don't count as a real tan and they look worse than either a full tan or being pale. Plus, guys who work those jobs tend to be dirty and have shit /fa/ sense nullifying any tan they might have.
>Why the fuck do White people tan their skin?
Because Meds created white civilization? Being a snownigger is embarrassing.
Well to be honest, from my standpoint, I like to look good and when I take my shirt off, I don't want to be all white there and darker everywhere else, I'd just like a close color match all over myself. It's called feeling good that when you take off your clothes, she's not gonna snicker at your different colors.
Lol... mass media / sunscreen companies.
Your point wasnt a counterargument in the slightest mustafa.
Having completely white skin shows that you have been inside all summer. And only losers do that. YOu wanna be a loser OP?
To clear up; I'm not saying a natural tan from being outside is bad. But it shouldn't be a goal to gain a tan. Sun bathing and tanning beds make me disgusted. We should be proud of our white skin, it's beautiful.
Shut up you olive nigger.
>tanned white skin is beautiful. sun makes us feel good in the short term (in moderation).
>unfortunately many people are ashamed of their pale skin. but tanned white skin looks better than a muzzie because they still have white features.
Good ol vitamin d I get mine from drinking sunny d and you can too
Do you people call sunscreen sun cream? Like I'm putting cream of the sun on me? OK achmed you got me
It literally only looks bad on nords
It just look better.
t. naturally white as snow
I can't odds it. I work outside, and if the sun's out, I'm getting tanned, I've at least learned to take me shirt off now so I dont get those ridiculous tan lines on your arms and v-neck line.
100 % agreed. Nothing is more beautiful than pure snow white skin. We need people to stop ruining themselves with tattoos and niggerification.
But it's not beautiful, especially not on man. It looks unhealthy.
Now I'm not saying being fried and orange looks good, but some tan looks nicer on everyone.
Why are you denying fucking biology and genetic attractiveness when it suits you?
Being pale as fuck only looks good on shopped pictures, and even then only on women.
A hundred years ago tanned skin was was a sign of manual labor, work in the fields and thus exposure to the sun.
White skin was a sign of high status and being able to stay home, and not work in the sun.
nowadays tan i sa sign of high status meaning you have the time to go out and experience life and nature,
while having no tan means that you are stuck most of the day in a grey cubicle like a low status slave.
Side note:
white skin looks healthy when the diet has lots of minerals and vitamins, and it gains the "golden" glow.
Tanning can achieve a similar look with a shitty diet.
tl;dr - tan is a fast and cheap way to look healthy and of high status.
>tan their skin
It's called being outside regularly you fucking faggot. I'm about a shade lighter than left side of your image and I only get about two hours of sun a day. Holy fuck people who act like being tan is unnatural trigger me, sun burns aren't fucking natural if you are actually outside living an actual life.
As long as it's natural, it's okay.
You can't help, it, you will get a tan if you live in the med.
I'm so white I literally cant tan.
get on my level of European,
all the way to 53rd parallel nigga
So many cunts here gets skin cancer because of it.
It used to be the complete opposite. Peasants and laborers worked outside, so they got tans. Having white skin meant you were wealthy enough to stay indoors all day.
Because it's sexy, white is boring.
I love pale skin, I think it's cute. I'm Muslim though.
This is literally the opposite in any culture that's not black.
Having light skin meant you were wealthy enough not to work outside. Fucking read a history book, idiot. Why do you think Asians and Indians bleach their skin so much?
Spending time outside = getting tanned
You should try it sometime.
>Don't tan, don't watch porn, don't drink, blah blah,blah
Sup Forums is starting to resemble ISIS
Because looking brown doesn't look good.
Tan isn't the same as looking brown.
It's hard not to get tan when you have a job. Op is a useless neet
Spic admix detected
>Why the fuck do White people tan their skin? Are they ashamed of their skin color?
Whites are like arctic foxes who have white fur in the winter and go brown in the summer. Whites are supposed to get tanned in the summer, unless they are in Britain where the sun does not shine. It's the modern indoor lifestyle that disrupts this natural process.
you're just jealous. We look amazing with tans. It has nothing to do with insecurity.
tanning is usually for poor people working out like farmers. We need to get back the culture of non tanning and white as possible skin.
>white women good, white men bad
Fuck off, cuck. Unironically and literally kill yourself.
Don't you want our race to be healthy? Or is your own degenerate lifestyle more important?
Depends on how tanned the person is.
That should tell you something about just how fucked up our present policies are, when the rational thing to do is to become more like ISIS.
for males, tanning is masculine: ripped farmers and other workers would get tanned because they worked their ass off all day outside while beta noble cucks would stay in their palace becoming frail and pale
since nobility literally means nothing today, the peasant aesthetic has triumphed
>>The ultimate redpill--Sharia Law.
tanning ages the skin. If you want to look older than you are, go for it. If you want to look good when you get older, avoid it.
Wrong, pasty (fair) skin is the best looking. The people who call it ugly are just jealous, and I;m not just saying that.
Also times changed you stupid hippie. Now you work indoors so geting a tan means you had vaciations in nice place or you can SPEND TIME on fukin sun bathing.
>Don't you want our race to be healthy? Or is your own degenerate lifestyle more important?
Getting sunlight is important. People should be spending time outside. In the spring you slowly tan and by summer, you can spend time outside having fun without getting burnt. It's also important for vitamin d production. The proper amount of sunlight is healthy.
Deep inside you know you're a degenerate. Please turn your life around. Go to /fit/.
no, but she looks like somebody who gets ill at the drop of a feather and is allergic to every other plant and animal on the planet
A natural tan is fine.
now that it's summer I would avoid staying in the sun for to long
my dad recently had some skin cancer surgically removed
I don't have to worry about neighbors etc so i wear nothing but shorts when i am out digging, planting, weeding, cutting grass etc. Sun feel great on the skin, its comfy af not having to wear sweaty clothes, skin looks a lot better and clearer and it looks like i've lost a couple percent BF without actually losing any. You don't really need to worry about getting burnt or using sun cream if you just take brake and shitpost on on pol in the shade like 10 minutes after 60-90 minutes or so, its when you are out all day without any brakes in the shades you get burnt.
Just laying there doing nothing but sunbathing is obviously a waste of time but being outside and getting some sun while your doing something useful is nice as fuck.
>Pasty pale skin looks ugly
I think pale skin whites are the most beautiful
Shame on those that want their skin darker
TFW some of my ancestors are Greek so I produce Melanin faster and I look like a gipsy in the summer. (Living 15 minutes away from the beach)
>Sun niggering.
>its a sign of wealth.
So was gout.
>One of women's worst fear is wrinkles
>Take sun all the fucking time
>Doesn't know what UV-A and UV-B radiation even does
Also somehow retards don't know you get exposed to it even when it's foggy or raining.
I personally think that i look better with a tan, people notice my blue eyes more
But then again Serbs are not white so
Take note Canada you worthless fucks, THIS is how to shitpost.
So does ashy tan skin. Not all pale skin is pasty. For example I have the purest white person I know, and my skin is a solid block like porcelain.
This. Tanning is degenerate and harmful for health.
It's all about moderation 10 minutes in the sun(depends on weather, season, location) gives you all the vitamin d you need daily with out damaging your skin
>impairs the immune system
You what cunt?