Cancer upon cancer, order upon the ashes of old order
Anyone else tired of this shit on Sup Forums, especially with all the state sponsored TD tags running here, in tandem with the blue crap too
Cancer upon cancer, order upon the ashes of old order
Anyone else tired of this shit on Sup Forums, especially with all the state sponsored TD tags running here, in tandem with the blue crap too
Thats so cringe worthy. It's more sad that 90% pf Sup Forums looks like those neckbeards.
At least they should make it look like a legit organization or even party, not like a grup of meme anime neckbeards
fucking newfag detected
>"stumping cucks..."
>MAGA hats
>white (provisionally)
>into memes
they are you, guize. you are them! why do you hate yourselves?
>state sponsored TD tags
remove the Templar flag faggot, and put back your commie one.
>state sponsored this post.
A wild Roma Jew out the lab again?
Stop making these threads.
> (OP)
>Stop making these threads.
what since the LARP flags drop you see less of us?
These threads a just a ploy to prevent right-wing organization.
Do not be dissuaded from forming friendships and groups of like minded people.
U can die u K Know
U2 bono
>omg kekistani so cringeworthy XD
Just stop, my dude. Our "culture" got popular and normies jumped on it. That's what always happens. Now you can either be happy that the world is opening up to Sup Forums culture/memes or you can be sad that they're watering it down to the point where it loses all meaning. Either way, it's just the same old thing twitter normies have been doing since forever.
If you're going to show yourself online you better make yourself look more presentable than that. They all look like greasy homeless men.
What happened in '87? Are they all 30 year olds?
> (OP)
>If you're going to show yourself online you better make yourself look more presentable than that. They all look like greasy homeless men.
>our culture
white people don't have culture
Sage this shit...
You're thinking summer '69 pervert
>muh dude
>d-don't make fun of cringy people guys!
Stop troll shielding faggot
Then what this
I bet they were used to wearing Guy Fawkes masks. Just changed to the new trendy cancer.
Remember when kek was the single most popular thing on Sup Forums like 2 months ago? you fucking hypocrites.
ourguys vs yourguys
We can all agree the left is a joke, it's time to unite under Kekistan and stop dividing the right. Let's wipe them out once and for all.
Anyone else notice how the Kekistan cringe threads started popping up at almost exactly the same time as all the "Blumpf BTFO" threads disappeared?
Really activates your almonds, doesn't it?
You can still find kek worship other places. I think people are just tired of seeing this stuff IRL.
what the fuck happened when you were trying to post? lurk more before you try posting
If they accept the zionist red pill then i have no problem with these types.
Dont get me wrong, I think its cringeworthy as fuck, but all these people sperging out with the 'GO BACK 2 REDDIT FUCKING T_D' just reeks of newfags trying to fit in by jumping on the latest hate-bandwagon
>Remember when kek was the single most popular thing on Sup Forums like 2 months ago? you fucking hypocrites.
You believe him to have abandoned us? your childish feeble minded cuck brain cannot contain his complex calculator of chaos constantly calculating cultural chilling.
OP still has PTSD from when some random 13yo called him a cuck
The right-wing's biggest weakness is our organizational institutions.
This is a coordinated attack to prevent organizing. Yeah these guys should try to present themselves better, but these threads are obvious shill tactics.
Alinsky rule 4:
"Ridicule is man's most potent weapon." There is no defense. It's irrational. It's infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.
Alinksy rule 13:
"Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it." Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.
pic related is a man.
What you have there must be one of those trannies of yours or something.
This level of autism from that cancer there, it reeks
> (You)
>what the fuck happened when you were trying to post? lurk more before you try posting
Ohhhh damn!!!! Nigga packing heat! He think shots fired! Lol this man's a joke playboi
Yeah, I guess the right wing started doing something even more cringeworthy.
This place has been infested by edgy teenagers. Fuck off newfags.
That's the least embarrassing collection of Kekistani faggots that I've seen yet. Damning by faint praise, mind you. least theyre white. .
its crazy how in the absence of a culture and identity people will jump on the new identity craze like its candy
> (OP)
>Anyone else notice how the Kekistan cringe threads started popping up at almost exactly the same time as all the "Blumpf BTFO" threads disappeared?
>Really activates your almonds, doesn't it?
It'll slow down. You know, summer and all.
what the fuck is wrong with your shitposting machine fag
get that shit fixed
bunch of fat neck beards right there, disgusting.
Rare colour image of varg posing with euronymous
>all these people sperging out with the 'GO BACK 2 REDDIT FUCKING T_D' just reeks of newfags trying to fit in
there is some of that I'm sure but it's obviously originating with some leftards, likely redditors.
no one right wing has any reason to counter signal against fat guys in MAGA caps, especially when the left is running around in pussy hats.
What do you have against #ourshield ?
Nobody wants outsiders on Sup Forums except for other outsiders. You Sup Forumstards never learn no matter how old you get.
Bringing trash to this website is like letting Somalis into your country, Shlomo.
This, fucking newfag season, but I'm more suspicious than that.
This chick lol
the psyop on this shit is straight from the playbook
we're even destroying the little bit we have left
1 post by shill
>sage it
>the psyop on this shit is straight from the playbook
Got it Red-leader.
Posting now.
American posters
I agree guys, we need to make sure normies hate us and we're the shithole of the internet, or we lose
I'll Fucking kill your dog then make you eat the frosting faggot
U2 about killing it dogs frosting
I doubt any of this fuckers browse Sup Forums at all, normies come and go, most of this people are the youtube le skeptic community and spawns of cuck of akkad.
>People making fun of you for acting like furries in public is a psyop.
>these threads keep popping up
>Spencer suddenly hates it
>Spencer is controlled opposition
Really activates my almonds
I agree that this kekistan faggotry is extremely cringe inducing, but I'm now convinced that these threads are merely slide/derail threads, this is the fourth consecutive day I'm seeing this
So you think it's more likely some shadowy undercover group rather than a bunch of internet nerds embarrassing themselves in public?
>LARP flag
It's sad ain't it?
Shady undercover group? lolno
Lefty keyboard warriors? Absolutely
>sneak Woke Attack hits for 4XDMG
>Based stn x3life cycles
>U move Harry.
>LARP flag
Check my flag again you stupid gypo, I'm on geographic location
>Shady undercover group? lolno
>Lefty keyboard warriors? Absolutely
Speak for yourself newfag go join the Democratic party or something you crazy guy
take your (you) and go away
I think the best part about this is the fact that they're making satanic hand symbols, it's fucking priceless.
They have more than enough time on their hands to do the research and see that they were being led from day one. The satanic symbolism in so much of the memes is no coincidence.
You are a bunch of worthless fucks and you wont be saved, you don't deserve it. There is only one God and he is above all. Enjoy reincarnating and getting to do this all over again faggots. Keep worshiping satan alongside your brothers the subversive KIKE jew. That makes you essentially one in the same. Might as well start threads for the kikes since you work together.
I meant the OP you dumb burger
>kike thread
got you senpai
I fucked your little sister mat
>Lefty keyboard warriors
just because you post on here user doesn't mean you get a free pass from being ridiculed.If people do somethin cringy then they deserve to be called out on it.
Haha! This LARPing is reaching furry fandom levels. How soon before we have Kekistani art porn?
> (OP)
>Haha! This LARPing is reaching furry fandom levels. How soon before we have Kekistani art porn?
Hey howany tentacles you want in this thing?
Alt right movement from the beginning has always been fucking embarrassing. It just hasn't had very much real life exposure.
anyone have the pic from twitter about the "anime right" (or something like that) marching, with some cunt walking in front of guys?
Fuck, I've seen that too many times
Sub NIGGER you page me?
>there are people on Sup Forums who actually defend this "kek" faggotry with 100% sincerity
I acknowledge the cringe, but understand the value of organizing groups.
The radical left has us completely BTFO in regards to organization. We have to start somewhere.