Why are celts so weak?
Why are celts so weak?
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And worse for an area than soviets?
And so stupid?
And so envious of other peoples' hard-earned wealth?
Meibion Glyndŵr (Welsh pronunciation: [ˈməibjɔn ɡlɨnˈduːr], Sons of Glyndŵr) was a Welsh nationalist movement violently opposed to the loss of Welsh culture and language. They were formed in response to the housing crisis precipitated by large numbers of houses being bought by wealthy English people for use as holiday homes, pushing up house prices beyond the means of many locals. They were responsible for setting fire to English-owned holiday homes in Wales from 1979 to the mid-1990s.
And have such parasitic travellers?
Wrong image
And so liberal?
And make such bad priministers?
*Prime ministers
Behold the scottish masterrace.
Why is wales so white?
Wales is mostly a rural landscape of small towns and villages, what the fuck do you expect?
So Welsh people are very nationalistic and will actually do something about foreigners trying to replace us and that's somehow a bad thing, ok schlomo
Wales doesn't look very liberal there m8.
Can't rain on my parade faggot.
you are one lonely fucker
Looks beautiful daffyd
It is.
Yes, you're right. Looks beautiful.
Brittany has the lowest poverty rate of France
Also one of the smallest % of crime
Also the smallest unemployment rate
Also the best results at exams
Third time we have had this thread, d&c going into turbo mode.
Did Maev turn you down achmed?
Ever been?
Cardiff, Newport and Swansea have probably the highest number of non-whites yet still below the national average.
>Roman inspired ANGLO architecture
British Celts were romanized before the anglos dummy. The anglos came to Britain later as germanic heathens.
If you can build things that nice then why are you too stupid to rule yourselves
England should be independent. I hate people thinking there might be a c*lt behind posts.
That's not even Wales you faggots look at the paki kids. That's England somewhere.
Yes. I've been to Nefyn. It was there that I concluded that Welsh "people" were terrible.
You realise you are porbably 80% celtic like the rest of the english people.
There were only tens of thousands of saxons. No where near how many you would need to totally take over.
Celts are a pathetic and degenerate race of people, Even the Romans understood this.
Then thank God my ancestors assimilated to be Anglo.
Why are English so buttmad about Welsh people? What a bunch of sad cunts. The thing is, we couldn't give a flying fuck about you.
>why are you too stupid to rule yourselves
The kingdom of Gwynedd was the second-post roman kingdom to be established on the isles (established in 425) and one of the longest standing kingdoms in the isles before being defeated by the English in 1210. It lasted just under 800 years. Not bad if you ask me.
You are completely right my Friend.
wasnt there a study saying "celts" were more genetically distinct from each other than the english are from the scottish? so the idea of a celtic people is rubbish.
Yeah so? That's what makes us stronger than you. We breed more than you too and better stock. Stay mad you ugly fuck.
Hahaha you mad bro? Get the hint you ugly English troll. You're not welcome.
How do you delude yourself into thinking post-roman British Celts assimilated to Anglo culture? Do you know what Anglo culture was before you got here? You were quite literally barbarians, you were not romanized like the British Celts were, you assimilated to post-roman Celtic culture.
Sorry shitblood
arent most brits two thirds "celtic" including welsh and scots?
Celts were a warrior culture that dominated europe since the first iron age, for about 1000 years.
They are the backbone of the euro race.
And despite the so called poverty. We're still better than you, we still breed better stock than you. Our men and women are better than yours. Are you mad or what?
I have provided so many links that prove otherwise.
Now how are you gunna do that when we're dicking all your women?
Literally all of Lowland Scotland is Germanic as South-East England but okay.
You mean a hybrid masterrace
By moving there, like it says in the article.
I knew celts were stupid but really?
Then come to Wales mate and see for yourself. We're better than you and you know it. That's where all the butthurt comes from right? Because we don't care about you.
Anglo's deserves worse.
Which is why they are so disgusting.
>Move some people to scotland
>Ignore the fact that you are a minority in your capital and english girls are raped en masse.#
Gj anglo.
They are subhumans that were crushed by latins and nordics.
Yeah and be terrorised until you move away. You ain't replacing no one mate. You're too weak to fuck with us on our own turf. Sort yourself out you fucking pouf.
Nothing wrong with killing niggers lad.
Yes, spread this knowledge.
A gaelic revival will occur soon here in Ireland, all the best private schools are irish speaking ones so parents send their children to those. The waiting lists are so big parents have to sign up their children on birth, whilst they only go to attend at age 13.
y haplogroup means nothing. i have irish/"celtic" y haplogroup R1b L21 but am part slavic, french and english as well as irish. does my haplogroup make me a celt?
Fun facts, The Irish and Scottish are Spanish, not Cletic. If they knew their history, you wouldn't insult anyone.
>The latest research into Irish DNA has confirmed that the early inhabitants of Ireland were not directly descended from the Keltoi of central Europe. In fact the closest genetic relatives of the Irish in Europe are to be found in the north of Spain in the region known as the Basque Country. These same ancestors are shared to an extent with the people of Britain - especially the Scottish.
>One of the oldest texts composed in Ireland is the Leabhar Gabhla, the Book of Invasions. It tells a semi-mythical history of the waves of people who settled in Ireland in earliest time. It says the first settlers to arrive in Ireland were a small dark race called the Fir Bolg, followed by a magical super-race called the Tuatha de Danaan (the people of the goddess Dana).
>Most interestingly, the book says that the group which then came to Ireland and fully established itself as rulers of the island were the Milesians - the sons of Mil, the soldier from Spain. Modern DNA research has actually confirmed that the Irish are close genetic relatives of the people of northern Spain.
Alright, who were the smelly short brown people, and who were the tall impressive people that kicked their ass before the Spanish came in and overthrew them both?
If they attend at thirteen then they won't learn the language well.
Yeah so? British celts were making intricate gold trinkets too, way before the fucking saxons. not impressed tbqh.
>While it might seem strange that Ireland was populated from Spain rather than Britain or France, it is worth remembering that in ancient times the sea was one of the fastest and easiest ways to travel. When the land was covered in thick forest, coastal settlements were common and people travelled around the seaboard of Europe quite freely.
>The main difference is the degree to which later migrations of people to the islands affected the population's DNA. Parts of Ireland (most notably the western seaboard) have been almost untouched by outside genetic influence since hunter-gatherer times. Men there with traditional Irish surnames have the highest incidence of the Haplogroup 1 gene - over 99%.
And look on your map where the highest concentration of the language is spoken.
I know what they are like in the present.
They wuz Aybeerians n shiieet
Anglo Saxon princess getting rammed by paki cock.
In your brain.
Right now.
Yes so much more impressive.
I'm sometimes feeling like one of the last standing Celt. People around me vote for Parisian parties at polls and elections.
It was actually an Egyptian you uneducated Celt.
what.. Cornish isn't extinct? They teach it in some schools near me. At least 10000 people speak it.
Considering all the blood you listed there except Slav and most of English is Celtic, then yes, you are Celtic.
Asterix or Obelix?
>in 200bc
Really activates my almonds,
It was a paki doctor as well you daft cunt. How can little English dick compete? Lel
>33 posts by this ID
kys ahmed
It's what they believe. Sad.
it was declared extinct by the (((eu))), then people revived it and told them to fuck off.
A process to revive the language was begun in the early 20th century, with a number of orthographical systems in use until a Standard Written Form was agreed upon in 2008. In 2010 UNESCO announced that its former classification of the language as "extinct" was "no longer accurate".[7]
>Since the revival of the language, many Cornish textbooks and works of literature have been published and an increasing number of people are studying the language.[5] Recent developments include Cornish music,[8] independent films,[9] and children's books. A small number of people in Cornwall have been brought up to be bilingual native speakers,[10][11] and the language is taught in many schools.[12] The first Cornish language crèche opened in 2010
Yeah just googled it. I know some as well.
Kill yourself, celt defender.
It's also the 4th duplicate thread since yesterday.
Yes, northern Spain was culturally linked to southern UK. Probably the same people. Leave them activated.
It's dated at 150BC, it's generally accepted as one of the finest pieces of gold metalworking from antiquity. That torc basically represents the birth of an age of kingdoms and large tribes in the history of the British Isles. Yes, it is more impressive.
Oooohhh a muh heritage southener.
This is considered a divide and conquer tactic?
Color me amazed.
The "we wuz Germanic crowd
Fuck up you dirty nigger. What's the matter? She turned you down in favour of one of her own, did she? You English have always hated the fact we don't like you and want nothing to do with you. You're like parasitic niggers. No one wants you, no one likes you but you can't seem to understand why.
The average Celtic man
>need I say any more?
No, I've only made this thread once before.
England is the only reason your country isn't a huge bog right now. Also,why do you sound like you're drowning in phlegm whilst you talk?
I'm probably better looking than all the Anglos here, despite growing up in poverty. This is why they're so jelous of us. No amount of wealth can bring you good genes. Ugly salty cunts is what they are.
True Celtic song for your ears.
do you play rugby?
>Why are celts so weak?