AUSPOL no more blackpills edition - Part II

>Policy leaks slammed by senior WA Libs

>WA Liberal Party denies tense meeting amid China defence order change

>Police to get new stop and search powers to stamp out drugs at dance festivals

>National murder rate falls to record low

>Dumped Abbott-era changes resurface in Turnbull government's citizenship bill

>Memorial honouring Australian soldiers removed by Turkish Government to make way for Islamist inscription

>Curfews, GPS tracking considered for potential terrorists by Victorian Government

>Prisoner to receive $400,000 compensation after radical Muslim cellmate carved ISIS slogan into his forehead before torturing him

>Cars damaged by gunshots in Beechboro near Potters House Church

>’Sacrificial ritual’ art performance gets mixed reviews as punters are doused in blood and milk

>Coal to stay in energy mix for foreseeable future, says Barnaby Joyce

>ACT sex-offenders register nearly doubles in size over past five years

>Top level ‘strike force’ to carry out fire safety checks on New South Wales high rise buildings

>NBN users five times more likely to complain about service: survey

POLL: What is the number one issue facing this country that should be hit with weaponised autism right now? (Responses from yesterday – you can vote for more than one)

Other urls found in this thread:


If you aren't white you aren't Australian.

What a mess hes a pale gook.

reminder that any and all anime is degenerate gook shit

Want to gas sodomites tbqh.

Are slavs white Australians?


GetUp! is a front for George Soros. GetUp! was created on George Soros bidding so he could have as a degenerative effect on Australian politics as he does on American. Watch this video to get redpilled.

Sorry forgot to post link

I ain't clicking that shit.

This hot ex-feminist is everywhere, defying the Juden and dropping red pills.

*if you aren't from the british isles

what do you lot know about
taking training to do security
work like drive around in them
cars and check on shit whats it
like? how do you avoid doing cancer
like shooing abos away from shopping
centers? im an average blue collar cunt
dont know what to do work wise
pls help pls no bully

phwoar...are these vaultgoys fresh oc, cob?

Shes the one that sent the project into a panic attack right?

It's nothing too bad desu.

First for Adelaide

-_- it's a legit link. none of the other video websites would let me upload a video this long and I didn't want to upload to YouTube. Streamable has like a 10 minute limit.

i dunno
anything bout
cunt but when you
type like this it just gives
me the shits

its poetic mate

>posts an anthropomorphic frog made by a homosexual furfag

imagine calling yourself a feminist
in the current year or believing in
civic nationalism as an adult.
yes cunt


She was also interviewed by Bolt

2 seconds and I have to see that fucking shitskin's lying mug.


just type like a decent human being you dickhead, there's no reason to press enter every 5 words.

She fucking destroyed him in the interview. It was hilarious.

Don't format your post like it is a poem you cunt.

His face


5006 here.

take a swing cunt
heres more

Ficki ficki

maybe i like writing poems to men
you faggot, also why wont you
dickheads on this fucking board
make up your fucking minds on
typing styles you prefer to read
apparently posting like this is easier
to read because your eyes don't
have to go across the screen
true story, also are you getting mad?
what about reading this whilst impersonating
my voice whispering really close into
your ear,
>licks earlobe

Eric is a fag.

His diverse tie though.

Us Goyim better watch out

>make up your fucking minds on
>typing styles you prefer to read
when has this ever been contentious, you're the first cunt i've seen writing like this.

nice OC though.




waleed needs to blindfolded and tied, flogged and then dropped in the middle of walgett

well fuck i dunno i guess people just keep fucking with me god i hate this place sometimes, also i swear Aus Sup Forums threads are the only ones that feel like im talking to real people there is a strange vibe to this place

Take your meds m8.

where did you get these user?

he needs more aus in his neghole

that's because /auspol/ threads are pure


m8 i think you can get a security training course if you have the dosh, an outfit was shilling in my local Westfield last year. I reckon they prefer to hire those curries and old cunts tho.

the enemy's ideological alienation of ourselves is the beginning our destruction
in uniting we solidify our resolve; and thus begins their defeat

There is no dog meat in them Bruce.

must not be a priority for shill companies yet the rest of the place stinks though, lol at people trying to give us shit and believing we are irreverent good they can keep thinking that and patting themselves on the back, Oz isn't real its just an illusion its also full and a horrible place to live yup don't talk about us forget where we are on the map.

you a bit of a schizo or something?

Gook OP stopped making these threads at least four days ago, not very perceptive are ya?

just remember:
you're here forever

i always laugh at them soft looking curry cunts doing security ahhaha what are they going to do?
yeah i got some coin saved im stuck in the mud i really need to do something different... i don't want to end up like them old cunts coming to work everyday whinging about the missus and saying going to work is the only time they have a break, boomer men are completely hen pecked, Sad!
makes sense
you think your hot shit don't cha?
i know......

Nice try Bruce, but your style sticks out like a slanty-eyed face.

This is the second time you have tried to claim you are a different person. The first time was when you stopped using your trip.

> be Slav
> have tan

Mate it's fucking Australia, if you don't have a tan you're a poofter. If you only get freckles & burns from going into the daylight your genetics are shit, but serious question if I'm a Slav that tans in the sun am I still white?

you're Hwite, but you're not Australian

Sure thing ya gook cunt.

I am a different person, albeit only one step removed.


...but I was born here. I don't get the blood conversion part, how many generations of a family have to be born on the island before they are able to call themselves Australian as opposed to Slav?

Dirty chink.

if you great grand dad wasn't storming the beaches of Gallipoli and your pop wasn't killing gooks in WW2 your a shit cunt not a real Aussie
Slant fuck off your a fake Austalian wannabe poser no one loves you, not even your insect cousins in Japan

Think hard and you can figure this one out. To you, I am someone much worse than gook OP. Go, go :^)

i smell leb..........
your time will come you greasy wop cunts

coles, they were on special for 4 bucks
they've got bacon bits in them and are gooey, food like that makes me sometimes wish I still smoked pot

I clicked it because I am IT and it's what he says it is

>not white
your a special kind of stupid arent you
and it' not just the boomer cunts. Those normalfag semi-betas married to blimps, got their 'man caves' where all the do is vidya and cones after work- mfw

>how many generations of a family have to be born on the island before they are able to call themselves Australian as opposed to Slav?
Few years maybe, in other places of less greatness. In Australia ten thousand years would not suffice.

>someone much worse than gook OP
Only Maxim and his uncut willies fits that category.

Are you that raging asian from Perth?

i dont think becoming a security guard is a good idea, you're a bit of a cooked unit.

is it possible if we had a referendum (and won) to call all aboriginals "poos"?

What's stopping you from doing that now?

fucking poo in loo

Reminder that Australia is 40th for education, you're trained stupid on purpose

i mean legally, everyone had to legally refer to them as poos. on their legal documents, they would be classified as poos

What if my ancestor owned the vessel that brought your ancestor's bread-stealing possibly Irish arse to this country?

Does that make me superaustralian?

i'm too stupid to work out why. why?

true alot of young cunts just wanna game not grow up, many cant have a conversation past game of thrones or some cooking show on tv,
You know what i hate the guy in the social situation that's liked by everybody he has never rustled anyone you have never seen him angry never seen him want to fuck someone up
how can you trust a man if you have never seen him lose his shit?
thanks for the unsolicited confidently stupid advice doctor Phil !

a tiger cannot change his stripes;
nor a leopard, his spots
bloodline is the fate you inherit;
and demographics is destiny

Australian schools are a fucking disgrace. When I was in year 12 half the fucking class couldn't even read properly. 17 year olds having to fucking sound words out verbally to understand them. This ocuntry is fucked.

If anyone understood my reference here please let me know.

No googlers please.

This Cuck is allowing comments on the facebook page of his honest and opn-minded review:

At my highschool they usually took those kids in year 10 and forced them to go in to some sort of trade apprenticeship

>Walk through a supermarket here in WA today.
>See paper saying that now boomers are to be means tested for senior citizens card and maybe soon for pensions.

The day of the nursing home is coming my fellow Ausbros, are you prepared?

>demographics is destiny

Government has a monopoly on education.
They take funding away from schools with good teachers and give it to schools with bad teachers, they justify this by saying the kids are stupid.

Example: If you get A+ they'll take your textbooks off you and give them to some teacher who doesn't even use them.

Crikey just look at this cunt

thats cheating
A book called Shadow Men does a good job of explaining a few of these things the author's twitter feed is a constant neg i feel like a completely inept person after lurking in it

All the teachers are about the same. It is the kids who differ. Poor people and the subhuman races raise shitty kids who can't be educated.


>At my highschool they usually took those kids in year 10 and forced them to go in to some sort of trade apprenticeship

And then the apprenticeships got turned into churn scams so Boomy McBoomer could have slave labour........

This nation is fucked.

They probably would have, but in my area there were roughly 400 applicants for every apprenticeship.

Oh yes, he's the real deal alright.

Fire up some facebook socks?

>All the teachers are about the same

Not even close. We're drowing in trash teachers. I had a few really based teachers and a whole lot of garbage ones, you could tell who was shit just by how they graded people. Had one crazy cunt who would mark all the male students low just on principle, regardless of what they did.

probably more an issue with them being pussies than anything else

don't fall for the memes: bread and butter of melbourne is still white normie families - and they are fed the fuck up with rampant niggardry, and they know it;
they know the justice system isn't doing shit
to come save them;
they know they aren't allowed to defend themselves;
they know its jungleniggers and sandniggers let through the girt:
even the judges have been called out by mps as we saw just this week

melbourne is being redpilled and is only ripe for more
starting with non-clown selfdefence laws; and ending with sell them fencewalls

sounds like LOTR or something

You are spouting American-originated Libertarian cuckservative bullshit.

>Had one crazy cunt who would mark all the male students low just on principle, regardless of what they did.

Yeah its one of the reasons why the outcome system was introduced, teachers were playing politics with the kids grades by marking down the ones they didn't like and marking up the teachers pet.

Think one of the greatest redpill moments I ever had was a year 12 teacher tell me to my face that she would have failed me if it wasn't for the fact that the outcome system said that I had to be given a passing grade, simply because I hadn't "been trying and there were people who were a lot more stupid than me that had been putting in far more effort".