B-b-but global warming isn't real!!

>b-b-but global warming isn't real!!

How can you fuckfaces still say this with a straight face? Enjoy getting scorched by the sun.

Other urls found in this thread:


Summer is always hot, dumbass.

and bait
SAGE OP, or don't answer at all

>the weather in the UK will be as is predicted

you've never set foot in this country, have you?

>blowtorch summer

Hahaha are you fucking pussies serious?

Not THIS hot. Last April was the second warmest on record, globally.


>second warmest
So it's already been hotter.


It's not that bad.

Yeah, it was slightly warmer in 2016. But still warmer than all the years before that.

It might be normal for Australia, but not the UK.

This is clearly karma for that tea tax
Dirty redcoats

hot means hot and cold means cold
i bet you skip showers because you think water shouldnt be wet

Are you retarded? Answer honestly.

Maeshowe, Ring of Brodgar, Skara Brae, Standing Stones of Stenness.
Britain was a lot warmer in the neolithic era.



rain niggers, pls...

>scorching 35C

Apart from the last week June was cold as hell in the UK. Also forecasters are almost always wrong so it will probably be raining on 4th July

>All these memers boasting 35 degrees is nothing.

Turn off your AC and then we can talk.

Theres no AC in germany

If you don't think global warming is happening you are literally retarded.

Come here in January when it's minus 5 you drongo cunt

We don't need AC in Alaska you weak, pathetic anglos.

>tfw lived in GA for years
>move back home
>this shit is "blowtorch"

I'm keking at these heat waves I've seen on Christmas before. Other bongs are pussy faggots.

>4th of july
Hey that reminds me of that terrorist attack that's gonna happen.

what AC? I come from south France, 35C is standard for jully-august, and we don't even use a fan when it happens. Just learn to close the windows at the right hours+ wear adequate clothing instead of jeans

>be me
>20 years ago
>school invited some climate change expert to give a presentation
>global warming is happening at very fast rates!
>soon all the arctic ice will melt!
>in 20 years the sea level will rise so much that it's going to reach this city (~150km from the sea)
>present day
>the sea is still where it used to be
I fully support global warming if it means my house will end up near the sea, but let's be honest, it's not happening

>35c blowtorch summer
nigel pls

>it's hot in the summertime!
Yeah no shit. It's called "seasons". In 6 months when the temperature drops by like 60 degrees will you claim that it's the result of (((global cooling)))?

You also don't get above 25 degrees on average even in the south. Don't bullshit me with lies that you get 35 degree normally.

>scorching 35C blowtorch summer
top fucking kek

Reminder, if you don't find 35C unbearably hot, you aren't white.

It's not bullshit. In the summer it's 38-40° where I am at.

But thats due to the Microclimate here (Heat and humidity geat captured in the Valley)

Thanks for being the quadrillionth person who points out that summers are hot, Sherlock. It's almost like everybody knows that and it wasn't my argument in the first place.

>get nice weather

I'm fucking LOVING it.
I'm actually about to go out on my boat even, so suck it.

You've experienced, what, 14 summers?

I remember when summers were always long, dry and hot and winter was cold and hard. The shit we get these days is nothing compared to both. You kids view the world through a toilet tube and think you know everything.

Hey, are you?????

We are going into another ice age from here on out
OP is a retard

fuckin ozzy faggot, its usually about 5C, you'd react the same if you got temperatures around 3-5 degrees

Global warming is a meme pushed by green energy companies. I think the earth goes through a natural cooling period and heating period. It basically recycles itself at a constant rate. It takes something like 16 people to run a wind turbine while it only takes 2 for shoveling coal or something. It's a kike lie.

yeah but it's normally cold as fuck, were not used to your weather

35? It's a warm winter's day, or an average spring/autumn.

Oh, and before anyone goes
>lol LARP faggot
Pic related

Meanwhile, it's 14°C where i live and it will be 17°C in the afternoon

Roll on winter to be honest. Anything above 20 is just pointless.

I wish it was 19-20 all year round.

>earth has existed for billions of years
>hottest year ever

nice "science"

>weak pathetic angolos
>has gaypride flag
really makes you think doesnt it

The California and New York are still not under water like you promised, so fuck off, I have tires to burn.

Some of us live in places hospitable to humans, where from summer to winter the temperature usually changes by maybe 20 degrees within a comfortable living range for humans

sorry grandad

35 is nothing, we get 40C every summer here.

He's using the retard temperature scale. 60 "degrees" is basically worth 20 degrees.

I don't understand the global warming people. If the weather get colder, it's because of global warming influencing the gulf stream. If the wetter gets hotter, it the global warming without a suffix. Basically every weather is now global warming.

Did humans cause the ice age too?

The coldest recorded temp in the US was -79.8 recorded in AK in the 70's. Around 2001 "wind chill" measurements were changed and redefined by the national weather service, so this same temperature would be abouy 10 degrees higher. This is just one example of weather measurement reform to alter the data and its by TEN DEGREES!

Fuckin lol

that was mammoth farts

It's mostly burgers who are non believers because muh coal hurr durr trump maga

>Yeah, it was slightly warmer in 2016. But still warmer than all the years before that.
If your dumb argument is that "it's going to be hot this year therefore global warming", then my argument is that it was hotter last year therefore the earth is cooling.

Fuck off, cunt.

What a crock of shit. The record extreme temp in the last few decades was 41 degrees in Canada.

it's happening but not because of us.

This is called "terraforming", creating a suitable environment for the middle eastern and other tropical hominid species now inhabiting the island. Allah Akbar, God is Good!

too bad the vast majority of people speaking up about global warming are cock mongling retards who don't support intense, wide-scale adoption of nuclear energy. we're fucked no matter what so i'll just buy some land in the rockies and live as a wild mountain man like i've always dreamed.

>-5 is cold guys
Fucking christ the weather in the UK is weak

Cold as fuck here desu sempai.

You are all weak, going to be around 50'C where I am living.

No wonder you faggots can't handle fires. 35c is nothing.

It was hotter in 1976. Also nobody is arguing global warming isn't real, but the idea that we as humans are responsible is preposterous.

>My boat
>It's inflatable

Global warming is real, it's just natural.

I was in Toronto that summer, it was a nightmare

nice boat

Still a boat.

>muh global warming
kill yourself retard. For the past 1 week we've had constant raining in Greece.

Raining. In Greece. In June.

Fuck off.

nice schooner

>But still warmer than all the years before that.

Nowhere near


>35 'C

Pls no.

I am already fully naked at 25 'C.

>35 'C
>95 'F

Lol what a bunch of faggots. It's been in the 90s with heat indices of 100'F+ for the past two weeks.

>be britbong
>get ran over by muslims
>get blown up by muslims
>get arrested for butter knife and tv licence violations
>cctv watching as you take a shit
>children molested by muslims in the thousands
>burn to death because the sun decides to come out for the first time in a 1000 years

>London is having a blowtorch summer.
Best choice of words.

>dumping massive amounts of CO2 has totally no impact on the atmosphere guys!

You're not very believable.

L O N D O N ?

First trip out in it today. Can't wait.
Just got another half hour or so to go before I go out in it.

Bullshit. Even Arizona doesn't get that hot.

Come over here when it was -30c

No, I'm white.

we all know why you are really naked you slut


>Lose your colony and get roasted by nature
UK on suicide watch

Will you share sauna?

Check Arizona's forecast


This desu

El Nino winter here in the Southen Hemisphere, no rain since late May here in Melbourne, the forests on surrounding the city will be tinder dry by the start of summer.

>a dingy

Kayak, part of the canoe family. Dinghy is much wider.

>burn on the 4th of July

>muh CO2

The sun has by far the most impact on the earth's temperature than anything else we know of and, according to the theory of orbital forcing, is responsible for every major ice age and warming period we've ever known. The problem is they can't tax the sun.

Who cares? We'll colonize other planets before Earth become unsustainable of life

>hot summer
>cold winter

fucking leftists

Death Valley, 50c+ all week
