How long till Britain starts begging to come back in?
Oy vey! Brits regret Brexit. Too late
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I doubt it
Bull shit its been trending the other direction. Only like 23% want to stop it last time I checked.
Fuck May for letting that manifesto out and continuing with this internet retardation.
Because the news is so reliable in saying what the people want...
>a poll in London
They are reliable only when the results confirm what we already believe. Any other result = fake news.
>British people have changer their minds on Brexit, poll finds
>The majority of people would back a referendum on the terms of the UK's departure from the EU, a Survation poll found
those are two completely different statements, fucking hell independent you gutter rag
Over 80% of the electorate voted for a party committed to Brexit in the last election. Krauts BTFO.
just fucking end your country
>Over 80% of the electorate voted for a party committed to Brexit in the last election. Krauts BTFO.
Brexit won't happen.
Also, Germans are very in favor of Brexit since you will die off very quickly and that is a good thing.
You posted this thread two days ago and got btfo. OP is German in case that wasn't already patently obvious.
Wow it's like going in gront of a mosque and ask make a poll about what those peoples thinks about ikmigration.
Funny how since they brought these flags back, I haven't seen a single one of the following
It's really getting the sausages frying in my brain...
Screenshot this. Brexit will never happen. You must be extremely naive if you think (((they))) would ever let it happen.
they won't die off, their economy is going to take a hit and they will lose more than what they paid into the EU budget and in the end, they'll have to pay to access the common market like Norway does, meanwhile Poland didn't leave the EU it just said no.
Oh I see you liked the last election. And I thought the rise of the communist Corbyn (next prime minister of Britain) spells disaster for the country, and ridicules May who pushed for snap election to consolidate power (kek). Good luck with that.
>Le Pen loosing the elections did't happen
>Wilders loosing the elections did't happen
Yeah sure don't trust the polls
They were probably too drunk at the time of the first referendum. Now they rightly regret it and I think they are ready to come back to the loving arms of Europe even if that means licking Schaeuble's boots. Come back you sottish hoodlums, you winning scrubs, we love you no matter what.
Strong & Stable, aye lads?
I 'm not German and I did't post this thing you are saying. This article of The Independent was posted today.
Hans still pissed I see.
>+£10,000,000,000 per year single (free) market fee that we won't ever have to pay. (Pretty steep for a free market amirite?)
>+£40,000,000,000 better off from world market
Oh m8 it sounds terrible. Btw, Kruat. There is something you should know: The UK would prefer to go bankrupt than to serve under your fourth Reich. We're jumping off a sinking ship and you guys are all too busy talking about ticket prices while you're knee deep in water (and refugees).
So when Germany comes crying to the UK, I suggest we bomb them into oblivion. All the sensible countries are sick of your shit.
You clearly are, so fuck off with your paid shilling and your entry-level lies. Literally nobody believes you or anything you say.
>Britain had 2 chances to voter on Brexit
>OYYY VEEYYY goyim that doesnt count
We had a poll just over a week ago and 80% of the electorate voted for parties pushing a hard Brexit position. And let's face it, an election is the only poll that matters.
and what of the northern boarder?
> you take over for the face of brexit
> never even supported brexit
> you allow three muslim terrorist attacks in a couple months right before the election
> you still win
> "journalists" claim people have changed their mind on brexit
day of the ropes for kikes when?
Dream on
If you're right wing the election was a blessing. Theresa May has to join with the DUP, a party formed by a guy who thinks the Pope is the anti-Christ and said it to the Pope himself infront of Eurofags. Also May is now still beholden to the Brexiteer backbenchers who now have more leverage.
Germany loses again.
Wrong, Hans.
Am I actually supposed to believe something from a post with that flag? And a pro Europe post at that? You MUST be kidding.
Or could it be? That you don't even have an account on here and you only come here to shitpost because daddy georgy porgie wants a borderless caliphate?
Fuck right off, you spineless cunt. I would literally, unironically much prefer the actual nazis to be walking around than anything (((Euro))). You could not imagine how unpopular you are. And by 'you', I mean Germany & the EU.
if that occurs, i will disown the uk
I support the UK to stay in the EU. It sucks not being able to call them 100% cucks. 99% is just not as good. All of Europe needs to burn, that includes England. Praise Allah.
This image always gets misinterpreted. Middle one is simply people who accept democracy, even if it goes against their wishes. Doesn't mean they wouldn't vote remain if it came up again.
This is how they manipulate polls, They only ask people in large cities such as Manchester and London which overwhelmingly voted remain.
Sure I'm as much of a German as the UK didn't join the EU for the gibs
>Britain leaves EU
Good riddance to anglo rubbish. They were always just fags who entered to ruin everything and be an American trojan horse.
Snaggle-toothed inselaffe already begging to come back. Top kek, too late inbred anglos, should have thought about this before you left (though britfags aren't known for thinking, lmao).
Weve kicked you out and you are permbanned, you are never coming back. We are doing even better without you shits dragging us down and obstructing the EU parliament, so good riddance
Now pay denbts.
>Working class who voted for brexit vote for Corbyn
>the independent
>a poll of 1000 labour supporters in London reflect the 13 million who voted leave
Germany has never won a war against Britain lmao
Trust me, I go to the UK every day.
I can tell you with absolute certainty that this is fake news. They're shitting their pants because domocracy didn't work out for them and they're trying everything they can think of to reverse it. Even though we've had TWO referendums on it now. (pretty much).
I heard someone on (((BBC radio))) before saying that "polling suggests that Brits all regret the racist brexit, and there are now calls for a meeting to discuss whether or not they want to go through with this". I shit you not.
But everyone here is fucking made up. Don't believe a single MSM article about Brexit, and don't believe this German EU shill twat (Btw Kraut, we never actually JOINED the EU. We joined the single market. WOAAAAAH! Crazy isn't it!? I wonder if that's one of the many reasons why Brit bongs hate the EU so much?)
The UK being in the EU was never legitimate. Not even for a single minute of a single day.
>leftist rag = British people
>working class
>comrade Corbyn
lol. I've never met a single Corbynite who had a job.
Why do they care so much about minimum wage when none of them have jobs?
Your Parliament ratified all of the Treaties after you entered - without unanimous approval from all the member states, the Treaties wouldn't have passed (see Irish refusal of the European constitution), so yes you did enter the European Union, faglord.
You joined the EU to develop your poor regions which you had a shit ton.
>Eurofags actually believe this
We didn't join the EU brah. It was never legitimate.
How does it feel to know you're part of an empire that's already half dead? I bet it makes you want to leave.
More likely was that people didn't want brexit in the first place. They just expected remain to win regardless and voted leave to try to scare the politicians a bit. Stupid situation altogether.
>believes polls
Kys faggot. You can't hide behind your EU flag Hans, we see your big Jew nose.
Good luck supporting Europe with only France to help out.
People still want Brexit.
You fags killed Jo Cox for nothing.
Live with it.
Fuck off LOL
Now Germany can you give it a rest? Thanks.
>checks flag
Those Krauts can keep their noses out of us and the nords business.
They are not really out yet anyway.
>polls can't be skewed
Yeah and your mum never got banged by thousands of Pakis, it was illegitimate, it was just the tips and anal pounding
we don't
i absolutely believe you more than the shit newsmedia. i fucking love you guys, dad. god save the queen, keep your powder dry and good luck
Polls have been pretty spot on, even in the surprise results like Trump and brexit.
Imagine being a German lmao, a pitiful people who always get fucked over by Anglos
Ok now I understand. Anecdotal evidence = truth, polls = lies. Or vice versa if it fits our narrative.
Imagine being an Anglo and having your colonies become better than your inbred islands
Well polls can be shit, but they're arguably better than anecdotes
How long until Germans admit that their ambition to conquer Europe has failed yet again?
Is that sarcasm? I honestly can't tell.
>polls have been spot on
>surprise results
You're only allowed one.
>implying elections aren't rigged
Sounds fake and gay. The EU is retarded and more countries are going to start dropping that shit.
we had a referendum, we are coming out of the eu
>would back a poll on the terms of EU departure
>terms of the EU departure
Im what world does this mean that they regret Brexit?
>what is dunkirk
spineless anglo could not confront Germany in an honorable battle in WW2, had to run to jewish allies usa and canada to defeat us, top kek
eternal classless backstabbing anglo
Everybody thought that remain would win, until the polls changed in the final days, as people changed their minds. Come on, concentrate.
So the referendum could be rigged too?
Didnt look at the recent GE results did you Hans?
Deciding to have Brexit was a retarded decision going directly against facts because of "ohh muh perfect UK genes o no i dont liek le sand negrose" and the pound was weakened simply by the vote. Good thing the people are gaining sense
Hehe good insult tbqhwu family. You sure showed me!
I live in deep cheshire and we don't have any niggers or kebabs and I have dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. Oh also I'm British, and I can be proud of my flag. Can you say the same about yours?
Oh that's right, you put your flags in the bin, don't you? LOL I am fucking loving this. I can not wait to go Kayaking in EU tears when we hand you your invoice. (btw I think you owe the USA about $250BN too...Might want to get on that.)
THIS is why we fucking love you guys too, despite what shills and fags might say on here. USA was there with us throughout the bad times and we knew to turn a blind eye to Obongo and his ant-British rants. Nothing gets my dick more rock hard than our combined patriotism, and for me personally, it is extended to the USA too.
We're so proud of our son. Please help us nuke the EU. Stay frosty lad.
Fucking kek, this x 1000.
Where are all the german anons? Haven't seen them since....since we got the ability to hide our flags. LOL can't imagine why.
>I live in deep cheshire
stopped reading there, you live in a poor shit hole that nobody wants to move to
Yes, we do.
Look at any statistic. All rural retards (from the Midlands and the Norh) voted Leave. All educated and intelligent city people (from the South) voted Remain.
I am embarrassed to call myself brit.
Just kick the britcucks and leave them on french fries and chips until they become haram food.
They've triggered article 50, which is irreversible you dumb fuck. Now they can beg all they want. They are stuck with the communist Corbyn as their next prime minister. Hooray!
EU flag = new leaves/Germans.
I mean the polls also said the brits would vote remain.
They haven't even moved an inch out of EU.
lol I thought you weren't german though? Why would a non German get so offended at an insult aimed at Germany? Really gets my onions boiling...
>be german
>get btfo by the entire anglosphere perpetually
>create islamic 4th reich to destroy civilization for the jewish elites
>lose your main player
>deny being german
>replace your country's flag with a BLM flag because it's actually less pityfull
the same polls who had Clinton up 16+ in Wisconsin and Michigan
Not entirely true. York, where I'm from, was overwhelmingly in favour of remaining.
It's really a pity for the intelligent cosmopolitan people of Britain to get fucked by the low-IQ brit rednecks.
You're shit, everything and everyone that leaves the UK becomes better
>wonder who is behind that flag
they're out in march 2019 despite no deals and shit