Richard Spencer stepped over the line attacking /ourguys/, how do we take him down? Does he free speech?
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You fuck off, Spencer is an absolute faggot but he is right on the money this time, e-celeb cancer is diluting the movement.
inb4 'LE KEKISTAN 'PEDES AMIRITE GUISE' posters show up to remind everyone how cool and not reddit they are
You're all equally pathetic
Even a broken clock is right twice a day, as it would appear.
Two words: Fuck Off.
hahaha you must be a leftist with that flag! did you know hitler was a socialist, it's in the name nationalSOCIALIST... fuckin' kek ma niggas
>yes goy fight amongst yourselves.....
I don't even believe in controlled opposition, but god damn Richard Spencer is doing more to hurt the right wing as a whole than anyone on the left ever could. First he alienates outsiders by doing that completely faggy "Hail Trump" bullshit, and now he's pitting the right wing against them selves, saying that these people aren't REAL right wing.
The worst factor in all this is people treating all these E-celebs like fucking gods, so now we have the right wing version of fanboy wars.
Fuck off libtard scum.
>Defending Goebbels from being used as an example of a propagandist (why? are you stupid? guess what, he was a propagandist, and everyone in that audience was lapping up propaganda)
>Not defending the greatest white artist to ever exist from having his work shat upon by propagandists, using the excuse that it's wrong to shit upon propaganda, but really you're just mad about Goebbels' name being used negatively because you're a fucking faggot who was brainwashed by a slick 6 hour documentary made by the feds to smoke out retards
Homosexuality seems to be the last stand of implicit white identity.
Well yeah...but what the fuck is "the movement"?
What are it's goals or objectives?
What is it's end state?
What does Richard Spencer do exactly?
It is a time/ego sink. Seriously. What are they trying to achieve?
>I don't even believe in controlled opposition
Why not? is it so far-fetched to believe that people would infiltrate an ideology by pretending to be a member, slandering it and destroying it from the inside?
there is nothing about spenz being a fag...
you claim to wield the chaos lords magic. shouldn't be too hard for you to fix.
OC goys, get it whilst it's fresh
he changed his flag LMAO
back to please.
still nothing there, we need something new
Fuck off faggot
>back to >>>/reddit/
Ftfy m8
He is a leftist plant, his only job is to make the right look bad to normies. He nearly destroyed all of the right supporting celebs, forcing them to split from the "alt right" due to his "heil trump" rubbish
"bash the fash" was born from someone hitting him, which he most likely staged too.
The guy invited the press to an event where he had people shouting HEIL TRUMP in order to try undermine him.
This guy has done nothing but hurt the right with everything he has done.
Or do people REALLY think it's beyond reason that the left would create fake right personalities and push over the top nazi sentiment to make them unelectable.
The best way to destroy a movement is from within. Many lefties even sub to right leaning youtubers in order to push their narratives there, while pretending to be on right supporters.
You people are the worst.
You've turned the political movement against leftism into the new fedora.
fuck off, Sup Forums is not stromfaggotront
fuck off back stormweenie
>inb4 magapedes
you are a worse infestation than magapedes
Some sort of new Asian conservative movement?
There's still nothing in there about Spencer being a fag.
Seems like cripplechan subversion memes have spread here.
> hitler was a socialist
you must be a retard.
I take it the argument is that gay men are usually very racially picky (whites pick whites) so it's good to have them?
Is this the part where they all start eating each other?
Its not a 'movement' or anything really organized. Every time we start getting organised we get infiltrated by alt-light jews.
There is no great alt right. The media wanted a name to blame.
Milo and the others are cancer that bastardised and adopted the culture here to get them shekels and fame.
Spencer is a complete idiot but this was spot on
shit we /lucifer/ now.
When you act like niggers at a play then you will be called out
yeah because celebs didn't know what altright is and just stole the title becuase Hillary mentioned it, just to gain clicks
Did Spencer ever do his podcast thing about Robocop? I wanted to listen to that. He announced it a couple months ago, but then nothing.
wow, a genuine Sup Forumsitician for sure
bet nobody pays him
Kek has spoken
also nice quads.
>meanwhile, in the reddit dimension
Not going to adress this are any of you?
What does he have to do to prove he's gay, get Spence to actually suck you off? Just email him and ask ffs.
>There is no other Alt-"X"
>The other Alt's are false!
the only thing i've heard of about spencer is his one talk, that was barely protested, and getting punched in the face.
>a homosexual man is calling someone else a pervert
Just let him make a fool of him self. He does more damage to him self than you can. You only legitimize him by recognizing him.
Spencer has done nothing but act like a fool.
That he is outclassed by book sellers and homosexuals should cause him to self reflect and improve himself but instead he just lashes out on social media.
No, he is not right. Milo alone is more useful than he ever was or will be when it comes to redpilling children.
>but he is degenerate
That's why he is useful and can say what he wants. He also makes fun of his own degeneracy and doesn't want to be a role model in that regard. Also says he doesn't like being gay.
Kill yourselves,
Anyone that supports Richard Spencer might as well be supporting Hilary Clinton.
He is larper paid for by the left in order to make the right seem unelectable, a job he has done very well and the media loves him for it.
It's easy to spot leftist plants, they have no allies on the right at all.
>kek conjures satan
I used to unironically believe this when I was alt-lite/enlightened centrist taking my first entry level red pills. I feel ashamed.
>Milo alone is more useful than he ever was or will be when it comes to redpilling children
is that some codeword on "assfucking"?
I'm really starting to think that the real shills are fuggin' plebistan posters
Truly a conspiracy..
I wouldn't mind if Spencer stayed in his own lane but he's constantly swerving into other people's lanes.
Organized for what?
Cancer to what?
There is nothing to be cancer to because they do not aim to achieve anything.
Milo is a leftist plant?
yes goy the person who stand up for whites is a shill , we need more people like milo
he is more laughable than the shills he has just called out
he is literally the most transparent controlled opposition ever
the jews are not ever trying at this point
National Socialism was a reaction to International Socialism.
It was in many ways about co-opting the Leftist/Communist memes of the time.
What even is Kekistan for you faggots ?
Just a joke ? Is it at least nationalist ? Or is it nihilistic ?
What does the sword have to do with that ? Is it templar related ? Do you have any idea at all ?
shut up, you shill
But I sincerely wanna know.
Spencer is typically on point
I have a Twitter to follow news and a few other posters. Spencer is a weirdo faggot, but like you said he is correct. I constantly see people posting retweets from Cernovich and the other Ecelebs and it's the most cancerous shit I've ever read. It's gotten to point where I had to block a bunch of them because I'm tired of reading their stupid shit.
>The movement/ end goals/ objectives
Anti-Globalisation, Stop Anti-White propaganda
>End goal
Security, Safety, Jobs & Ending the national debt
>What does Richard Spencer do exactly?
Political activist.
I never identified myself as the alt right but as far as I know this is kinda what they wanted, oh and the possibility of some Kekistan Island made for CivNat's
Honestly the whole movement was a joke, people claim to be alt right but then start criticising the alt right, sperg lords dancing in the street with frog posters and the movement can't stick to one political agenda without changing it.
Spencer trying to dickride all of them for media time. Ignore him, like everyone else does.
>people claim to be alt right but then start criticising the alt right,
it is the fault of stupid cuckservatists and e-celeb who jumped on the bandwagon without knowing what it is
Spence is not /myguy/ but i respect him more than your cunts.
>Implying Richard Spencer isn't the worst eceleb trash of them all.
Everyone needs to remember to not punch to the right.
I listened to one of his talks. Whatever. Ethnonationalism is a pointless approach. It requires extreme steps that nobody in their right mind would support. He is correct about the demonization of white people though
The alt-right thing, if it exists at all, is a reactionary counter culture made up of differing, and often times conflicting, ideologies.
Conservatives want to preserve, reactionaries (right or left) want to destroy. So the destruction of the neoliberal world order is the only goal this thing ever had.
Even though Kek has fallen out of favor, a chaos god was fitting.
in b4
>fuck of shill.
>I'm a libertarian,
>I'm a fascist
> I'm a monarchist
I don't deny that you have sincere beliefs. I'm just saying your beliefs are incompatible. Since you all can't be for something, all of you have to be against something.
Ethnic Nationalism was a thing in usa until 1965 what makes you think it wont come back ? + dont people have the right to self-determination?
Correct me if I'm wrong but from what I've heard, Hitler's end goal was to eventually take over German corporations into state control. Unlike the Bolsheviks, he wanted to wait for the right time to do so.
Even Tom Arnold agrees with him.
>First he alienates outsiders by doing that completely faggy "Hail Trump" bullshit,
Who is going to alienate? Non whites? Who cares if he does?
Wew Sup Forums really changed for the worst after HWNDU, nothing but mullatos and mestizos here now.
Really made me think
>Ethnonationalism is a pointless approach.
80% white Canada, everyone.
They're all spooks, don't let them divide you. If they fuck up that's their fault.
tell me one alt light person who is not jew,or under a jewish boss or under an israel hard supporter boss
The E-celebs are stealing potential converts. People want something meaningful, and the "alt-lite" is presenting itself as an inoffensive version of whatever it is we are. They only become "ethnic Kekistanis (fat)" because it's less work, and they don't have to become social pariahs. But ultimately, they are just cuckservatives.
All 3 of these faggots shill you guys for money, Cernovich being the worst. His live streams are so infuriating to watch with all of his horrible advertising. All 3 of these people just want your money, changing morals as they see fit.
>when liberals pretend to be right posters and use the keywords they have written down
You are female too aren't you? I say because you are fucking awful at this and to be this shit takes a vagina.
>good goyim, very good goyim
Controlled OP of lit faggots
Richard Spencer has a respectable, truly egalitarian worldview that is actually fair, despite what most people infer, but he is so negative and doesn't offer many solutions. This is the image I gather from him, which makes him seem less like a leader and more like a pundit, even if he is often correct.
Just fucking neck yourself.
We don't really have an ethnicity, dude. We're a bunch of bongs, krauts, potato-niggers, niggers, and listerine drinkers.
Spencer isn't a faggot only little fuckheads who just came from lebbir think this.
Anyone who uses the term e-celeb is antifa
Those on the far right should remember that always punching left while shouting not to punch to the right will backfire on them.
Because you are far right, you will always hit a rightwinger for not being rightwing enough.
And that rightwinger will decide not to move further to the right, because those guys on the far right are just a bunch of assholes punching fellow rightwingers while going nu-uh you can't hit me back.