Take refugees polen.
Take refugees polen
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I will beat up one Pole for every refugee they take
Dumb frogposter
I'm a Pole, and I approve of that message.
Would suck for you if you accidentally had a go at me, though, but feel free to try.
Why are you poles such niggers?
then give back the gibs and GTFO of the EU
t. Ahmed. Have a free goat.
No, the "gibs" are reparations for you fuckers destroying the economic growth we experienced in the 90's, all for (((German))) business concerns. Our idiot parents were basically duped into becoming a (((German))) colony, a dumping ground for subpar exports, not suitable for any other European market, and to this end our own manufacturing and Eastbound trade was destroyed through regulations and dumping tactics. And you have the gall to ask us for anything? Fuck you, my generation, and the next, will take you fuckers for all we can, and then we'll watch you implode under the weight of (((your))) insane, suicidal immigration policies.
In he end, we'll have he last laugh.
>this much butthurt belt power level
Poland deserves to get blacked
Why is he talking about defending himself? i don't know mate maybe he should just let the nice man take his things and fuck his wife
tell me about slovakia and lithuania?
What happened to that ultimatum?
>fuck his wife
In UK, Polan fuck your wife.
We're ethnic.
Oh look, this shill thread again.
Wtf are you talking about? They took two millions of ukrainians recently.
True Dimitri overthrowning putain when?
There are no refugees in Europe. As soon as they cross into Turkey, they cease to meet the definition of a refugee.
I think its pregnat
they are too white
white people cannot be refugees because reasons
can we take Kresy Wschodnie back? pretty please?
If refugees are so good, then why are (((they))) pushing them to us instead of hoarding them?
>Hurrr everyone who disagrees is ahmed
You're a pole in England but you don't want immigration for your own country. Kill yourself.
you compare guy who decided to become low paid "plumber" in UK and probaby is overworked and underpaid to guys who bring caliphate to europe, make no go zones and live from gibs, not working and breeding like rats
not really the same thing
Refugees are worse than the fine you might get.
Or you do it like Hungary: Fence them in. Build camps with high barbed wire fences for the fugees and don't allow them to leave those camps. It's totally your right to do so. After all, most terrorist of the last two years came as refugees.
So it's all about the white genocide after all?
nothing happened
>Implying poles don't live from gibs (eu gibs)
>So it's all about the white genocide after all?
yes it is and your numericals confirm it as well
no one gives a shit that we took all those ukrainians
all that matters is that everybody take refugees, but punishment falls on Poland, Czechy and Hungary
fuck that
you know nothing captain faggot
Are they going to change their goals since genetic technologies can make them as white as they wish so they can stop butthurting and trying to destroy who they envy?
>Confronted with the truth
>"You stupid reee"
no but they are realizing their meddling is causing Europe to fail miserably, going to lead to WW3, yep you heard it here first. Germany is going to start WW3.
your truth is a lie
Poland takes those gibs because you owe us anyway, for WW2 and for ruining our industry with your bullshit regulations
keep getting extinct, replaced by niggers
no, because ultimate goal of jew is removal of everyone who is not nigger
Agains who? Is it going to be civil world war this time?
No, they won't. And what u do about it, lmao.
And for two years Poland is net payer in EU, so they don't need eu funds anymore
Extend free refugee status to any white South African, you would cause a legendary Reeeeeeee from Germany, one for the history books.
Lol you just admitted you take gibs faggot.
Stop being lazy and making excuses.
That's a great idea which can turn Poland into a first world country overnight! Or it can cause a nuclear attack from Israel or whoever.
back to T_D
Im emberessed for my xenophobic country. no need to remaind me of that.
dude fuck off. the Eu is a jew corp anyway.
poles are only doing what we are all thinking.
Iceland aren't even in EU. Another polack diaspora shitting up every country. This is why we hate you.
We feed imigrants with pork dont know about slovakia
Refugees live way better in the west than they do in Lithunia, so nobody wants to come here.
those damn polacks,destroying everything!!!
If the refugees drink vodka and eat ham then Poland will consider taking them.
I won't buy Cyberpunk if you take rapefugees
we are full
Is there any country in Europe you haven't moved to?
is there any country in europe your country men havent moved to?stop being a retard
I just can't take as serious a post without flag.
is there any country in Evropa whose economy you havent utterly fucked
many keks will be had when that fucking disgusting blister pops and leads the euro into massive inflation because THE US OF MERICA ceases to buy their overpriced tin cans
fuck no digits
1 more
I can't take piss stained France seriously. You sad you didn't send enough shit gypsies to plague every country in Europe?
nyet kike bitch
>enough of it hasbara
Guize , fist of all sage your posts, It's full of sliders out there , don't reply at all, if it's a empty slider , just let it go so we focus on our proper Sup Forums material.
>sage the thread
Abort thread
cause we don't want to be a part of your jew corp you fuckwit.
You better be a tourist.
>is there any country in europe your country men havent moved to?stop being a retard
True poolak infestation is unstoppable
Unless we ask krauts to sort them out for good
Or proxy.
3%polish minority in Iceland detected
That's Russia dumbfuck
>Kresy Wschodnie
our current Eastern Poland is shitty enough, you want to make it even shittier? If anything, I say we give Russia some of our eastern territories
There. Make it like this and literally NOTHING of value would have been lost.
Poland has an awesome anthem
they tried for a thousand years and didn't succeed once
That quote in the pic. Which minister said this?
Fuck off with this cucked garbage
The woman who wrote this, Maria Konopnicka, is buried in Lwow.
Black is German Clay
Green is German-Prussian- Baltic- Lithuanian clay
Dark blue is Ukrainian clay
Yes, very, very fair of me not to have your poolakia to have destroyed completely
I can give you gibs back. But I've consumed them, and you have to dig in the toilet. Bon appetit.
zachodnopomorskie, lubuskie dolnoslaskie jest gorsze
Polish niggers aren't white
Maybe some other time my friend.
Good luck with that and maintaining an unstable European Union. Poland has been fucked around with very long by foreigners. After the fall of the USSR it finally reached its structure for an independent and sovereign country. We didn't get here just to be swallowed up by an unstable European Union.
I'm a pink guy. And only thing you can do is
suck my dicc faggot
polaks, jews and gypsies are known as migrants from 8/9'th centuries- more than 1000 years and have been causing havok in Europe ever since
This is why no one likes you, you've got no manners.
You're not civilised, man. Like the rest of us.
Kek EU cucked again
cry some more.
You'll be crying when you are forced to take in the refugees, gopnik.
Cry me a river
And seriously suck my dick, at least you'd stfu
I hate being a polack
Eveybody is so white and hardworking, makes me wanna vomit
You contribute fuck all to the union anyway. You wouldn't be missed.
>Wanting EU pozzed, STD ridden, nigger cum drenched mouth around your dick
>Hiding behind a false flag like some dump kid.
Drop that fake flag, faggot. Show your true colors.
>like silence isn't worth it
I can sacrifice, anyways condoms are nice for pazzed out niglets
>You contribute fuck all to the union anyway. You wouldn't be missed.
There goes another one :), how much EU can lose until its just Germany alone and surrounded by people that hate them from inside and outside.
No beating up for you then, buddy.
Working on that bottle of vodka maybe!
one and the same you fucking pussy