Been finding that I hate and disrespect women more and more lately, starting to genuinely believe that they belong in the kitchen and do fuck all else. Sexism yes no? Are women really worth anything?
Am I sexist if I hate women, when I am a woman?
uhhhh... gee, I don't know... t-that's a toughie, you really have me stumped
tits or gtfo white bitch
Assuming this isn't a LARP, it's not women, it's feminism that's ruined the modern woman.
Tits or gtfo. Simple.
That makes you a faggot craving for dicks but you are OP so it dosen't make much difference.
Who is this semen demon
It's only sexist if you're pre-op
You can't be sexist against women if you are a woman.
What even is the modern woman at this point? Whining about being a women and hating white men is what it feels like
My gf hates women, I've narrowed it down to resentment towards her cunt mother.
I've been slowly chipping away at bringing out her girly side and allowing her to act more feminine.... It's not healthy to hate all women user!
So are you going to get around to the point or are you going to talk about yourself?
This and only this
women hate women because they're your competition. If there weren't any women, you'd be the one getting all the attention you want
also, tits or gtfo
whos this I demand sauce !
its me
no but you are a cuck
if i was a woman i'd be a raging feminist with dyed hair and shit because it's in my best interests to do so
If you prove it You could meet a qt 3.14 6'2'' white fit alpha spanish male.
Your move.
>Are women really worth anything?
Yes. As a mother. A wife. A pillar of the community.
Not as a feminist who believes she should get a CEO position because she was born with a vagina.
Self hating is fucking retarded. It's anti-feminine. And it's something feminism has taught you to do because they can use those negative feelings and redirect them in a blame-game against men.
Grow the fuck up, OP.
Fucking total bullshit nobody that attractive would browse Sup Forums nice LARP though 7/10 gave me a boner
Simple fact is women have evolutionary mechanisms that makes them incompatible with the relationship paradigms presented by modern society. Majority of average Joes will be cucked and raise another man's spawn unknowingly. While deluding himself that sub par sex with his wife once a month is living the dream. Sad state of affairs lads.
That's where ur wrong kiddo
>My gf hates women
Women HATE other women, despise them, wish horrible things upon them.
Most women hate each other.
Believing women belong in the kitchen doesn't mean you hate them anymore than believing a horse belongs in a stable means you hate horses.
>Destroying their future with childish demands.
>Best interests.
Pick one.
>Am I sexist if I hate women, when I am a woman?
no, sexism is a buzzword to stop people from voicing their honest opinion on how shit women are.
>Feminists HATE other women, despise them, wish horrible things upon them.
You're absolutely retarded if you think feminism is in a woman's best interest. It is the religion of soulless vapid cunts that are bent on destroying Western Civilization.
you are only "Sexist" if you disagree with the mainstream media...
>Pillar of the community
Women are only there to support their husband though, without men they are nothing?? (Not a real mother if you're lesbian??)
Haha, almost spilled my milk all over my pink nipples.
Top post mate.
That's the dumbest thing I've heard.
Might as well say men are nothing without women. It's filler. A thought terminating cliche that gives you an excuse not to think through what you believe and hide away from maturity.
You have literal nigger blood flowing through your veins.
>Whining about being a women and hating white men
That's how women are represented on Sup Forums. Clearly you don't have contact with women irl. Mostly women obsess over people in their lives, gossip, relationships, etc, and crafting an image of themselves on social media.
sexism doesn't exist you stupid roastie
They belong in cages and need to be kept as surrogate mothers who solely exist to reproduce and nothing else (perhaps not even any education so that they remain as minimally destructive as possible) and then we all fuck traps.
No, no, you've got it wrong! Feminism is a trend of your country, and it's current incarnation only just began to exist some time in 2010. It's "Internet culture"-big at best here, and the animalistic behavior that women exhibited (in interacting with each other) for god knows how long is clear and evident.
>While deluding himself that sub par sex with his wife once a month is living the dream. Sad state of affairs lads.
Being a serf is probably better than the current wagecuckery.
Bull fucking shiet. You like to get young boys to dap cause your and old homo. Jerking it to kids jerking it. This circlejerk ends right here with me. I will go fap somewhere else. GOOD DAY!
women are incredibly well behaved and civilized compared to men. It's actually astonishing.
Men are really terrible. we commit all the crime, for example. Women got issues, but they pale in comparison to men.
the only real problem with women is they're gullible, are natural socialists, and over-estimate their abilities.
This is a female poster
The only real answer is assistive technology and progress is the cause of feminism. Assistive technology made it easy for women and weaker men to thrive. This also include medicine and mechanical technology. Anything that makes strength less of a factor.
Most women hate other women.
Timestamp then
pic with timestamp and i'll believe you
i think women are pushed to be in a role they're not supposed to be in our culture, and its your natural reaction to this to feel somewhat.. offended?
>hurr how does image search work, please give me a time stamp goddess
pol really is half r9k incel shit with more racism
Hey, the Paddy's damn right. You may try to hide it, but if you're beautiful you will hate other women. You'll just hide it better under excuses like this one, because other women threaten your territory. In your quest for the perfect male, you must thus disable and maim your kin in order to come out on top.
tits or gtfo
Now to answer your question, yes you can still be sexist towards women even if you are one yourself. The same way many white liberals can be racist against white men.
Now, whether this counts as sexism is hard to say. All these isms depend on the argument that they are irrational generalisations of groups, but many a generalisation is not made irrationally.
Women are nothing without children, and it takes a man to make them with and a man to raise them with.
Logically speaking, without a man a woman can't be anything.
10 min at the sun burns my skin thats how white I am.
Although I have brown hair brown eyes I like them as I will become super saiyan there is no problem with that.
would you support an alpha husband? I know how to build shit and have survival skills. I could save up money and buy a traditional house If you dont mind to live like our ancestors did
Not sexist, simply in the right.
I hate most women but my girl friend is red-pilled. Dated so many shitty white girls. Finally found a real woman and she is asian american
And that's not you, unless you post your shit on Tumblr, because that's what reverse search gave.
I am female - heaps of women dont obsess over gossip and shit (although heaps do), to be honest all bug me and 90% of those I meet seem useless and stupid
¿Cómo puedes ser tan planchabragas, baboso y patético?
ofc its not me jesus who actually believed it
I am surprised that everyone always meets the same type of woman. Feminist slut. I had never a relationship with a woman that was like this.
There is many different types of women. Some good some bad.
Thirsty whiteknights in 3....2.....1
You know your ID is still the same, even if you change your flag right?
Muslim women let's get naked.
It's like she slept theough the Islam tolerance lecture at uni.
It's a little sexist but your disrespect is not unfounded.
Not even same girl in OP you shitskin
You look like a squaw.
Efficiency is women taking care of the home. Anything else is a slow downhill fall backwards.
yeah I just like changing the flag since its pretty
After seeing those, cute little trap titties don't look so bad
You don't hate women, because that would make you a feminist. You hate feminism.
Still confused about how people think girls used in original thread pics are actually genuine
My only surprise is why more women do not like women. The pettiness and backstabbing chronic.
Confirmed for grill
h-h-hello... would you wanna hang out sometime and watch some anime?
>Still confused about how people think girls used in original thread pics are actually genuine
>its me
Believing in obvious falsehoods because it's better than the truth which is that were all in this hell together.
It's in their nature user, to secure the best male mate they have to be better than the next woman.
Why are you on Sup Forums if you're an Indian?
I don't know any single woman that hates other women that doesn't do it solely for male attention or because her personality is shit and only men tolerate her because of her tits.
Always notice if girl says this kinda shit because thats a HUGE red flag.
Maybe because
Attention whore
You know what I will give you that
idk I've come to spread of hate for women and love for good curry?
Men are also nothing without children and they need women to make and raise them.
Without children you're fucked.
>Logically speaking, without a man a woman can't be anything.
Logically speaking, without a woman a man can't be anything.
>There is many different types of women. Some good some bad
But of course! Now, say you've got yourself a fistful of wild strawberries; if just one of them has a worm inside, would you be more careful next time you take a bite?
Prejudice is not without a reason.
Shit so you're a pajeet? Not even a real Indian?
Oh well
I guess I like Bobby Jindal so you're OK
Date with me?
what does it say Sup Forums?
>W... of... Compliance
Fuck, am I what I have come to despise?
>Been finding that I hate and disrespect women more and more lately, starting to genuinely believe that they belong in the kitchen and do fuck all else.
You're just a stupid Uncle Tom equivalent, and harmful to both men and women alike with your spiteful but conformist behaviour.
>m-maybe if I'm a total cunt Sup Forums will like me
Banhammer imminent
Nope. Men are left brain dominant. They can override their emotional right brain with the right rationale. Unfortunately majority of women will suffer crippling depression if they dont push something out of their cunny.
Disgusting, for your sake I hope that's not actually yours.
Women have a biological compulsion to reproduce, whereas men have a compulsion to fuck everything that moves. You can master these primal drives, but you can't remove them, they're part of your biology.
Securing a high status mate to provide for you and your children was what women did since we came out of the trees. That doesn't mean it's all you have to do, modern conveniences leave you with a lot of free time and luxuries. Whatever you decide, prepare for regret.
Will you regret not achieving high status in a career because you had kids? was that realistically going to happen anyway, even if you remained single?
Will you regret not having a suitable partner, or time for kids because you focused on a career? Does life past 40 involve no kids and a lot of cats?
Think about it carefully. Eggs go bad. Make your choice long before you hit the wall.
To sum up what this sounds like to me. The backbone of all civilization ergo the destroyers of nations as well. Equal, vital, Devine in a wholly separate way from men. With the potential for the world ending insidiousness.
That is my supersized pencil cock you racist
I suck it every morning
>Been finding that I hate and disrespect women more and more lately
That's understandable today.
>starting to genuinely believe that they belong in the kitchen and do fuck all else. Sexism yes no?
I think there might be a middle ground somewhere.
>Are women really worth anything?
They can be if they want to. Most don't.
All I see is pencil dick.
They just say you have """""""""""""""""""internalized sexism""""""""""""""""""""" because god forbid women to have different opinions.
It's like how blacks get called uncle toms for not following BLM bullshit.