Holocaust Denial

I was debating with another user over the Internet about the holocaust. I watched the "documentary" Cole in Auschwitz and though without backing it up, he very confidently claimed that there are no wartime documents made by Germany that admit to the holocaust and other genocides. I would be skeptical but I have never seen anyone refute his claims. However, I was linked to ushmm.org/collections/bibliography/primary-sources

It does not show the war time documents but it has a list of many purchasable books that claim to have hundreds of documents and military orders that prove genocides took place. Am I missing something here?

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There's a worm in my piss hole

Gotta remember to post these kinda threads when you people are asleep

The holocaust never happened ok

We'll be in bed in a few hours

>Holocaust Denial
using the enemy's language. What are you, a holohoax denier?

There is not a single piece of evidence. Why? Well do your own math.

There will be no "holocaust" or "genocide" related documents to be found, they do not exist for obvious reasons

Some documents reference "special treatment" (in german, i dont know the german), this was somewhat of a code for the killing/looting operations at the "reinhardt" sites in the east taking place after 1942

see the hofle telegram

i suggest not to debate the holocaust as "not having happened", just debating the numbers, figures, methods and reasons for it will be more fruitful because many people were intentionally killed etc. just not for the reasons or on the scale purported

Well how do I disprove pic related?

Holocaust happened. Most of it was in the East.
The thing is holocaust deniers get an evidence that kinda proves what they claim, but they disregard all the other information. For example the red cross documents that show only about 150k or what number it was died in Auschwitz. That was only from typhus, bad conditions. Most of the documents that recorded the numbers of executions and the plans for executions are destroyed. Some of them are saved.
Most of holocaust denier "proofs" are debunked. Same as many other "facts" from pro Hitler documentaries and similar.

I want a proof.

I don't want a quarter of a proof, then another quarter of proof, then again two others quarters of proof.

I want a real proof. Impossible to gimme. It's because jews were never gased, except in my basement.

The Holocaust was one of the most well-documented events in human history, not just from the evidence afterward, but from all the documents made during the war. For example:

"The Nazis used figures of between 9 and 11 million for the Jewish population of Europe, as evidenced in the notes of the Wannsee Conference. In fact, the Nazis methodically recorded the ongoing reduction of the Jewish population, as in the Korherr Report, which gave the status of the Final Solution through December, 1942. The Höfle Telegram was sent by SS-Sturmbannführer Hermann Höfle on January 11, 1943 to SS-Obersturmbannführer Adolf Eichmann in Berlin and detailed the number of deaths of Jews in the concentration camps. In the year 1942 alone, the telegram lists 1,274,166 Jews were exterminated in the four camps of Aktion Reinhard. The Korherr Report compiled by an SS statistician, gave a conservative total of 2,454,000 Jews deported to extermination camps or killed by the Einsatzgruppen. The complete status reports of the Einsatzgruppen death squads were found in the archives of the Gestapo when it was searched by the U.S. Army, and the accuracy attested to by the former Einsatzgruppen members who testified during war crime trials and at other times. These reports alone list an additional 1,500,000 or so murders during mass shootings, the vast majority of these victims were Jews. Further, surviving Nazi documentation spells out their plans to murder the Jews of Europe (see the Wannsee Conference), recorded the trains arriving at various death camps, and included photographs and films of many atrocities."

See: nsa.gov/about/cryptologic-heritage/historical-figures-publications/publications/wwii/assets/files/eavesdropping.pdf

you filthy antisemite it was real in my mind

never forget the fifty gajillion neurons

yes friends...
you can trust me the benevolent United Nations...

History and science say the holocaust happened, it's only a bit exaggerated.
If you still think it's a hoax after million proof, you're just another nationalist retard.
Nobody cares what you want to be true.

All Jew sources. GTFO Shlomo.


Cole focuses on Krema 1, and rightfully exposes some of the bullshit that were (is?) pushed about it. But he concludes that it was an air raid shelter, made into a bullshit gas chamber after the war, and that way shows how little he knows and really understands about the place. If you really want to know more about how Auschwitz main camp functioned, and how the whole camp evolved, I suggest picking up the published reports written by Witold Pilecki.


Hasbara please.


[buzzing sound]

Not a history book.


Unsurprisingly there's a lot of bullshit stories around too. They can thrive because you aren't allowed to question anything.

Then go on, prove me holocaust is a hoax instead of spamming your master's images, little nazi shills.
Protip: you can't. No one else on this board could.

Military prison camps aren't exactly historically known to be vacation resorts.

I think a realistic answer is that bad shit did indeed happen but was then blown out of proportion by allied propaganda.

That's not a history book, it's a fictional dramatization based on all the separate accounts, woven together as if it were a single story, with fictional flourish. Though that highlighted line is so bad, I sometimes wonder if it was actually written for the sole purpose of being "discredited" later, like a book version of a false flag.

there is not a single war time document that offers proof of the holocaust, the only ((evidence)) is forced confessions from the nuremburg trials and eyes witness accounts. prove me wrong.

to bad it didnt happen

You prove it's true you disgusting kike rat. Pro tip: you can't.

That's why you have to imprison bad goyim who speak out. Go fuck yourselves. Next time we do it for real. All of you. EVERY SINGLE ONE.

the real red-pill is that no one died in ww2.
ww2 was fake and it wasn't real at all.

offer proof that it actually happened kike, the lack of evidence is on your side.

Nah it's already proven true.
You're the one who needs to prove it's not true, little nazi sheepling.

"That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence."

Case dismissed, holocaust happened.


>Purchasable books

See? Those kikes never missed a chance to grab some shekels while they try to subvert you

Trust me I really wish it did

I agree with you, dumb cunt.

1. Auschwitz was a safekeeping camp of jews, gypsies, political enemies etc.
Jews were to be deported to Madagascar. But because of Britain's blockade and the turned tide of the war, Germany couldn't deport them.
Germany's policy wasn't to kill every jew they could get their hands on, as stated in your first point, that's false.

2. Irrelevant and they didn't want to write about that. Also Churchill did express his fear over the Jew's fate.

"He had mingled in Vienna with extreme German nationalist groups, and he had heard stories of sinister, undermining activities of another race, foes and exploiters of the Nordic world - the Jews. His patriotic anger fused with envy of the rich and successful into one overpowering hate."

3. Same explanation as the first point, also there were guards.

4. It happened over 2-3 years. Many of them were shot on spot over accusations of aiding the partisans, look at the document above I posted.
The main reason of usement of the so called "death camps" was because the shooting squads began to go insane.

"my comrades and I - and I can easily say all comrades - were physically and mentally totally done after such action" (interrogation of 23 January 1962, BArch B 162/3275, p. 196).
According to Albert Hartl, head of the RSHA office IV B on ideological enemies and "visitor" of Einsatzgruppe C, the group's head Max Thomas explained that people assigned to the shooting squads developed "the worst sadistic drives" or suffered from "hysterical crying" and "health breakdown" (interrogation of Hartl of 16 January 1957, BArch B 162/1254, p. 986).

Von dem Bach-Zelewski himself suffered under a "nervous state of exhaustion" related to the "shooting of Jews supervised by himself and other heavy experiences in the East" according to a contemporary document from the Reichsarzt SS Ernst-Robert Grawitz (letter Grawitz to Himmler of 4 March 1942, Figure 3, from Bartoszewski, Erich von dem Bach, p. 97).

I'm not an expert on the issue, but I researched pro and contra arguments, and desu, I'm pretty convinced it didn't happen, or that no more than 1 million Jews died in ww2, including SS purges in Eastern Europe.

The main problem is the gas chamber/oven system, it's riddled with contradictions and lies. I believe the Allies knew it was a hoax, but perpetuated it all the same because nobody likes Germany.

Zyklon B, containing cyanide, was used at two locations in Auschwitz, the "homocidal gas chambers" where supposedly several million jews were murdered, and the fumigation chambers where clothes and bed linen were placed to kill lice and fleas in order to prevent diseases like typhus.
Samples were taken from the walls of both the fumigation chambers, and the "gas chambers" in the 1980s. The fumigation chambers, which no one has ever claimed were used for murder, have high traces of cyanide from Zyklon B.
The "homocidal gas chambers" were supposedly huge amounts of jews were killed with large amounts of Zyklon B, have no traces of cyanide.
No cyanide=no mass murder.
No mass murder=no holocaust.

5. Look at the document I posted above.

>forced confessions
Elaborate please

Nurnberg trials was where I spend a rediculous amount of research, but I always wondered why the witnesses would confess at all

They called them "Sonderkommando" which means that they've a special task to fullfill.

>It does not show the war time documents but it has a list of many purchasable books that claim to have hundreds of documents and military orders that prove genocides took place.

There are lots of signed orders for deportations and executions of people. In total you probably find 100-200k deliberately killed people in the east. However, there is no order or plan for industrial scale extermination in specifically designed camps, no such things was ever found and they never will. Add to that the people died in camps due to malnutrition, typhus etc because you could no longer keep the camps running past 1944, then you'd probably get up to 800k total dead people in the so called holocaust where only 10-20% of the murdered were ordered, the rest basically collateral damage of the war. The people in the east would have died of malnutrition and disease anyway, no matter if they were in a camp or not.

6. From 1939 to 1945 the number of jews was reduced by 4-5 million -> World Almanac.
But this worldwide, and all kinds of deaths. Combat, bombins, collateral, executions etc.
This is where the truth is away from what is believed. And this is something I give to holocaust deniers
Also David Irving is not a historian. Almost all holocaust deniers are NOT historians. The maker of The greatest story never told IS A FOOTBALL player.

no its Sonderbehandlung - "special treatment"


what you've mentioned were jewish inmates made to work in aiding the killing operations, cleaning up bodies and such

Those docs are about Sonderaktionen from the political police which killed lots of Untermenschen, that's no proof for extermination camps thou.

They did revenge killings after partisan attacks and killed the jewish soviet political military police

Many of them had their balls crushed.

Keep talking

Irving isnt a historian in that he doesnt have a history degree but he is a tireless and damn good researcher (even his enemies will admit to this) and has uncovered much that your almighty "Historians" werent given access to for fear of the documents being unused or unpublished such as some of Churchills papers are still

thats your proof, kek'd. you post something in german without context, let alone its been a proven forgery

Assuming that Hitler started gassing Jews since day 1, that makes for 3,153,600 minutes.

6,000,000 Jews killed during 3,153,600 minutes comes out to 1.9 Jews per minute. That means Hitler killed roughly 1 Jew every 30 seconds. (LOL)

In Auschwitz, the most famous and biggest concentration camp, there are 15 crematoriums. According to Auschwitz survivors, Jews would go into the chamber, gassed for 15-20 minutes, then put into the oven.

It takes 1 hour to cremate a body using modern furnaces which operate at much higher temperatures than the traditional ovens at the camp. However, lets say that the ovens were operating at a level that we see today, that means it would take 1 hour, 20 minutes to gas and burn 15 Jews assuming they were all burned simultaniously. (Disregarding the time it would take for the gas to empty the chamber for the bodies to be transported from the chamber to the oven.) The elevators used to transport bodies were very slow and could only take up 7 bodies at a time with their weight capacity. However, for our greatest ally, we're going to assume that bodies were teleported instantly from chamber to oven.

That means 15 Jews were gassed and burned every 1.2 hours. That comes out to exactly 300 Jews every 24 hours (Assuming the gassing and burning of Jews was happening every hour straight for 6 years on an uninterrupted basis) the total # of killed jews would be 657,000 for those 6 years. The official Jewish story is that 4,000,000 Jews were killed at Auschwitz alone.

How can any Jew, Israeli, or Shill ever even argue this story when just simple math is enough to destroy the whole argument? Can any Jews respond to this?

the official number is 1.2m now or something

Exactly. His digits speak the truth. Hitler did nothing wrong.

Look for Bernard Clarke. And another tip: dailymail wrote an article about hoess granddaughter where she talks about the arrest of hoess.

Yeah you're right, lots of things named with sonder that time, I messed them up.

Tho Holocoaster!

They had to lower several ridiculous high numbers, but somehow never touched the magical 6 Million.

I think they died of starvation too

When dad and I visited Dachau a few years ago and saw the ovens, we both laughed and said there is no way they could bar--anvil Jews and queers. Then we turned around and saw a small sign saying the ovens were installed after WW2 intentionally to give visitors an idea of what a cleansing center looked like. They also had some kike memorial monument there which dad and I refused to visit.
And yes, the figure has now been downward revised to about 1.5 million kikes who went on vacation.

bar anvil is supposed to be barbeque. Fuck autocorrect. Seig Heik

Up to the end the camp inmates got the same amount of food as every citizen had, at the time of food regulations.

But the bomb raids made it impossible to supply the camps, so starvation and sickness (typhus) broke out and those are the results of the horrifying pictures from the liberation.

If holocaust did happen, why does Auschwitz death chambers would be the most inefficient way to kill jews? I mean Nazis were known for their efficiency.

The holocaust did happen, ascend and take the Irving Pill.




Well, I think most deaths could have been due to epidemics- cholera, typhoid, et cetera. Those camps would have been a breeding ground for pathogens.
And what does one do with diseased corpses? Cremate them to keep other people from catching the disease.

Watch...bore you to death but factual

Approximately 1.5 million Jews died from mass shootings.

By soviets...

Incorrect. They abandoned the mass shooting early on because it was traumatizing (supposedly) to the shooters. That's why they alledegdly developed gassing techniques. They supposedly started by using car exhaust fumes at first, but apparently realized that took to long.

Moot point anyways because the holocaust didn't happen. Yeah, some kikes died or put out of their misery due to diseases, punishment, etc. How come no one has been able to find the mass burial pits they used for the so called victims of mass shooting...

>300/24 hours
try 4756

The math is proof.

It does not add up.

Example: 80-100 people gased in one shot. Then piled in an oven, 2 or 3 at a time

cremation of 1 body with modern tech takes 1h30 min per. Does not take less time if you cremate 2 at a time, takes even more time do to loss of efficiency.

So you are led to believe large queues of jews-gays-gypsies just stood around like the DMV waiting 24hrs per 80, waiting to be next...

but open fire pits...200-300 packed together..would take WEEKS to cremate

Nah you krauts are like niggers that break into a house, almost rape the home owner's daughter, but the dad blows your brains out.

Now your nigger relatives are trying to sue the homeowner because their niggers sons were good boys who dindu nuffin wrong and because they never said "i'm gonna rape you pretty white girl" they obvious wasn't gonna rape nobody. They was just trying to get reparations n shit for slavery is all.

Found the nigger. You can tell by his rape infatuation.


Like I stated in my previous post, the filthy kikes installed these after the end of WW2.

probably jews who think they are at the wall

These books don't have orders that say that the Jews should be killed.
Instead, they have orders that say they should be sent east. The 'truth' discovered after the war clearly means that being sent east is a secret code for gassing Jews. Which is then used as proof that the Germans gave orders to gas the Jews.
They make documents that talk about deporting Jews to the Jewish run nation of the USSR mean something that they don't. With the change in definition, the extermination interpretation is confusing in the context of the many orders to improve quality of life of the Jews and stop them from dying.

He set off my nigger detector too. The spelling and grammar was just awful.