>walk into store
>see this
what do?
>walk into store
>see this
what do?
Lube up dad's anus and pound him.
leave store
wash face, hands and eyes
>what do?
Feel a sense of relief knowing the father will slowly drink himself to death knowing he failed as a parent and that the kid will be used as a cum dumpster and eventually contract HIV.
loudly ask an employee if they see faggots
What are the odds that guy is paying child support and getting his once a month visit?
>Get Shotgun
>Kill the scum
The dad's a good guy, should be proud to support his son, but tell him to stop being a fairy.
What are the odds he molested the gay into him?
Tell the dad he failed as a father. Not because his son is gay, but because he's a fucking candy ass.
Could he at least not become a total faggot? I know that young men want some sort of identity, but that's one step too far.
>what do?
fpbp: so I'd let all the gay redstar aussies fuck all the homo men, fag boys (18+ Ofc) and sheep as they see fit.
Blast out a big fart as I walk by for their olfactory pleasure. Those guys just love poop.
That solve anything until we youthanize the faggots and purify the streets too.
Checked and no.
>This predicament that the left finds itself in can be illustrated by a derogatory colloquialism held by the right for the left, snowflake. Upon descent to the earth, the snowflake is a unique ice crystal where no two are alike. But once the snowflake touches the ground it mixes with all the rest losing its individual identity and collectively forming a uniform mass.
>So too do liberal snowflakes lose their identity when clumping together under the fear and pressure of solitude. The loss of identity has been so severe, in fact, that it has manifested into an exaggerated obsession with identity due to the loss of it. Much of the liberal political platform has shifted towards identity politics encapsulating racial identity and sexual identity with an ever-growing grotesque list of genders.
easy ahmed, you're not in sandniggercountry anymore
disgusted face and go on about my business, no reason to waste time on subhumans
The fat guy doesn't have any kids. He's a queer who gets matching father son T-Shirts for himself and his 13 year old boyfriends, so he can get away with touching and hugging them in public. Homosexuals are cunning.
Why would you be proud of your genetic dead end of a son? This is why I plan to have lots of kids, incase one of them is gay or something.
If you have one kid in this day and age with all the gay propaganda going around, you're pretty much playing Russian Roulette with your lineage.
The whole point of gay pride is to be as sexually promiscuous and degenerate as possible. It is taking pride in having anal and oral sex with other men. All the so-called traits and signals of gays are essentially mating rites displaying to others that they are in heat and want to engage in intercourse. The more flamboyant a faggot is the more attention they get, which in turn exposes them to more opportunities for fucking.
I'm not surprised you know so much about fag culture and behavior.
Sure, I don't mind my child sporting a t-shirt that reads "gay as fuck." Totally respectable.
"I'm sorry we don't sell HIV medication here"
It's so hard being a small cute blue-eyed essentially bisexual lad with wholesome morals and virginity still in tact. People like this make my affections seem gross when they're so pure..
Ah so these are the people who keep making "kekistan cringe threads"
Not even worth my time for debate.
Stay as far away from them both as possible to avoid contracting HIV.
God damn it, why the fuck are faggots worshiped so fucking much?
Das a gud eye-dea
spread the good word of Christ and sage jewbait like this
why are you assuming they're actually father and son rather than a couple of gay fetishists?
>*under breath* degenerates
>excuse me, you said something?
>k, have a good day sir
probably some cult dad. Like JIM JONES
>in a rich West country
that's not his real dad, it's his lover
They're so degenerate it's probably both.
lol beat me to it.
Its not his "biological father" its his "daddy" which is a phrase in the gay community where two gays are in a relationship and one is significantly older than the other, the younger gay calls the older one "daddy"
You realize that's not what his shirt means by "Dad" right?
Can I wash your dick?
Can you faggots learn how to reverse image search and then talk you backward mongolian shitbirds? Fuck, man.
Clickbaiters into archive
Based Norway
I have zero problems with Normal looking, functional Fag, they are good people and deserve to be respected.
I have a big problem with this kind of fag. The Stereotype kind. They are so bland and uninteresting that they start acting like "That Gay guy who makes sure everyone around him is aware that he is gay"
Turn 360 degrees and walk away
>woah so proud of muh faggot son
Funny how parents of normal children never have to proclaim how ''proud'' they are that their boy likes grills.
These fucking faggots couldn't make it any more obvious that the reason they have to put on this ridiculous act is that they are ashamed to have produced a fucking genetic failure.
No one is proud to have normal child. It's just normal. Everyone who tells you they are proud of their son for being gay is a liar.
I hate these people so much.
>piratefaggot has to be a wet blanket and ruin the joke
Thanks a lot fag.
Why is he wearing a gay alf shirt?
This is a perfect description of the ancient Greek principle that...
>men become revolutionaries for personal reasons
Give them a sideways glance and a chuckle, mostly to shame the dad.
>holy shit dude my fucking sides lloolollo XDDDD
>not being allowed to laugh at anything
I bet you're fun at parties.
hysterically laugh
I laugh at all funny things.
Don't care because I am not a sensitive, disenfranchised labour worker who would lose their shit over something so unsubstantial and unrelated to my own life. Sup Forums really is retarded.
That dad looks like a guy who goes on craigslist for casual man on man encounters
Is that the guy that plays Cassidy in Preacher?
"Hey happy fathers day! Have a good one guys!"
No idea. I just thought it fitting.
If you see that it would be the perfect time to an hero
Welcome to /polgb/:
discord dot gg/YX58v
There's a reason you degenerates are the most diseased, depressed, suicidal, and drug-addled demographic on planet earth--while being the smallest demographic on planet earth.
So much not this
Like Blade, sometimes it takes a vampire to hunt a vampire. With Pence, sometimes it takes a faggot to hunt a faggot.
Buy groceries
>He believes this
>smallest demographic on Earth
Maybe he has several other straight sons who will give him grandkids so he doesn't care that one son won't continue the line.
>less than 2% of the American population
>same trend around the world
I love how at no point in time do any of these degenerates think "Man, maybe I'm not supposed to stick my dick where poop comes from."
That is the most idiotic explain for gays' identifying with this toxic movement. Their participation in this crap makes the average person turn in disgust.
>Murica is ober fiddy puh-cent of duh pop-u-muh-lation of the world brudder!
>Lemme pull dis 'ere random stat outta muh ass feller!
>They are diseased and durpressed muh dude !
Too bad proctologists don't call the punctured, hanging bowel from the result of sodomy, "gay bowel syndrome" anymore. They got too much flak from the shrieking cultural iconoclasts.
Turn 360 degrees and walk away.
>what is the CDC and WHO
Most vampire hunters aren't vampires. Most fag hunters aren't fags.
Blade isn't a vampire.
Also, when you think of vampire hunter you think Van Helsing.
there's literally nothing wrong with homosexual pedoincest by the way, why does Sup Forums care about what a boy and his dad do at home?
I suppose that's why homosexual men are three times more likely per capita to abuse post-pubescent boys.
>2% of population
>40%+ of the child abuse
You're taking it out of context, retard. It doesn't explain why fags turn into fags, it describes how obsessed people in the left are with identity because they have none. It's like the faggot that has to drive big trucks and act extra macho because he's insecure or lacking in real masculinity.
One, final solution
You sound like a faggot desu.
No one cares that you don't care. Call me a faggot one more time and I'll suck your fucking cock tell me how much of a faggot I am then you lil bitch
fake and gay
More seriously, every pride other than white is okay and even considered glorious ... FFS ...
Suck it, faggot.
> tumblr
you're banned
I'll cup the balls and work the shaft
>360 degrees
That's a full circle you fucking idiot.
Film it and show me what a faggot it you are, make it pov too.
I'm more pissed off at people using "AF" than being gay
"as fuck" is used in great effect to exclaim something. when you abbreviate it, it loses all power
>sent this to my dad
>our bloodline will continue