>be american
>go to prison for literally no reason
Be american
Other urls found in this thread:
>be american
>go to court
>judge owns prison
>go to prison
>get shot
Gotta break a few eggs to make an omelette.
>be america
>drink a half-glass of wine at dinner
>7 years in a maximum security prison
What omelette
>Be The Expert
>Be total twink
What is it? one or two percent of their total population is in prison.
So much for the leader of the free world
Kiddult alert
Do they even get any compensation for this shit? Or is it just "haha sorry senpai I know you wasted half yoru life in prison but shit happens lmao"
>be american
>get raped in prison
>Detroit man
So a nigger. Even if he didn't commit the crime he was convicted of, he surely committed many others
>Be Australian
>be owned by a bird
ye.. sorry lol
Well there is a simple reason. They turned prisons into as business (as many other things). And by this of course need a permanent influx of new "cattle" too feed the prison-industrial-complex and keep it up and running. And so the offenses for getting jail time need to be gradually lowered more and more.
Heck, even forced labor isn't off the table by doing this. So the US is pretty much on par with for instance east Germany (when it was still behind the iron curtain).
That's one reason. But the American prison system had a massive boom in the 70's after the war on drugs started. The private prisons only made it worse. In fact, we may be reaching critical mass seeing as how states have finally started to legalize marijuana.
>be american
>come back bloody and bruised from war, missing limbs
>go to grab a drink with the boys
>turns out you're only 18
>life destroyed and sent to prison island for eternity
Was he black? If so there was probably a reason, just not the one he went to court for.
a minor in possession is a misdemeanor, at 18, you really shouldn't have a bunch of priors so it would get dismissed with court costs ACOD after 6/12 months (adjudicated with contemplation of dismissal) maybe 165 dollars. With priors you might get probation but only because your behavior shows you are escalating your criminal behavior ie you are a fuck up.
>be American
>live in poverty
He's going to sue for like 10,000,000 and then retire. Not a bad deal if you ask me.
no amount of money could convince me to live in an american prison for 41 years
>Sent to jail for crimes they didn't commit
I agree. We can't just release every monkey from prison.
Usually they sue and get some compensation, but no amount of money can take away 40 years of ass rape.
>life destroyed and sent to prison island for eternity
>prison island
Top Kek.
Foreigners still think Alcatraz is still open.
Invite the third world, become the third world.
This is called an error, you utter retard. Cases like this are extremely rare, and only happen due to the massive amount of incarceration in the first place (mostly due to nig-related crimes). No wonder you lost a war to literal birds.
>Be Australian
>Lose war against flightless birds
Didn't they had fingerprints and DNA back then? It was around that time when such things were invented and they didn't test it ever since, but they maybe should if his sentence was 41 years or more.
>Be British
>Get raped everywhere else by Achmed and Muhammad
They're rare because it's rare to find something that exonerates them, not because innocents never get locked up. For every innocent person exonerated there's a thousand more who just rot until their sentence expires.
DNA wasn't accepted as evidence in US law until 1987, 11 years after his conviction. And it seems it was based on "hair analysis", the sample has no doubt lost any DNA markers at this point, they've just admitted it's bad evidence and let him out, we don't know for a fact he's innocent. This is the case:
For every thousand innocents that get locked up, millions more guilty do. I get what you're saying, though. Also, how's the nigger problem in the US going?
>currently on the losing side in a new war against pic related
>be an aussie
>have absolutely no idea what you're talking about
>drink alot of beer
>don't give a fuck