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For an ex-feminist, she seems very qt.
Is that normal???
Because the Jews are upset that an Aryan woman is questioning the feminist narrative of (((Friedan, Steinem, Feuerstein and Luxemburg))).
Because nothing of importance happens in your sad little country, so you're forced to address American happenings.
Would bang.
Who is this? Quick rundown pls.
Finna have a hot yank right ere
She made "The Red Pill" documentary. It's about MRA, MGTOW, etc.
An Aryan girl who made a non-Jewed movie about the men's rights movement. Now the media kikes are running a train on her.
it was a joke :)
Cassie Jaye. Made the red pill documentary about the men's rights movement and became red pulled while filming it.
Made a movie called "RED PILL"
An attention whore just doing her job
>attention whore
>only doing interviews because your country is trying to ban her movie
>your press is treating her like shit because they're all commie faggots
Stop being an SJW cucked country and she'll get off tv.
That's the head spokeswoman of the new United States of Emu-rica. Better start hiding before it's too late.
is that bo jeuken??
Agree on all remarks.
The point still stands
blame that fucking arab waleed shithead on the project for causing a shitstorm then Andrew O'Keefe for being a shitcunt too
>just reading up on the saga now
She is on your TV because of this exceedingly embarrassing interview where the people shitting on her film had not even seen it
andrew okeefe is just as bad as that dune coon waleed, they are poison
Because those shitcunts at Channel 9 didn't bother to see her movie but heaped shit on her anyway.
What to get extremely mad? Click this link.
Is this movie still banned here
will she un ban it
Who watches TV?
I turned mine off over a decade ago
Pure coincident
Those anchors are awful. Is Australia as kiked in the media as America?
Think we are worse, but all i watch is the cooking channel.
she OWNED both walllyeeed ali and that andrew okeefe (pic related) cucks
dumb cunts
would inseminate if given the chance
>t. 90% German
i thought it was Rosamund Pike lel.
not banned as such, but the shrieking dye-witches got it shut down in a couple of cinema chains. you can watch it online, or just search for a screening if you want to watch it.
>only doing interviews because your country is trying to ban her movie
Its private businesses not screening it, the government isn't trying to ban the movie you dumb fucking seppo
maybe her documentary is topical in Australia at the moment.
It was pretty bad I thought. One of the basic rules of journalism, which documentary film-making is related to, is not to make yourself part of the story.
She makes the whole movie about her personal journey into realizing that the feminist movement is all about hating men and that is fucking nuts, so the big shocker is at the end she says she no longer calls herself a feminist.
That said, the things that make it flawed would probably make it more convincing to girls who watch it because they'll feel like they can relate to her.
The way he behaves has to be an act right, just to have a job?
There is no way he can act like that in real life, he woukd be getting punched in the face every 5 mins
No such rules. Journalism is always biased by your point of view no matter how hard you try to be objective. Especially in documentaries.
if she'd released her documentary 2-3 years ago when these culture wars were relevant, it would have been prescient
as it were, these political subcultures have left the internet and morphed into extreme groups
idiotic criticism, you did not make any point about the content just the way it was presentend. you could have not have been more of a fuckwad if you tried
pro-women is not anti-men, but pro-men is anti-women, can't you understand, goy? How many times do we have to explain it to you?
from what I can gather from her interview here: , she is NOT for women being barefoot and pregnant all the time, so no?
t. destanie
O'Queef is a manlet. They never learn.
She needed to affirm her explicit white femininity over the Jew feminist narrative
or channel 10 and 7
Well the dyke part is true
amen brother, pity it's right next to SBS2(((VICEland))) and i sometimes catch a glimpse when changing channels
no need to all the time, just 2-3 children per white woman, hopefully she can agree
Cos she made a documentary that triggered the leftist media.
Also she looks EXACTLY like my best mate's missus.
Crazy similar.
she's hot
documentary worth watching if you are already red pilled?
Queen of Sup Forums.
I watched The Red Pill the other night. I thought it was quite good. It only scratched the surface and it talked about things 99% of men are aware of and are forced to live with regardless of class and wealth. I didn't know about that Nigerian thing, they killed like 5000 boys and nobody gave a shit, then kidnapped some girls and suddenly worldwide news. Disgusting. Anyway, I felt the movie was aimed at women to inform them they are retards and need to wake up to what they are doing and teaching young girls.
I liked it. Comming from a feminist ist really good. A baby redpill for the girls.
I also actually liked that she inculeded herself. You can literally see her conditioning breaking as the redpills begin to work.
Yeah bro.
Thought the exact same thing.
So I sent links to it to all the chicks I know that have ever talked to me about feminism etc.
Sadly, most of the girls I know are redpilled anyway, but hide their power level cos of other women.
I hope they at least spread the doco around to the chicks they are hiding themselves from.
I did my bit!
but does she get to vote? does she have a career outside the home? does she get to leave the kids at daycare while she works? etc.
Yeah man.
My mate told me to watch her body language when talking to the ((gender studies)) and ((feminist) ) people.
Also fun game is to have a person you are watching look up the origins of the surnames of every person that she interviews.
There is a trend.
By that I mean, EVERY leftist she talks to is one of ((the tribe))
*watching with
this guy is from labor?
what the fuck he sounds like he'd be a conservative
>You can literally see her conditioning breaking as the redpills begin to work.
ok, sold
Why are you still watching the electric jew?
Turn it off.
He's an old-school socialist...that believes in traditionalism and Australian culture. He's a long way from naming the jew, but probably the closest thing we have to a nationalist in mainstream politics. He only seems conservative compared to the new left.
less jews but lots of pozz
Nothing is banned on the pirate bay.
Latham isn't ourguy. He loves multiculturalism. He constantly talks about "leftists" when HE IS a leftist. His "solution" to the islam problem is to integrate muslims into Australia the right way, aka, spread them out and infect every single part of the country. I want them OUT. Every single one.
Pauline and MAYBE Bernadi are all we have.
The reality is that if she doesn't make it about herself and present herself as being a valuable woman, women won't be interested in it.
It's a good strategy.
Nah she isn't, this is her fiance
So I can basically be a 5/10 and get it on with a 8-9/10 chick.
Thanks for the info user
>he does the penetrating
Really made me think
pay your kangaroo riding tax.
>5/10 and get it on with a 8-9/10 chick.
6 guhrillion dollars says dude is funny af. If youre ugly your best bet is to to accept that as soon as possible and start learning some jokes.
He also talks about cutting immigration completely off and kicking them off welfare but you seem to have forgotten abour that.
Latho is as close to /ourguy/ as we are going to see in politics, you think Trump is full 1488?
>name is cassie jaye
>from the USA
>was a feminist filmmaker for 10 years
>heard about MRAs
>thought they were evil misogynistic people
>makes a documentary about them
>the documentary includes a video diary in which she goes through her thoughts after interviews etc
>becomes redpilled in the process
>no longer a feminist
>other feminists hate her movie and tries to get it pulled wherever its showed worldwide
Latham isn't in politics. He's not going to run, he's a political commentator and enjoys his media gig attacking the msm. Lib Dems, the party he joined, supports mass immigration just under a different scheme where people buy citizenship so if Latham ran he would go against his own party which will never work.
Agreed. Her movie is a classic case of pic related. Has at least 30 minutes of her fluff about muh feels that could've been used to deepen her shallow scope.
On the plus side, the movie makes the "bad misogynist wife beaters" seem like perfectly reasonable, sensitive men while making the feminists look like intellectually inferior, hateful loons.
3.5/5 would bang
forgot pic
nice mansplaining. i wish she had called him out.
>feminists look like intellectually inferior, hateful loons.
That's exactly what they are.
>the documentary includes a video diary in which she goes through her thoughts after interviews etc
>becomes redpilled in the process
Women. They literally just parrot what more dominant people tell them. Which is just about everyone.
This chick isn't red-pilled. She was just ovulating while talking to one of those MRA fags.
And republicans like the cheap labour from illegal immigration and yet Trump's still deporting the mexicans, it's still a step in the right direction!
Downloading now my dudeskis. Thanks for the recommend.
That's Cassie Jaye, she made the documentary "The Red Pill", a look at the Mens Rights Movement.
Because she made a reasonable and rational investigation into the Mens Rights Movement, which she documented thoroughly, and then she got the other side (feminists) in to speak to and ended up producing one of the most powerful documentaries in modern times.
What's happening in Aus is that feminists are having the movie shut down by threatening the venues that people want to see it in, she's having interviews with radical leftist/feminist talk show hosts who are trying to trash her.
Basically your cucked island is so feminized that saying anything bad about feminism or women causes a shitstorm of epic proportions.
She is veri butifel
you could almost cream yaself lookin at the pic
on serious note, she is hot
funny thing is i've never met a single person that would have a reaction like that to that movie. maybe that's just from not having gone to uni or working in the public sector.
That's not her bf, check out her Instagram. Her fiance should give us all hope.
>not a single visible leaf in this thread
has the day of the rake come this early?
Its pretty bad in uni mate, never hear the end of feminists, marxists, and whatever trans shit is popular this week. The fucking lecturers let them come and give their speech about some shitty rally they are holding before the lecture starts, its bullshit mate.
They control the media outlets in this country. Its fucked
because our jew media cant handle her opinion
im not even kidding
She made weekend sunrise look like utter fools.
Because they banned her which gave her a louder voice. Liberals never learn.
what course are you doing? i wanna do a history degree but i'm assuming it'd be pozzed indoctrination and propaganda instead of a proper education.
For fuck sake. All I could watch anymore was the cooking channel. But they had some Asian cook on who was in a church choir. But was also a ducking married faggot. There is now literary nothing on TV that isn't satanic indoctrination. Oh and duck Andrew o Keefe. He makes that smug gummy grin which ducking infuriates me.
the poz knows no bounds user, it will reach everywhere, we cannot run.
i'm really fuckin sick of seeing this ad on LooPube.
Well same here, the radicals are often small groups, the same happened in the UK actually, before the movie had a full release there was small airings of it from place to place and one just so happened in my city (Norwich) and we had to move venue last minute about 3-4 times before we found somewhere not threatened to closure by feminists.
I met Cassie actually, she's really nice and got a warm reception in Norwich from the audience.