What is the reason for Americans being the fattest and most stupid country on Earth?
What is the reason for Americans being the fattest and most stupid country on Earth?
1. corn syrup
2. niggers
have you ever watched their tv ads?... its grotesque
Capitalism, murrica style
sage for OP being a stupid question asking FAGGOT
High fructose corn syrup is in most foods
Jew soldiers, bred from birth.
Funny thing about Americans is how they wear shoes indoors, in bed and when swimming but not in grocery stores, cinemas and on aeroplanes.
Americans have guns so their destruction is through pleasure, not fear. It doesn't matter how many assault rifles you have if you can't get out of your couch to take it down from the wall without heart attack.
OP is a faggot
Have you been there? The size of their meal portions are fucking huge.
Everything is supersize, even a small meal.
I know it's more sophisticated to call 'nazis' National Socialists, but calling jews high fructose corn syrup is really pushing into surreality.
cattles living in the yard of the owner
of course they will be kept fat and stupid
Our obesity and ineptitude make us superior. It's the only logical answer.
I don't blame them frankly, they have the best food in the world. When they had holiday dinners I paid $10 on IHOP and ate one of the best, most filling dinners on my life.
Because that's the formula for world domination, Germany, you historical failure.
Take notes, maybe you'll learn you something.
Not all americans are stupid and fat you stupid fat faggot.
Not all gypsies steal and rape. Exceptions proving the rule.
America is an experiment. Their's shit in the food and water, and brainwashing aplenty.
I wonder.