Did Russia hack the fucking election or not
We'll need to wait to see whether it was for or against Trumps campaign to find out.
There isn't a legit proof that Russia did hack the election, but it doesn't mean that Russia didn't influence the election.
hillary wasn't going to win anyway
Of course fucking not the notion is preposterous and any """evidence""" is forged by the deep state. back up and think about it for a second. it's a psyop, and a fucking retarded one.
no, Hillary's campaign people admitted they pushed this shit because she was incapable of taking the responsibility for her own failed campaign.
But that was forgotten, and then the media and political establishment began their shitfest
They changed the narrative from "hacked" to (((influenced))) the election. Russia supposedly influenced the election by making Twitter bots spreading fake news and by using a phishing scam to take Podesta's password. The Russians then used Podesta's email and leaked the contents it to WikiLeaks and making voters aware of the corrupt DNC.
The question isn't "Did the Russians interfere in the 2016 election". That question has been resolved with an unequivocal "yes".
The question now is "Did any Trump campaign staffers collude with the Russians to sabotage the Clinton campaign", and if so, how many?
Don't let the right cloud the issue.
>The question isn't "Did the Russians interfere in the 2016 election". That question has been resolved with an unequivocal "yes".
But what is the proof?
No one ever gives proof, they just say their side is right
They supported Trump. They actively made anti hillary and pro trump reports in Russian state owned media. It was pro Trump propaganda by the state.
But so what? The msm was actively anti trump and had actual collision with the democratic party and of course a country is going to be supportive of a candidate when the other candidate is trying to scape goat your country.
The whole story is Basicly Russia was pro trump because hillary was anti Russia.
If you think Russia can hack the electoral college you're fucking retarded.
Nobody thinks that
>There isn't a legit proof that you did rape your sister but it doesn't mean that you didn't rape your sister
Leftists do.
What has Russia gained IF they did? I don't see Trump doing anything for Putin or Russia other than kissing up to them a little.
yes. there's huge fucktons of proof going to be released in 2018
Influencing the election can also mean spreading fake news and propaganda. I still think it's just a bullshit excuse for Clinton's laughable defeat
He's not as agressive on foreign policy as Clinton, so from the Russian POV Trump was the better choice
They hacked the Democratic party HQ, Nuclear war is the only answer because we are a two-party system.
i seriously doubt it because here we are year later (depending on who you ask) and still no proof they did anything but sit back and laugh. the only evidence of ""collusion"" seen so far has come from the dems in denying Bernie a shot at the nomination an AG Lynch meeting with Ole Bill on a airport tarmac during an open investigation in to Hillary's emails which closed soon after and the AG telling Comey to call her investigation a "matter" to match a benign narrative put forth by the hags campaign. horseshit...every single bit of it
Why would they.
The US president is just a puppet.
See how Obongo didn't even have the power to close Gitmo and Drumpff can't even get a travel ban or a wall setup.
As Putin said, presidents and parties come and go but the foreign policy is always the same.
No. It was an insider. Julian Assange has said it wasn't Russia and Craig Murray has said he knows who did it, and it wasn't a Russian. It was an insider. Probably an intelligence agency insider who had access to the tools that could spoof foreign attacks. That is the reason why people like James Clapper, a known liar, was out pushing the Russia narrative. He didn't want people knowing that a rogue intelligence agency employee could so easily abuse their powers to influence something so important as a presidential election.
are you retarded?
There are more ways to influence an election not just hacking
yeah right.. with all the fucking leaking if there was even a smidgen of real evidence we wouldve seen it by now .
the only """proof"""" would be if the FBI got to investigate the DNC computers. they were not allowed to do so
therefore there is no proof
they hired CrowdStrike which was co-founded by a Russian expat with Ukrainian ties to look into the DNC hack .which probably wasnt a hack my money is on a insider leak or my password is password
Up is down and black is white if an 'official' says so
Um no sweetie. The Russians didn't influence anything, you just picked the most corrupt candidate in history. Better luck next time.
Such as?
i influenced the election by shitposting on Sup Forums
the dems argument is nothing but a circle-jerk of semantics
The dems send people to other countries to run their fucking puppet campaigns, they should just change the name to hypocrite party or the double standard party and at least be honest for once
why did it matter if russian info influenced the election? we didn't fall for blatant lies from msm therefore russian leaks were bad?
influence is a buzzword
B-but King Obama said it wasn't possible and that eberyone claiming it was possible were just being whiners?!
>Leaks show that Hillary interfered with the DNC election to fuck over Sanders
>Leaks show Hillary takes millions from Qatar in an obvious collusion with pro-terrorist groups that benefits {{other groups}}
>"OMG I can't believe someone leaked this information and HACKED our election!!!! It's unacceptable and immoral to expose the crimes of our leaders!!"
How dumb are americans?
>Obama gives a public statement saying Macron is much better than Le Pen
>According to mister E/+CpuNc, Obama just hacked the French election
If the country which faked moon landing , made jet fuel melt steel beams , make thousand of terrorist false flags everyday , control isis , have a orbital weapon that destroy north Korean missiles everytime, stole the German nazi scientists and Japanese camp experimentations after ww2 , injected cancer to communist and Islamic leaders with micro fly robots cannot prevent Ivan from hacking their computer then it means they've really lost their skills
Were there any pro-Clinton interferences?
This is fake news
Inb4 Breitbart
Dey changed duh narrative from duh Russia hack to da Russia influence durrr I luv drump and can't dink critically Maga Maga Maga Russia is our friend y u Dems can't accept Dat drump and Putin are friends duuuuuuuu Maga Maga maha
Trump hacked America
the entire election was just a hack to get into the White House
Yeah like protest in Trump rallies and Clinton being friends with the guy who makes the voting machine