>adults invest incredible amounts of time and money for the purpose of publicly LARPing cartoon characters and behaving like children on halloween
Your earliest "we're circling the drain" epiphanies
Other urls found in this thread:
So you're saying people can't have hobbies?
I don't have a problem with it, provided that it doesn't expose kids to sexual content.
Youre just now realizing this is literally all our fault? (((They))) simply took advantage of our weakness.
Look around you user, how many genuine men do you see? Therein lies the root of all our problems.
Not just now realizing it. This was a big realization for me, about 10 years ago.
>defending cosplay as a "hobby"
No, its a manifestation manchildhood and aspergers
People shouldn't be occupying their lives with such "hobbies" when our nations and our cultures are in such grave danger.
The last white man sits alone in his room, controller in hand, as the world his ancestors built for him burns down around him
>a-at least i have my vidya
>Your earliest "we're circling the drain" epiphanies
"And so, the lord your God parted the heavens and appeared before his faithful followers, the Christians, in a radiant display of divine light, and cast his wisdom down unto his people: 'Kill yourselves for Israel', and the Christians did obey."
when i realize what circumcision is, amd just how subverted to the kikes everyone is, even my own parents
Start LARPing.
That was another one for me, as well.
Probably ruminated on that for the first time while in high school.
Oh so it's ok when women do it huh?
Fucking feminist cuck
Women are naturally childlike and enjoy creative hobbies, so yes, its OK for a woman to enjoy cosplay.
A man has other responsibilities to tend to, he should have no time for such frivolous matters. If a 'man' spends his free time pretending to be a childs superhero, can be honestly look in the mirror and call himself a man?
t. spends hours a day on a chinese cartoon weebsite
>They don't even do it on Halloween.
Its 7:30am here in the midwest, Sunday is my only day off from my construction job. Im currently working on my QC certification with the goal of managing quality for pre-cast concrete operations. I work 60-70 hours a week. I spend an hour or so here every Sunday morning while I drink my coffee, my attempts are futile but if I can reach 1 young man its all worth it.
I have roughly 6 hours to myself a week, the rest is spent furthering my career and fulfilling family obligations. I used to be the guy who spent countless hours here everyday, you dont have to be that guy either, its all up to you. Clean your room, become a man, contribute to the amazing world our ancestors left us user. This place is cancer if you let it control you.
Didn't read.
What a fat, bald, loser lmao
He's right though
Me too.
>but if I can reach 1 young man its all worth it
Why, thank you for doing that, you know? Best of luck with your career.
Thanks Ivan
I have high hopes for my white brethren in your part of the world, one of the very few places left where boys are still taught to be men. Stay based.
>Says the faggots spending their Sundays shitposting on an anonymous Atlantean basket weaving forum.
>He says posting on Sup Forums, doing less than nothing to preserve the world his ancestors built for
>telling lies to strangers on the internet
>Its 7:30am here in the midwest, Sunday is my only day off from my construction job
>Admitting to being a spic
You have to go back
Only so much water you can bail out with a bucket on a severely capsizing vehicle.
The mind control making everyone lie to kids about Santa Claus at Christmas and whatever the fuck the Easter bunny is.
someone seems pumped for Otakon!!
Still better than sitting in mommy's basement waiting for a fresh batc of tendies.
Where do you work you piece of shit?
I'm disgusted at even Sup Forums's general political stance, why the fuck would I have a greater expectation for the rest of society
literally who cares
>incredible amounts of time and money
show us your "incredible" facts, retard
no Santa Claus is a good redpill. It teaches children that society will conspire to convince you of a lie that doesn't even make sense.
Not everyone is out to get you user, some of us just want to help
kek we run an all white crew, well almost, we have 2 nigs but 1 is worthless. The other is a surprisingly hard worker. The midwest is a different breed altogether.
Recognising internet "culture" irl.
whats up kiddo? mad?
When Pim Fortuyn was killed, to the visible relief of every leftist cunt in the country.
>You know realize adults have been doing this since the dawn of time wrapped up in ritual and superstition
You literally couldnt be any more wrong
Yes, because dressing up as a ghost or god and dancing around is the right reason to do it, as opposed to whatever the OP is. People have never before dressed up as characters from popular culture before today, this is a totally new phenomenon, you've really proved your point.
These guys are dressed up as spooky ghosts and have a hierarchy based on mythical creatures for totally legitimate reasons, don't question them.
>today's cons and pop culture is the equivalent of religious practice of the past
wow, that's actually way worse than the premise we started with
The only difference is that the first world is currently stable and secure enough that many people have the time and money to devote to hobbies that require rather large investments of both.
>large amount of both
>and this is what they spend it on
not a good thing
Dressing up as a means of practising tradition, religion or culture serves to strengthen the community. Dressing up as your favorite video game character is an individualistic pursuit that only infantilizes men.
I remember about 7 years ago some blogger wrote about her 4 year old girl getting 'harassed' by a male classmate for bringing a Star Wars backpack to school.
I said the kid just has a crush on her, people called me an enabler and they said the father must be a raging sexist. The kid ended up having Weird Al Yankovic visit her and bring her hundreds of dollars worth of Star Wars merch. Probably got a free trip to the Lucas Ranch.
This was a year or so before Disney bought the property. I said 'fuck this shit' and swore off social media.
Or you could just tell them what lying is without the autistic LARPing
In elementary school, I won student council president by making the most trite speech you could imagine. I got a standing ovation but it killed me how easy it was to manipulate my classmates. I no longer considered my classmates to be worth consideration. The cherry on top was the feminist bitch teacher who didn't like that I won, told me as much, then gave me a minor disciplinary infraction so I would, by rule, lose my "office". The runner-up would take over for me.
I'll give you a thousand guesses the gender of the runner-up.
>culture serves to strengthen the community
See that last bit? You can argue the culture they're strengthening is stupid or useless, but the intent is the same. You see the same thing during any protests with all the LARPers or anyone on here shouting Dues Vult.
Cosplay isn't a hobby.
It's a venting of a misaligned social-sexual need for attention.
You will never see a socially healthy man engaging in this "hobby".
I genuinely do not know what your point is.
I have to agree.
Nothing wrong with this:
I have those same work boots. Shit's indestructible.
I saw McThor at comic con. It was an incredible unique costume. A work of art to be honest.
>a LARPer admires another LARPer
Gee, really makes you think.
>>mfw I used to be the guy who spent countless hours serving someone else, you dont have to be that guy either, its all up to you.
2009, a couple of years after that whole global financial crisis scare. for a while the australian dollar was actually worth a lot more than the american one. for a time, i saw nothing but fear mongering from the media, saying that due to how much our dollar was worth we were going to lose out on trade, on tech, on medicine and all that, that because we could actually pay for things we were somehow going to pay dearly for it. it was my first exposure to the nature of politics, to the nature of barganing for ones security. it disgusted me to no end.
at the time i didnt know about (((them))), just this sinking feeling in my gut that someone was trying to subvert my will. hell, up until that point i didnt even know what subversion was. regardless, it scared the fuck out of me, it made me think about my position in life, how much of it was dictated by people who would never show their faces on camera, and if there was anything i could do to strike back as it were.
the world was always burning, we're just enjoying the walled gardens our ancestors built you faggot. It's not like the hyper-white high income areas of the US are just going to go away.
What state?
>NE here, working in TX though