>We are angry because we could have prevented this unforeseeable fire, we demand change right now.
>After multiple Islamic terrorist attacks killing hundreds more than this tower fire no one bats an eye, condemning anger.
Based Tommy
Good point Tommy.
That fire happened because of the authorities indifference.
Those attacks could have not been prevented and were no ones fault
The fucking gall of muslims to get mad about this shit and stay silent on the countless rapes and terrorist attacks, and the fucking weak cunts who bend over backwards to allow this. Christ I need to break something, I get so mad seeing this shit.
>The Muslims happened because of the authorities indifference
Yeah, Muslims killing people is just something that happens, no one is at fault when they do so.
You racist as fuck bro
Islam is the religion of peace. Or do you feel associated with teh KKK?
every fucking time
this, agree, +1, like, thumbs up
>hundreds more than this tower fire
You mad faggot? Hundred times more? Are you sure? Just today some 50 poor Portuguese bastards burned in their cars trying to escape forest fires yet you fags keep talking about the terrorism threat like it threatens our existence and not just some selling points for politicians you're shilling. Meanwhile amerifags straight out deny global warming...
One thing I agree with you though. British tabloids and Tories, and especially May should shut up with their condolences and sympathy because most people who died were the people they actively hate and it's just so obvious how fake their lamentations are.
Fuckers all want gibs. The amount of chancers associated with this is unreal. Similiar thing happened here a few years ago and the people approached the situation respectfully and got what they wanted in the end. These scum are going to cause a riot.
RIP Germany
What's respectful about May not meeting the people affected asap?
This post was unironically made by a brown in german.
I like Tommy, but can't forgive him for how two faced he is at times.
Just after he protested the rape of hundreds of kids, and confronted the ones doing it out of court, he went and hanged out with a Sikh man and wore a little hat for him.
Completely forgetting that Sikh men helped rape the innocent kids that he protested for earlier.
>Meet dirty pakis and niggers who are affected
>They all heckle you
>Leftists use it to demand you resign even though you did absolutely nothing wrong
figures someone using a reddit meme as a flag would post something as dumb as this.
Fires just happen, like terrorist attacks.
Did you guys see the thread yesterday. We have confirmation by 2, not anonymous sources that the death toll is at least 150-200 but the government keeps quiet.
Even muslim refrigerators are peacefull ffs.
Say it with me: DENAZIFICATION
We're mad inside. The dam will eventually break.
This. They're part and parcel of living in a big city.
She's a politician, not a social worker.
Hat fits him nicely doesn't it?
There's a video of him approaching the blokes too but can't find it when I search, so here's an article about it instead.
The fire happened because the person in whose flat it started decided to collect all of their belongings before telling anyone, or attempting to put it out.
More like deliberate maliciousness
All just part and parcel lads.
Living in London means you have a 80% chance of dying everyday. It's fair price to pay to live in such an amazing city.
Stop talking shit you dumb fuck
>Kek flag
Fuck off kek faggot. Horseshoe theory is real.
I have been saying this since the first London terrorist attack. Don't bomb London, the Brits chimp out when you bomb London.
>a...any day now
>dindu nuffin
indeed, Tories just stonewalled all fire safety request (like retrofitting towers like that with sprinklers) because these are "gibs". now they don't want to have their shit shoved in their faces.
Some more thoughts and prayers should do the trick for all those non-native residents.
>the brown person
Fixed that for you.
Do we know how the fire started yet?
It was always burning since the world's been turning.
yeah man, blame israel in israel, blame the uk in the uk
what was the mistake those countries made again?
Terrorism is an issue that no politician could solve you dumb fags. Not even your "based" botox fag Poo-teen.
Every time I see someone larping about muh terrorism I understand that it's really a shill for a certain ideology that wants to use terror as a vehicle to get himself into power.
Having said all that, eat dick and kys.
Leaf detected do not respond
The Sikh kids were some of those raped by the Muslims.
t. gypsy
you arent the only one who feels like they are going insane.
hey kraut what kind of country do you want?
Having spent time in the Balfron tower I have no doubt this place was a pigsty filled with pigs. Nothing of value was lost
Gr8 b8 m8, I r8 ur b8 8/8
How many fucking Sikhs? 1? 2?
I do know Sikh girls were raped by Muslims though.
Or do you think Sikhs are Muslims?
You never see a turban on the photos of the grooming gangs, they're always Muzrats.
>When browns kill whites "if you hate that will only make them stronger"
>When whites are only accused of kill browns "No justice, no peace"
>Ethiopian guys microwave explodes causing small fire
>Instead of putting it out, calling 99, or alerting anyone, he collects his belongings and places them in bags outside his flat
>Knocks on neighbours door on way out to tell one of them he's fucking off and his flats on fire
>Those attacks could have not been prevented and were no ones fault
How about not letting millions of shtskins enter your country?
Would Islamic terror happen if there were no Muslims in London?
But this wasn't even whites killing browns, it was a block of multi-ethnics in a tragic fire because of a shithead refugee burning his flat out (balls to the exploding fridge bollocks) and some shit quality cladding not being quite as fire proof as the next more expensive one.
It is the same cladding used on 88 other high rise blocks and thousands of houses.
They're just using it as an excuse to get Theresa May, had Corbyn won the lefties wouldn't even be bothering, to get behind them.
ESPECIALLY if they were whites that died.
Fires are Part & Parcel of living in a big city
Reports showed that it was started by the mercenary, the masked man
I just don't understand why we're being so inolerant of this fire. It just wanted to burn shit, its in its nature and perfectly natural. Fires provide wonderful benefits to our society, they enrich us culturally and economically. #notallfires
No. And your point is? Before you say something trying to look smart, tell me, would there be less murders if all the men were cucked by 247 surveilance and tracking?
The fire rises
>Shitskins are ovening themselves
it's gonna be ok
My fucking facebook wall is full of indignant posts about this fucking roach infested tower.
When 30 children were slaughtered at a concert, NOTHING. Silence. Not a word.
Im losing faith in this fucking society
A fucking kraut
Ya got that right.
>the dam will eventually break
Ugh, rightwing neckbeard manbabies are spreading hate once again, this time in form of pyrophobia.
Guess what biggots, you are in minority, on the wrong side of history.
We should not take any action to prevent this from happening in the future.
I suggest instead we should all come together as a society hold a candlelight vigil for the victims in the tower and change our facebook profile picture
>kick out shitskins
>white children survive
seems pretty straight forward to me.
Terror attacks are preventable by definition. And in many ways along the process to the point of attack.
You dont know what youre talking about.
>>the dam will eventually break
Maybe London needs to embrace the flames once again
Good point. I think people warned the police about the Libyan Arianna Grande fan yet he was able to assemble a proper bomb and bring it to the concert.
Another proof that Tories are fucking useless and british police is inept as fuck.
how many years have we been saying this? two or three years now?
I've been innawoods the last few days, can someone greentext this shit? All I've got so far is
>big building in england burned
>many people dead
Now is not the time for anger! We must not let hate win! We must keep calm, and carry on!
Societal Mood swings take a long time mate. Look at Wiemar Germany as an example. It took a long before they 'snapped' as it were.
Things will have to get much worse yet, so prepare accordingly, it never hurts to be ready.
So why were they not prevented? Like, in France it's illegal to own guns. Yet Bataclan attackers procured AKs. That should be a fucking eye opener about how inept the police are. All they want is more gibs to fight "terror" but they cannot even enforce basic laws.
i really fucking hope youre right. i have little faith though.
>Those attacks could have not been prevented and were no ones fault
Yes these attacks could not have been prevented. Pic not related in regards to intelligence on the past 50 attacks in Europe.
Why the fuck are you still talking about this? It's a fucking apartment fire. They happen everywhere all the time.
Is this the official story or are you taking the piss?
>dat mental gymnastics
Must have been slim pickings for white guilt stories this month.
>big building burned
>100+ dead
>Mostly Sand people
>No one cares
Nope that's the real story.
The fire went out of control pretty fast, but yes the guy just literally fucked off, could have been prevented.
Tower fire is nothing.
Terrorist attacks are nothing.
A lot of fuss about fucking nothing.
Just wait until you read statistics about heart disease.
Do we know who the guy is? Was it intentional?
fucking dumb darkies. This cunt will get off no worries. And london will get burnt down by dune coons who were illegal cunts anyway. Fucking hitler this shit up.
pretty simple, kill all the muslims, black people and the jews. There won't be a whole lot of terrorism after that.
Apart from the whole killing your population thing xD
You think that is bad, check the average IQ in Ethiopia
The source is from an interview woman on the man's floor (the one whose door he knocked on), so far its the only story that's been produced as the authorities are treading on egg shells to prevent a riot from breaking out.
So in that regard, it isn't the official story, rather the only one that's been reported, it's not be corroborated for fear of a backlash, but I expect he is currently being looked for.
they dont count as people so it's not terrorism. I thought you would know what must be done silly kurwa
So just some random woman's hearsay? I guess Sup Forums accepts it though if it follows their narrative.
The truth doesn't matter, newfag.