Who is your nations greatest ally?
Mine is obviously the UK because they always join wars that we enter or start. Thanks greatest ally.
Here is a little clip of US and UK friendship.
Who is your nations greatest ally?
Mine is obviously the UK because they always join wars that we enter or start. Thanks greatest ally.
Here is a little clip of US and UK friendship.
Other urls found in this thread:
>Funded the IRA
>Funded loads of "rebel groups" over the years fucking over our empire so that jewmerica could become the world superpower
>Then invents feminism and all this other kike shit and forces it on every western nation
You might like us but your government certainly doesnt
thought it was israel and the saudis?
we don't have any one:(
You have turkey.
sage if you feel like shitposting in it
Those aren't SAS
What's with people titling any video with British troops as 'SAS'
I love the UK military,
Yes you do
My nation has no allies, we troll everybody. Fuck normies! Vive le Kekistan!
No one, although people would likely pick the USA or UK for their more important status. Ultimately, we'll never be #1 on the ally list for anyone else, even if we have a #1 in our minds.
I love the UK people.
Fuck off. Your nation is 'ally' to many, but 'friend' to NONE
Probably Serbia but even with them it's more like mutual beneficial alliance, enemy of my enemy is a friend kind of thing.
We like you :)
>the UK because they always join wars that we enter or start
You'd be wrong there. Australia is the only truly loyal deputy dog for Uncle Sam. We've joined you in all the shit you've started. Those fickle Pommy cunts didn't come and play in Vietnam.
Serbia has no allies, even we ourselves are our own enemies. Sad.
Cheers. I really want to visit The USA. Not California and probably not New York as I struggle with London as it is. I want to go to the areas like where Scorpio in the simpsons owned, big lakes and wooded areas, I'd also like to visit the fly over states and just have a peaceful time. Eventually I would like to move there, buy some land, put together a new studio, git gunz and have a chilled life
Greek Patriots.
U were a big help in Vietnam and ww2
Generally speaking Greeks see Italians as brothers today, nationalists included.
Ours is New Zealand unfortunately.
>pic is mfw I first realised this fact
>England flag
Those are two different entities user. Also, you have a history of stabbing us in the back from your conception.
Love you burgerbros.
Thanks for all the free gatorade.
Greece BTFO
That rejection is the biggest Greek defeat since the Sicilian Expedition.
You have the EU to cuddle with.
If they don't want to cuddle... you can force them.
Even the Italian occupation during WW2 was kind of a joke to be honest.
You "occupied" us after the Nazi defeat and just sat there.
Our problems where with the Germans.
We are brothers. Patriot.
austria? or hungary
Most Serbs like us because of the kebab removal.
Those that know history at least.
From Wikipedia:
"Everywhere, as though at a preconcerted signal, the peasantry rose, and massacred all the Turks—men, women and children—on whom they could lay hands. In the Morea shall no Turk be left. Nor in the whole wide world. Thus rang the song which, from mouth to mouth, announced the beginning of a war of extermination... Within three weeks of the outbreak of the revolt, not a Muslim was left, save those who had succeeded in escaping into the towns."
"The Turks of Greece left few traces. They disappeared suddenly and finally in the spring of 1821 unmourned and unnoticed by the rest of the world....It was hard to believe then that Greece once contained a large population of Turkish descent, living in small communities all over the country, prosperous farmers, merchants, and officials, whose families had known no other home for hundreds of years...They were killed deliberately, without qualm or scruple, and there was no regrets either then or later."
"For three days the miserable inhabitants were given over to lust and cruelty of a mob of savages. Neither sex nor age was spared. Women and children were tortured before being put to death. So great was the slaughter that Kolokotronis himself says that, from the gate to the citadel his horse’s hoofs never touched the ground. His path of triumph was carpeted with corpses. At the end of two days, the wretched remnant of the Mussulmans were deliberately collected, to the number of some two thousand souls, of every age and sex, but principally women and children, were led out to a ravine in the neighboring mountains and there butchered like cattle."
Finland. It's not like they have a say in it.
Besides Israel? I guess it would be the Jewish diaspora.
Oldest alliance in the world coming through, Spain and France BTFO
>my best ally is the UK because it's the 2nd best goy to my greatest ally
America definitely inherited their backstabbing ways from us.
New Zealand is an ally, but the US is our most important ally. We'd drop NZ like a hot potato if it wasn't in our interests to look out for them.
One of the main objectives of Australia's defence policy is to maintain the alliance with the United States.
"Each of the defence white papers has been created on the basis that Australia should be able to defend itself against a potential aggressor without outside assistance (the principle of self-reliance), while at the same time stressing the importance of the alliance with the United States"
kek, some klephts(the hellenic guerilla soldier of the time) were paid according to how many turkish ears they collected (they usually collected ears from their kills)
Jew mad?
which is funny because most white Americans are Germans
Canada: also UK
(why don't you call us any more america T__T)
Go away poo head
Friendship ended with Canada, now Portugal is my best friend.
>free gatorade
Esplane pls
Nobody likes the US government, hence the reason we defend the 2nd amendment so religiously.
Norway. Because we can actually understand each other and they aren't cucks.
poor quality bait
americans are so positive and optimistic
brits are cynical and pessimistic
Portland might be tolerable if you still want to go to a big city. The surrounding areas are top-tier, too.
Have you ever watched Twin Peaks (1990)? It's filled with beautiful shots of American landscapes like you're describing.
Portland is a hipster infested leftwing polluted hellhole full of immigrants and vagrants.
Cyprus obviously. We are brothers.
Cyprus is already considered Hellenic, no question there.
Portugal have been our allies for about 700 years I think
Because of how ethnicity is recorded
America has always been a derivative of British culture
Anglo Americans is the standard.
Self reported ancestry is vague at best, downright false as worst. If someone is half Anglo half German, what are they going to put on their census? German. Everyone wants to feel special, so they always identify with their less standard roots. It happens everywhere.
Additionally, all the British ancestries are segregated into English, Scottish, Welsh, Scots-Irish and American. Scots-Irish is not Irish despite the name, It's a British ethnicity. Also on your map It says pale yellow is Scots-Irish, but that's not actually the original map. On the original image that represents "American". Lots of "Americans" would be Scots-Irish, but also a lots of English and just generally Anglo.
In the 1980 census there was very limited options for ancestry and the largest option picked was English. There hasn't been any significant European migrations to America since the 1980's, so logic would tell you that among the White population at least, that English would remain the largest ancestry.
Also anecdotally for what It's worth, all but two White Americans I have ever seen post their 21&me has always had their largest share come from British & Irish.
Austrians are German so Hungary.
The Hungarians have stuck with Germans for centuries. The Turks only helped us in two wars and the Hungarians lost much more and still joined sides with us time and time again.
You have Syria and Afghanistan.
eternal anglos
Portugal are our greatest ally both historically, and on Sup Forums
luv ya too
don't care if this is bait and i'm a tryhard. god save the queen and good luck with brexit, bongbros. we still love you.
>tfw no friends
Iceland is the best.
we have no REAL allies
I thought USA was your biggest ally.
Aren't you and Tunisia pretty friendly as well?
USA provd that it isnt a real ally after thier postion under Obama by supporting muslims brotherhood and being aginst the Egyptians desire for removing them, Tunisa now is ruled by muslims brotherhood and becoming terrorists breeder so we can be much friends anymore
*we cant
No... Fuck off. Our best allies will always be Poland, Bohemia and Croatia.
Well Chief Obama is gone now, so no need to worry anymore.
Australia was the only one to help the US out in Vietnam
yeah Trump is much better until now
Yes, my hungarian brother!