What would an Ancap society actually be like?
What would an Ancap society actually be like?
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Just play Eve Online
haha good one
True AnCap is sadly impossible due to human nature, the closest we can hope for is an ultraminimal state - aka state does ONLY security and justice functions and that's it.
only those with ultra violence and aggression
would stand a chance of survival
the weak
the non violent
95% of millennials
these people would die
fuck the weak
cannibalism would reign supreme
this is no joke
I would enjoy purring weak genes from society
Pretty much what you see in Somalia and Afghanistan. Warlords rule, kill whom they like, and the one making the most money stealing, murdering, dealing drugs gets to be the biggest warlord.
No laws, no Churches, simple hunter-gatherer or farming lifestyle, only people you can be dependant on are you family and close friends.
Basically Varg's wet dream.
This degenerate makes me rage every time I see him
yeah because a state will stay small after you give it monopoly control of "just" the army and courts
This is Ancap reality.
waifu vending machines
potato's and vegetables on the street
Terrible. You have ultra mega op late game Capitalism mixed with Anarchy ... what do you think is going to happen?
Well pure anarchism (even of the anarcho-capitalist variety) would devolve into chaos very quickly and would rapidly give rise to tyranny far worse than a minimal state, warlords would claim absolute power and then you're fucked.
What do you propose then?
Probably there would be more need for church. Charity and community were replaced by the state.
the novel "Snow Crash" by Neal Stephenson is set in an ancap society.
>high tech everywhere
>Cosa Nostra, Inc.
>federal government only sets rules to be followed inside federal buildings
>gated communities are the largest units still having rules. enforcement is contracted out to Cosa Nostra, Inc.
>parallel tollways, snipers sometimes shoot at cars driving on the competitor's road
>otoh pizza delivery is always on time, because it's done by Cosa Nostra, Inc., and it is not even known what happens to the delivery boy who arrives late.
Pic related. It would basically be trash.
>no Churches
Churches are voluntary
you forgot
>no white people
>Don't initiate force
What does this mean? Are you implying that Somalians live in peace and do not fight among themselves?
This picture you posted is clearly brainlet-bait.
Why would the militias serve only one client when the money is in serving multiple clients at the same time? I don't know anyone rich who has only one client.
Are you pretending to be so dumb to think that companies will actually burn resources in unnecessary levels of security and this somehow won't end with them losing their initial market? You understand that without patents and forced monopoly, there's no fucking way to create a product so superior to the competition that you can afford such practice?
Anyway, even if the company owner was so dumb, how could this militia overpower McMilitia TM who has millions of customers and wayyyyy more resources? How would they prevent temporary association of peaceful militias to destroy your private one? Do you think the owner of Zara is not more rich than the owner of a suits company that only works for the president of the US?
Like this.
They wouldn't post shit tier ancap balls
>ancap evolves into Shadowrun
It maybe, and that's a big maybe, could have worked several hundred years ago before the advent of technology.
But with money.
criticism of ancap society stems from a lack of imagination
it takes an hour to dismantle hyperbole and misconceptions and by then nobody is interested in talking anymore
an obvious example would be roads. Despite private roads existing for quite some time at every level of complication, the brainlets have turned a libertarian meme lampooning a lack of imagination to a literal argument
it's not worth it to argue with such idiots on the merits because they are not capable of doing so
as leftism has learned, it's infinitely more useful to solely criticize your opponents and harmful to do anything else
No, I'm implying that unless there are consequences for initiating force people will do it.
>pure anarchism would devolve
not necessarily, I'm not an anarchist but that sort of thing would stem from a bad transition period or something
Somalia is a war torn country (thanks Soviets) with an average IQ of 70. No system could work in such environment.
>burger education
>my magical perfect governmental system works
>except when it doesn't
Wouldn't the magical invisible hand og Go- the market just fix this problem, like it fixes all the other ones?
It would be a dictatorship because Anarchy is inherently unsustainable.
>Robert G. Patman
>The Soviet Union in the horn of Africa
Read, milka nigger
literal retards
somalia is a failed state, when you start with a failed state, it doesn't magically get better overnight
that said, parts of somalia were improving while it was a failed state
it isn't a good example of anarchy, just like any war torn country
So "nuh-huh"? Aight.
It would be incredible, technological, prosperous & moral.
You're going to have an Uber style innovation in every aspect of life; education, power generation, hospitality, peace keeping & collective defense and I can't wait to see what people could come up with.
It's going to be so cheap to live that you won't be worrying about your electricity bills anywhere near as much as we do now, we won't be worrying about being blocked from entering the labour force through ridiculous regulations and we're going to have real communities again. Community based welfare, community based socializing and communities that really represent people and their diverse preferences. Even the way the communities are built as far as town planning is going to be incredible, think Shenzhen China & Dubai style innovation and diversity.
It's going to be a lot more peaceful, I mean you can't have Ancap without a culture of liberty & natural rights and one of self responsibility crossed with social cooperation. We won't be arguing about petty shit by going to the council to fuck over our neighbours when they build a fence or a swimming pool it'd be way too pointless and costly to do that. People will be able to protect themselves or each other should they wish it. No more fanaticism around flags, chants & rituals except when it comes to meaningless shit like sports teams that don't lead to millions dying.
It won't be Utopian by any means but the stark difference is that we've grown up with so much stagnation that the real progress will feel utopian just because we haven't experience what other generations have experienced.
It would be good mate and I'd love to be that out of touch old prick telling kids how good they've got it, telling them horror stories about government wars and government regulations so ridiculous no one believes you, so far fetched from the future reality that people think you're senile for warning that it could happen again.
>Why would the militias serve only one client when the money is in serving multiple clients at the same time?
Because conflict of interest. Would you risk pissing off and losing your highest paying client for a group of poor people? Not in a free market.
Why not just have corp wars? You don't even have to have the best products, you just need more resources and manpower. Then you just wage war on your competitors and whoever supports them.
medieval feudalism
To be honest, it probably would be chaos and would be over before the chaos even has a chance to settle
>Would you risk pissing off and losing your highest paying client for a group of poor people? Not in a free market.
And how many of these companies that have conflict of interest and client exclusivity instead of global market are in the top 500 fortunes? That was my fucking point.
>Why not just have corp wars?
Because most people would not support burning their own resources in war.
Would you pay 2x for an insurance that was going around killing innocent people or pay 1x for an insurance that just protected your interests?
Seriously, next time before you reply, try to think beyond the first tier of consequences. It's pathetic that I'm having to explain this shit.
Think about an unstable element that decays within seconds because it has too many protons.
THATS NOT __PURE ELEMENTAL X__, that's what happens seconds later because it's so unstable it decays into it.
Dang, I guess you are right. Except sustainability and stability are a few important factors in any society that isn't a theoretically one.
it wouldn't ever work, anarchy is devoid of government of any kind. And as such society would fall to shit until the strongest group took control. Remove the snatch concept and it's the same as communism with as its logical end is a corporate monopoly running the show instead of the state.
*anarchy not snatch
They call us autists but funnily enough, autists can only realize concepts through observation, they have a much harder time with abstract thought than normal people.
Libertarianism and anarcho capitalism require major capabilities for abstract thinking as you described.
Must be pretty shitty having to pay whores to take pics with you but not being able to actually fuck them.
Without rules alliances form and resources are pooled because there are no real rules.
So you have this delusion that people are unaware or unable to organize.
Soon one megacorp would rise and dominate and could easily crush any would be competition and defectors.
Then it doesn't matter how skilled you are you will either join the winning team or be crushed if you ever dare to compete against them.
I'd pay 2x for any product if you pay 1x and get placed on a list and slaughtered in your home. You think without laws corporations would remain friendly? It's more profitable to be absolutely ruthless.
why cant he fuck them?
>you can judge any system immediately after being under another system and a failed one at that
lol "kekistan" indeed bro
>compares the decay that happens after the fact with protons with the decay that happens beforehand and otherwise shows signs of recovering stability
really microwaves my hotpockets
>sustainability and stability are important
and what does this have to do with the transition periods between societies? what about after war time? is the german government of today unstable because it once was at some point?
I mean are you really arguing that if you can't recover 100% instantly once you're officially x society, it means x society doesn't work?
really retarded if you are
btw I'm not even anarcho capitalism for my own reasons, but these are pretty low tier retarded arguments you have
Life tm
>get placed on a list and slaughtered in your home
So like governments are doing now?
Arguments like yours come up a lot, and they tell so much about you as a person.
When you imagine anarchy, you imagine slaughtering innocent people. Is that what you would do if you had any power? Is that why you support governments, so they do the slaughtering for you?
You see, when ancaps think of anarchy, they think of productive work, innovation and buying stuff with bitcoin.
All this talk of slaughter, domination and shit is so fucking pathetic and shows how degenerate people have become because of government subversion.
>so like governments are doing now
99% of their criticisms desu
if anything anarchy would have new problems but these retards have no imagination
I knew my choice of flag would trigger you.
But you and every other AnCap repeatedly fail to explain why Somalia isn't the AnCap paradise in any way that doesn't show exactly why your system is unworkable.
>Somalia has all the same laws as AnCapistan, I.E. none
>Somalia should be AnCapistan
>It is not
>This is because of some intrinsic property of "niggers" specifically
>Not because of anything else
>Warlords totally would never happen among the gentlemen of white pigmentation.
Further you seem to claim that AnCapistan will never arise organically, as it requires a society fat and rich on the spoils of modernity for it to be "stable" and not turn into Somalia
And then we haven't even gotten to the part where you would literally be powerless in AnCapistan, because even if you specifically happen to be a millionaire, the richest people in the world have the money required to buy every single business in your AnCapistan paradise and turn it into a de-facto state with themselves as the supreme leaders, leading directely back to more or less the same system we have today with less comforts within few years of you complete gobshites flipping the "AnCap Switch".
>compares the decay that happens after the fact with protons with the decay that happens beforehand and otherwise shows signs of recovering stability
Are you even attempting to speak English or just copy pasting English words together?
You certainly did not comprehend the point.
>A failed state isn't true AnCap
>AnCap is inheriently unstable due to lawlessness
>States fail or shift into tyranny which are both much more stable
So just because it doesn't fail within seconds it must be perfectly sustainable. Got it.
A border ever hundred meters.
Friendly reminder that Somalia is the corpse of a failed socialist republic and its living standards have actually increased since the government lost control.
Anarchy is unstable. You can balance a lot of rocks in some interesting shapes or build a house of cards, but you simply need to slam a first on a table and the whole thing collapses.
The sad truth is that if there is no governing body of power that is capable of enforcement then one you may not appreciate will rise, or you will live through the problems of lawlessness.
Utopian societies can exist in theory if every member is hand picked and perfect. In reality people's LCD brings us down to the very brink of our own destruction. Humanity is the only flaw that destroyed most theoretical societies because people truly are ruthless murderers who dominate and slaughter each other. You simply need to look at historic civilizations or to failed states to understand rules are the only thing that keep the majority of people decent. The risk of punishment enforced by a power.
A jewish hellscape designed to torture whites. Ancap is fucking jewish after all, proper white libertarianism is Georgian.
>Further you seem to claim that AnCapistan will never arise organically
never implied that autist
>Somalia isn't the AnCap paradise in any way that doesn't show exactly why your system is unworkable.
not an ancap, but you confuse a set of rules in place with their realized equilibrium. even if it were ancap paradise, said paradise wouldn't be realized the quarter of a second after implementation, or in this case, failure of another form of government
>last paragraph is just a simplified rant with common simplistic criticisms
all of that autism didn't go to any of my points and I'll reiterate I'm not an ancap
>Somalia (/səˈmɑːliə, soʊ-, -ljə/[6][7][8] so-MAH-lee-ə; Somali: Soomaaliya; Arabic: الصومال aṣ-Ṣūmāl), officially the Federal Republic of Somalia[1] (Somali: Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya, Arabic: جمهورية الصومال الفيدرالية Jumhūrīyat aṣ-Ṣūmāl al-Fidirālīyah), is a country located in the Horn of Africa. It is bordered by Ethiopia to the west, Djibouti to the northwest, the Gulf of Aden to the north, the Indian Ocean to the east, and Kenya to the southwest. Somalia has the longest coastline on Africa's mainland,[9] and its terrain consists mainly of plateaus, plains and highlands.[3] Climatically, hot conditions prevail year-round, with periodic monsoon winds and irregular rainfall.[10]
>Somalia has an estimated population of around 16.3 million.[4] Around 85% of its residents are ethnic Somalis,[3] who have historically inhabited the northern part of the country. Ethnic minorities are largely concentrated in the southern regions.[11] The official languages of Somalia are Somali and Arabic, both of which belong to the Afroasiatic family.[3] Most people in the country are Muslim,[12] with the majority being Sunni.[13]
Somalia isn't the Ancap paradise because it has nothing to do with ancap. It's a state with a communist histroy and filled with muslims. It's literally the opposite of ancap and has never attempted any ancap policies or philosophies.
It's also not an ancap paradise because ancaps do not attempt to create a paradise. We just want to be left alone from murdering, thieving fuckheads.
It's also clear that you don't have any fucking clue about owning or running a business. I happen to own two. Please explain to me how I can turn them into de-facto states with me as the supreme leader.
I had more productive conversations with my uncle who had downs. Seriously. These people are beyond retarded.
>you didn't comprehend the point
you're comparing a fucking atoms instability, which is insanely different to society, and I did my best to use your retarded analogy
>So just because it doesn't fail within seconds it must be perfectly sustainable. Got it.
you retards are incapable of understanding logic
nowhere did I claim ancap would be sustainable or successful, and "just because it doesn't fail within seconds" has quite literally nothing to do with what I said and doesn't resemble my point at all
the point was that you cannot judge the merits of a society immediately upon it beginning, *****including***** whether or not it is sustainable
>a failed state isn't true ancap
A transition period isn't representative of any system
>ancap is inherently unstable due to lawlessness
even if this were true, you couldn't gleam that out of somalia
>that's not ancap that's something else
never said it wasn't ancap, and I specifically mentioned germany to this point
can you actually read?
>Utopian societies can exist in theory
Ancap is not an utopian society and ancaps do not attempt to create utopia. I dont see why this is so hard to understand for most people.
The ultimate end of ancap is freedom and self ownership. It's not space travel, it's not equality, it's not ethnic purity, it's not transhumanism, it's not imperialism or white supremacy. Ancap goal is not for everyone to have an iPhone, a sexbot and to never have to work again.
We literally just want to live free and make our own decisions. That is all we attempt.
>Anarchy is unstable
woopdi fucking doo. So is government. Maybe live is just fucking unstable. How is this an argument?
>humanity is the only flaw
Which is exactly why ancap is the only logical system. It lets people pursue their rational self interests, whatever those may be. It is the only system that can turn human flaws into producivity and innovation.
this has to be the most idiotic conversation I've ever had in my entire life
I've argued the same point with a communist and even that mentally deficient retard was capable of understanding what a fucking transition period is
I mean for christ sake, do you think when america adopted the constitution we instantly changed? the supreme court barely even fucking existed
>this has to be the most idiotic conversation I've ever had in my entire life
What baffles me the most is this:
No matter where you go in the world, people will almost always hate politicians, or at least have very strong contempt towards politicians in general.
They do like some individual politicians, but the general consensus seems to be that politicians are generally disliked.
Why is it then, that they can not entertain the thought of doing away with these systems? It's almost shizo.
The main point of contention is that there is nothing to prevent anarchy from collapsing back into a government system or likely something even worse. You have yet to present an argument for refuting It's nice you think of productive work and innovation and bitcoins when you think of anarchy. But obviously not everyone is going to be like that. There is no shortage of power hungry ruthless sociopaths in the world. What exactly is preventing the rise of a mega corporation lead by exactly those types of people? Once they've got their private army in place you can kiss your anarchy goodbye. So understandably people feel hesitant to trade in the present government, shitty as it may be, for a state of affairs that might turn out even worse.
Bringing up Somalia is the cuckiest thing you can do. You're saying environmental factors are the reason Somalians are doing so bad. Would you also apply that logic to niggers living in the west or does their genetic makeup have more to do with why they're subhuman?
I guess Somalia would be a superpower if only it was a statist regime despite having an average IQ of 70. The definition of mental retardation is anyone with an IQ under 70. You expect a country where the AVERAGE person is a legally retarded nigger to do well under a certain political system.
I hate bureaucracy. No skill pen pushers' jobs depend on government bureaucracy, legislation and regulation. Fucking cut the cancer of these made up jobs out of society.
Anarcho based governments eventually develop into authoritarian ones.
I guess "anarchocapitalists" would viciously compete and then eventually develop corporations which monopolize everything until the government and all industry becomes part of a single massive corporation owned by a Rothschild-like kike. So much for that economic freedom.
Politicians are hated for any variety of reasons, but I assume it boils down mostly to:
Politicians are powerful and enjoy high status while Joe Sixpack feels powerless and low status. Politicians are perceived as slimy scumbags who will say and do anything to preserve that power and high status. Politicians are perceived to use their power and status mostly for personal gain instead of the good of Joe Sixpack and the general public who got them elected.
If you do away with politicians, these feelings are pretty much certain to shift to whoever is powerful and high status in the new world. CEOs for example. Heck, certain CEOs and businessmen are held in strong contempt already and I can only imagine it getting worse in ancapia.
What is there to prevent a government system from collapsing? It seems to me that most government systems are headed that way.
If there is no shortage of power hungry ruthless sociopaths, would it be wise to provide them with centralized power structures, nuclear weapons and large standing armies to subvert, like we are doing now?
Or would it perhaps be wiser to have a system where such people can actually be punished by market forces?
Do you think a Merkel could create anything valuable, and rise to a position of power on her own? Do you think Trump would be anybodies concern right now, if there simply had been no position of all powerful POTUS for him to grab?
I'll tell you what would prevent the rise of a mega corporation. Competition. But even if a mega corp would arise, I will tell you what will stop them from creating a private army to enslave the people. Profit and common sense.
Why exactly would a corp like, say, Amazon, making hundreds of billions by serving the people, suddenly change their entire business model to start using violence? Do you have any idea how difficult and expensive that would be? Where would they find the hundreds of thousands of thugs, willing to engage in violence against innocent people, to form their private army?
What sense would there be in investing billions of dollars to create an army to then steal from the people or kill your competition, when you could invest those same billions of dollars to create superior products and grow your profits?
What might the result be if a company suddenly decided to engage in violence? What effect would that have on the market?
Remember the american airlines incident. It took only one person getting roughed up, and American Airlines lost over a billion in shares in one single day. That is "the invisible hand", that is market force.
everybody would be autistic
Competition and monopolies are mutually exclusive.
>CEOs and businessmen are held in strong contempt already
An image cultivated by the second handers, aka politicians. Are there contemptible CEOs or outright evil ones? Most certainly. But most likely, those are involved in politics anyway.
Maybe, without politicians, Joe Sixpack will get a job in the countless new businesses starting up and actually earn money and make a decent life for himself.
Also, once you do away with the concept of government as we know it, which boils down to institutionalized violence, you can do away with all the "perks" it comes with.
There would be no need for large standing armies, alphabet agencies or presidents.
Small private covenant-based communities. Like thousands of Liechtensteins and other modern "microstates"
>if everyone was just nice to eachother AnCap would work
that's also true of communism you retard
if effective all white
a living hell
>gassing the saviour of the white race
trust isn't something ancap fags propose, it's that the market will force mutually beneficial behavior
>What exactly is preventing the rise of a mega corporation lead by exactly those types of people?
The same thing that prevents modern states from rising that way.
>plunder the booty of a McShip
>sail into another corporate zone
>pay 5% of loot for the toll
>escape while McNavy is mobilizing and preparing to pay the toll for entry into the McZone
>fire nuke cannon at McZone
I have a few of pic related
The entirety of human fucking history shows you why this is mind-breakingly retarded as an outlook
those who'se living standards were bad when the government was in controll died shortly after it lost controll, but killing poor people isn't actually increasing the living standards
no system with large communities runs on trust retard
literally fallout like communities struggling for survival
ofc you'll have nigger hordes roaming the lands trying to raid these white settlements. Whites will be trapped and genocided just like what happened in Zimbabwe when the "evil statist government" fell and anarchy and niggers took over.
>get up in the morning
>uppity communist covenant decided to declare war
>their truck breaks down because lmao no roads
>mow them down with my helicopter
it runs on fear from the government, it's what forces companies to pay you more than a moldy loaf of bread and what forces thugs not to shoot people, fear is what people need to survive in large numbers, throughout history it was fear of god, but people don't believe in god anymore, the government therefor do god's work and strike fear into the hearts of the wicked
>not 99% white ideology
Pick one.
no roads