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Top bantz Spain
No seriously how the fuck did this happen? Was the American ship trying to board/inspect the merchant ship or something and one of them couldn't stop in time? Why were they so close at speed?
It was a massive container ship idiot.
There's an increasing amount of non whites involved in the u.s military
200 meters long is massive?
you bongs should really redefine your standards
Then the little ship can avoid it easily.
Good Christ! American supposedly protect us from China and we ended up learning how weak and useless they are. Pathetic.
ACX Crystal was 29000 tons whereas the fitzergald was somewhere in the range of 6000-9000 tons
An aircraft carrier is 300m. I'm not sure you've ever seen anything other than a pontoon boat or you'd understand what he means when he says massive
possibility they were surrendering to the phillipinos and drew too close alongside?
Marine engineerfag reporting in. You do not even know how ships fkn work.
How didn't yall see that boat
Lol,weren't they mocking Russia for the same thing just a few months ago?
Yet you haven't given a reason for the collision
Ok, go on genius
And the E, and EEE class, owned by Maersk Line, is 403m.
What's your point, faggot?
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Oh please enlighten us then master marine engineer
>destroyer can literally rotate prop 180 degrees to immediately start slowing down
>still collides
tl;dr it happened because someone or someones on the destroyer fucked up to nearly unseen levels and they're gonna be god damned crucified for it
In a shooting fight? The destroyer. If you mean a crashing fight then the 'small' ship, it looks significantly bigger than the destroyer.
>Gross tonnage of 29060
>Deadweight tonnage of 39565
It weighs anywhere from a Konig class dreadnaught to just shy of the Bismarck. That's pretty fucking big
try having a basketball filled with cement thrown at you
>fucked up to nearly unseen levels
I believe this
Probably a diversity hire was at fault. The navy does love social justice these days.
typical engineer cunt, just says he is better than everyone else and can't come up with anything useful
Spen landmass stronk!
why is that relevant you runt, that comment was vegan tier
ships go forwards, backwards and can turn, why did this one do none of those things in the right order?
well, neither did the genius piloting that thing so there you go
Man Poland doesn't even get ships that big that much.
I bet 7 navy sea men on the merchant ship.
Well when you have a burger at the wheel anything is possible Sanchez.