Anyone who supports Trump at this point is a fucking moron.
You have no excuses to support such a corrupt, evil person
Anyone who supports Trump at this point is a fucking moron.
You have no excuses to support such a corrupt, evil person
Other urls found in this thread:
I am corrupt and evil for having faith in my nation's leader, meanwhile leftists eith the same rhetoric are condoning child rape and telling me to get with the times..
haha classic
I said Trump is corrupt and evil, i did not say YOU are corrupt and evil, i just said you are an idiot.
And the rest of your comment proves it, how much LSD did you take to think lefties are pro child rape
Wait, what happened this time?
and why should we listen to an israeli about corruption and evil?
It's not just this time. his entire presidency is a never-ending stream of scandals.
Also im an anti-establishment israeli, i don't support israel
OP is right you know.
Get with the times shlomo, we use the democrat flag for all our leftist shitposting now
Oy vey nice boulevard u got there.
What has he done that was so corrupt and evil? Actual facts please, not Alex Jones tier conspiracy theories about muh Russia.
But, he literally dindu nuffin
Yeah, that's not a good indication of his success/evil, it's basically schoolyard rumors
And many of the things he does are good.
It's not like you can find a candidate that wouldn't fuck up in some ways
and you can't be an anti-establishment israeli if you still live there.
You just want the status of "rebel", you poser.
If you really was "anti" establishment israeli, you'd just leave the nation.
>his entire presidency is a never-ending stream of scandals.
That's why I support him almost unconditionally at this stage. You know the story about the boy who cried "bigot"? They've done it about 459 342 by now. All orchestrated scandals turned out false. I trust the dude.
How many children have you raped that you feel the need to get this defensive about it?
He has the same boss as Hillary.
You support Hillary, you will die defending your slave master.
>a jew says someone is evil
even if I wasn't totally fond of Trump before now I love him.
You shouldnt say that, trump is a good goy and loves Israel so much.
>He is bad, that's why i support him unconditionally
Gas yourself you dirty kike. He is literally /ourguy/.
1. Trump told Comey to jail journalists who report leaks. this is a violation of the first amendment.
2. Trump in fox news saying Edward Snowden should be executed.
3. Trump paying 25 million dollar over a massive fraud lawsuit
4. Trump paid enormous amounts of money to the investigator who was investigating Trump University. Trump claimed he was not trying to bribe her. how convenient that he paid the same person who was investigating him and then she dropped the case.
5. Trump bribed Ben Carson for support by promising a position in the whitehouse.
Just a little taste of who Trump really is. i actually have a much longer list but i can't share it in one post
He wants to jail journalists that report leaks.
He is against western values just like shariah law is against western values
trump is /ourguy/
>his entire presidency is a never-ending stream of scandals.
which only proves that leftists can't accept that they lost, and they keep makig up shit.
Why not archive?
>nytimes com/2017/05/17/business/media/trumps-urging-that-comey-jail-reporters-denounced-as-an-act-of-intimidation.html?_r=0
>youtube com/watch?v=T4DjrBC4K-Q
>washingtonpost com/blogs/right-turn/wp/2016/09/07/why-isnt-trump-facing-a-bribery-investigation/?utm_term=.ce4f21c0e914
Was there ever more Israel-loving POTUS than Donald?
> I dont support Israel
You have to go back now faggot. Just leave.
>i don't support israel
אז עוף לנו מהמדינה כבר
>sharia law
he isnt a good goy!
אתה חושב שאני חייב לתמוך בממשלה כדי להיות במדינה הזאת?
אני לא מרוצה מההתנהלות של הממסד הישאלי ואני חושב שגם אתה צריך להיות לא מרוצה מזה
Heт, дoнaльд этo нaшe вce.
The scandals are false and orchestrated, you mutt.
יש הבדל בין לא להסכים את הדרך שהממשלה מתנהלת לבין להפנות גב למדינה שלך.
מאיזו בחינה אתה נגד המדינה? ולמה טראמפ עד כדי כך רע בעיניך?
Fuck off, we can't survive with a one world order.
wow... drumpfies BTFO
Fucking knew it.
Die lefty scum.
Everyone is bad, its all a game to a group of very rich men that you know nothing of. You have to break a few eggs to make an omelette.
of course all you can do is call names. come back when you have something other than "muh feels". sage
Anyone who supports the UN at this point is a fucking moron.
You have no excuses to support such a corrupt, evil organization
I want him to have 7 more years just to trigger niggers and spics
It's not just this time. his entire presidency is a never-ending stream of kikes kvetching about him surely one of those kikes must have had a point one of those times right? they can't all have been fake kike news agenda pieces right?
אני לא בחרתי להיוולד כאן. אני לא חייב להראות שום דרגה של פטרויטיות למדינה הזאת
לא אכפת לי מסמלים או מססמאות, אכפת לי מהאנשים שחיים כאן.
ואני נגד האנשים שמנהיגים את המדינה, ובעד האזרחים של המדינה
wtf I hate Trump now
oy vey goyim follow the unwritten rules of the US Presidency, once a certain number of kikes have kvetched publicly into the media for long enough you have to shut that presidency down
that's how it works. once the kikes have kvetched about nothing intensely enough it means that president is illegitimate
>i don't support israel
Do you support the IDF?
Ah, JIDF, we meet again.
Still using deception as a tactic of war, huh?
Are you interfering in American Politics?
tell me about it
אני לא חושב שאתה חייב לתמוך במדינה אבל אתה כן חייב לשרת בצה"ל. שירתת?
אז בבקשה, קנה כרטיס וטוס לאיפה שרצית להיוולד בו ותגור שם.
Wow, they really come out of the woodwork when they see one of their own out of line.
>maybe he's not even a jew
>says the kike who hides behind a wall
can I just say - that I wish they had made you all into soap and lampshades
He's a Jew
Maybe some people just want to watch the world burn.
Do you have Jewdar? Does it work over anonymous image boards?
Jew on Sup Forums
>telling us what to think
the cancer is real.
>Do you have Jewdar
Who doesn't? And I speak Hebrew so my Jewdar is even better
>5. Trump bribed Ben Carson for support by promising a position in the whitehouse.
wew Trump is really getting into deep water here!
this just further cemenst the fact that you people has no idea how anything actually works.
Not gonna life former DRUMPF supporter here it's hilarious to see this guy crash and burn but in all honesty you can't let this guy get the nuclear scoops
I wonder if the first guy who posted this was really a MediaMatters shill or just a memester
Why isn't there an option to post as a Zionist?
who's the pink guy behind the mask?
Zionist pig I persume
Because to be a true Zionist one must move to the holy land, and there is a flag for that.
But seriously its because the sheer ammont of complitely unfunny larping that will begin will make this board even worse.
Does that mean Zionism is worse than Nazism?
Zionism is even better then nazism is surely what you meant.
>Liberal jew
Stay in your fucking country.
But only for Jews, while Nazism would be good for every nation.