>Pres Trump, FLotUS Melania, Barron (in Arsenal gear) leaving for Camp David 6/17/17
>Pres Trump Weekly Address #21 6/16/17
>Krispy leads President's commission on Combating Drug Addiction 6/16/17
>Pres Trump rally in Little Habana, FL announcing Cuba policies (Rubio, Gov Scott, VP, Pres) 6/16/17
>Pres Trump Address before Congressional Baseball Game 6/15/17
>Rodman gifts The Art of the Deal to lil Kim 6/15/17
>SoS T-Rex opening Conf on Prosperity and Security for CONCACAF 6/15/17
>VP Pence @ CONCACAF conf (intro by T-Rex) 6/15/17
Trump Playlist
>Donald Trump Carolus Rex
>Trump SwordDancing to Shadilay
>AF1 Takeoff in the rain
>Donald Trump Emperor of America
>TrumpBot vs Mexico
>Trump Triumphant
>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguration of Fire
>American Hero
OP pastebin:
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Thanks op
Democrat and blackpill faggots can fuck right off.
Imagine a world without abuse of gibs
>tfw no qt trump supporting conservative cuban gf
Refugees are spooky!!!
You must gib me all of your shekels, or i will let boogyman refugees spook you!
It's almost as if most muslims support terror or something.
take the fatpill
>deporting millions of Democrat voters and gangbangers will have no effect on my life
Good luck convincing people of that.
If you have a different definition for establishment, please present it. Trump was not deeply tangled in either banking systems or political systems, before running for office.
If repealing Dodd-Frank makes him a pawn of the establishment, I think you have a different definition from mine.
Why do we have to live through the worst time of history?
This is the first time in his life he hasn't been surrounded by sycophants. He has spent his whole life legitimately believing that he, Donald J. Trump, is super great, super intelligent. The most intelligent. Everybody loves him. Everybody wants to be him.
That's been his reality for his entire life. The idea that he's completely incompetent has never been presented to him. And he has certainly never had to look a reality that he is incompetent, backed up with a evidence and abysmal approval ratings, in the face and been forced to defend it against a hostile crowd.
His reality has been brutally shattered and that can have devastating effects on a mind like his. He is having to face his own limits for the first time.
Imagine that. Imagine if you woke up tomorrow and someone told you "You've been on a simulation treadmill your whole life. There's no such thing as America or humans. The world is run by sentient toasters. Also you're a fish." Then that sentient toaster kicks you square in the balls and tells you to go fuck yourself.
It'd be kind of hard to deal with right? Well that's what's happening to Trump right now. The free world is being run by an unstable egomaniac with a fractured reality.
I'm not living in a country that welcomes terrorists and spreads their women's legs for free rape, Sven.
Republican congressman:
"The US should fund Isis to fight against Iran!"
I honestly question if i should remain republican or become an independent voter now
Listen, hugbox redditors. Not everyone who disagrees with you is deep into psyops or a shill. Some people just disagree. For instance, me.
Rural white voter here. Voting for Trump was possibly the biggest mistake of my life. Probably the worst president we've had in the last 500 years. We must impeach him now and lock up his most fervent supporters. The travel ban is racist and the white house is literally full of islamophobic texts and art. Hate can only be defeated by destroying it from the top down.
On top of his blatant racism, now he is literally destroying the planet earth and ruining young and promising female entertainers' lives. What about our children? Do the right thing, fellow rural white voters. Call your senator or congressman and set things right.
Is this even legal? Isn't this considered influencing the election? With all of this crying from the Dems about election interference, you would think they wouldn't be such blatant hypocrits. But then again, Dems.
Anyone here spend much time around new parents?
I do/have, and I've witnessed things that make me want to throw up, parents making decisions on behalf of their young kids that will make their lives worse than they should be
>the road to hell is paved with good intentions
More than true desu
This has got me thinking just now and I want to ask you guys;
what's the worst way a parent can legally ruin their child's life?
I'm wondering if I've witnessed the worst possible or if there's more to come
Depressing as fuck witnessing all that potential being wasted
Stale pasta, mate.
I'd rather get raped by Somalians than live in Romania desu
>the worst time of history
it's not, you're just a loser. Go get laid, faggot.
But your women emigrate in massnumbers to Israel and Western countries to spread their legs. It may not be for free, but still.
>Probably the worst president we've had in the last 500 years
This pasta always brings a smile.
get fucked you stupid piece of shit
Lol didn't read
>no rules shirt
Yeah right, a pious muslim for sure and not an undercover leftard
Nigger dick fetish sounds German to me. How about you drop that flag, eh?
Hey republican,
Explain to me why this congressman says the US should directly fund Isis to fight against Iran:
Is this the real reason you don't donate Sup Forums ?
Sucking dick for cash is a better deal than having niggers and Muslims run a train on you for free, while the police will likely arrest anyone that tries to help you cuz muh raysizzm.
Your country will die in socialist multicultural flames while mine will endure. I like the odds here.
i always laugh when I read about countries with 'low social net like the US', you guys are giving away your money like candy to a baby
They don't need donations here, just tax my shit up senpai
I don't even know who that guy is, NeoCons aren't even Republican
Every perioid is the worst. Except 3000 BC because your just farming, drinking and having sex.
Y-you mean l-like don't do anything? I even changed my FB avatar and banner with #PrayForHashtag...
Why should I pay to watch a Continent get raped when I can watch it for free
>bad marketing
So Syrian Refugees are a coproduction of commerce? Thanks for clarifying that, TNYT.
He is a congressman. this guy, who thinks the US should fund isis to fight against Iran, is actually voting on behalf of the republican party on issues that effect your life
wtf trump
I would love to donate a few nuclear payloads to gas and glass the entire middle east. It would be fun but seriously I cant get my hands on launch codes
my parents increase their donations to doctors without border everytime the news report something like a gaz attack in syria...believe me people donate, its probably that there isnt high rated charities dedicated exclusively to Syrians.
>attack claimed by the Islamic State
literally every attack is claimed by the Islamic state.
> liberals using deaths of patriots to promote their filthy virtue signaling
What's new?
fuck you want me to do, am I supposed to be a Democrat because the Republicans have a bunch of rotten apples?
Skycrappers were a mistake
It looks good to me.
No, no! CNN showed at least 6 muslims protesting against violence.
Nah, you are not supposed to be a "Democrat" either.
You suppose to be a progressive trying to take over the democratic party to take money out of the political system and save american democracy
>Trump should listen to the people who constantly get everything wrong
so is the rising anti-white narrative ever going to be addressed by someone in power? It can't be okay forever, we have a white president again.
caring whether or not they are white or not
>Democrats imposing outside influence on an election while complaining about outside influence on an election
I despise fags and trannies, I don't think I could be a progressive
But You are members of the EU. EU wants everyone to recieve migrants, they have probably already placed thousands and thousands fo migrants in Romania already. And if they haven't already they sure will.
Don't you think getting corporate money out of politics is more important than issues regarding to homosexuality and transgenders
Not to mention that he actually did tweet about the sailors, but there I go expecting liberals to be truthful.
6 ?
I saw 5, unless you're counting the baby !
Muzzies are all about peace and love, all 5-1/2 of them !
Nice try, JEW
I bet she does not even talk to her husband at lunch, look at him it's like he is already ready to go away and leave them alone
So I'm supposed to waste my time worrying about whether or not Bruce Jenner can take a dump in the lady's room?
Post what you're listening to /ptg/
Fuck CNN
Lemme tell you a short story: a train full of immigrants, headed for Germany, was stopped at the Romanian border towards Hungary.
When they were brought down from the train, the refugees found out the country they were in and started crying. You know why? Because they know there are no free social gibs coming from the Romanian state.
Even if the EU were to push a refugee quota on our country, the niggers will vanish within a week, guaranteed. They want to leech off wealthier nations and they know Romania isn't one.
That's an utopia though, Progressives like yourself want big government and no corruption, that's fantasy land
No. you suppose to spend your time caring about increasing funds in education, implementing universal healthcare and getting corporate money out of the the US political system
You can't openly say ppl are anti white, but that's why Bannon is in the Whitehouse, they must move behind the scenes........
Keep the faith !
Pretty sure some of them have african slave blood
I'm not asking for anything Utopian. most western countries have a limit on how much campaign funds a candidate can get from the rich and corporations. that's what we really want to implement.
Also the boogyman of "Small/big government" is really just a boogyman in this case. some governing is essential if you want to improve the quality of life in your country, and that includes things like universal healthcare and investments in education. investments in healthcare and education don't make your country the soviet union, i hope you are aware of that
>They think white people will actually give our money up even after we become minorities
Toppest of the toppermost keks
that's a shoop right? or a joke?
>shot by a white man
What does this have to do with anything. Dog whistle racism much?
The state of Romania won't give them gibs, but the EU itself will probably fund it, they think it's too important to break down the homogeneity and social cohesion in the country.
Do you think (((Noah's))) original last name is "Smith"?
>some governing is essential if you want to improve the quality of life in your country,
You hit the nail on the head right here, that's what we all want, SOME government, but you assholes on the right want a mega state
>You think white people have money
Nope. Welcome to Sweden! Our women and children are free for rape, as long as your skin is dark!
I meant ''assholes on the left''
That bottom right image is actually a reality
>increasing funds in education
We did that and the nigger Dem counties just stole all of the money like African warlords do.
>universal healthcare
>corporate money out of us politics
You voted for Hillary
Confirmed Jewish, I searched his Twitter.
user, republicans recently removed legislation that protects sources of drinking water from pollution by coal companies.
Do you really think that's a sufficient amount of governing, or do you believe there has to be regulations that protect drinking waters?
If you believe in the latter, you are on our side.
Yeah the "hurr durr America and the West is dying" guy is hilariously short sighted
True death of the west is not elimination of culture, if you argue that then you must argue all civilizations are dying, and that's not the argument you're looking to make (you want to say the west is dying and the non west is killing it). The internet is killing tradition in every country, not just the west. This is a part of modernization, which is not exclusive to the west.
True death is giving up. You can make that argument, which has its merits, and I'm willing to shoot you down again on that. But saying that we've given up because we've simply grown up from tradition to adopt the ever increasing pace of modernization is pretty retarded.
We do. Must suck to be non-white and waiting around for white people's handouts.
You know, people used to talk and think in individual terms. That the individual has a name, hopes, needs and desires. Now we are just numbers in a statistic. Like ants. There is an ideology that follows this same pattern. Where you are stripped of your humanity as an individual. Doomed to work in the fields like a mindless ant at gun point.
Sven, you don't know our history. We've had centuries where we battled the Ottoman Turks: we were turned into a vassal state and we had to pay exorbitant sums of gold and produce to keep the slightest sense of independence.
We've had refugee camps set on fire, here, by the local people. I'm not worried about my country, user: your country is dying, however, and you're too weak and cucked to do anything about it. Enjoy the death of your nation while your mom and sister get raped in the name of compassion and multi-culti.
ashkenazi by the looks.
These are literally the people who went fucking nuts over "covfefe" while ignoring the fucking BOMBING AND DOZENS OF PEOPLE KILLED which is likely the cause of Trump butt-posting the incomplete message that trails off into a typo.
Is anyone calling them out on this shit