My wife finally convinced me to get the procedure, and I'm so happy to know she will never have to worry about carrying my seed again
My wife finally convinced me to get the procedure, and I'm so happy to know she will never have to worry about carrying my seed again
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That is a very good goy
do her black bulls still get to fuck her bareback?
all the babies will be tyrone's now
>getting neutered
very progressive
bald 30 something, a manlet too by the looks of it
20 gbp
oh you know it
His wife will be having black babys soon.
i love modernity
>my wife convinced me to not advance my dinasty through my genes while she's not getting sterilized and fuck every nignog in sight
litterally cucknada
My girlfriend would feel better if I got one, but I really can't be asssed
Haha, I know! Thanks!
Please tell me you went/are going to a sperm bank or five before doing this...
>Go on honey, tell them it was your choice
Vasectomies just make your babies come out black. Not worth, imo.
>"It's a GIRL"
Holy fuck. I don't know what kind of human being can find this funny. If you get a vasectomy you are a cuckold.
>being cucked for the rest of you life,literally insulting every relatives that lived in past,ending their dinasty because you are a little faggot.
this is happening in MMXVII
That's the look of a woman that can't wait to divorce him shortly after.
>We're anxious but enthusiastic for what the future holds.
Just sad as fuck bro.....
You people are retarded. Who cares if liberals get vasectomies?
No conservative would post this on facebook.
no kids to get all that child support though, probably just drains his bank account anyways
>tfw I will never know that feel of living with the shame of failing my ancestors
Rolled a boy on the first try lads feels good
Did someone said... JOOOOOOOOS?
you do realize political orientation is not genetic right retard?
So if 55% of "whitepepo" sterilize themselves is gonna lead to an ever faster white genocide.
AND more liberals born off conservatives anyway next gen
I would bet money that they'll be divorced in 5 years, he'll find some new woman and regret this decision for the rest of his life.
Tell her to get her tubes tied instead.
If your white never get a vasectamy.
it's reversible isn't it?
Crawling in my skin,these wounds will not heal
>hey family who is following me on facebook!
>my husband got a vasectomy so that when he is pumping his seed inside my vagina, i won't get pregnant!
>isn't that so cool to know?
Yeah because being raised by parents who do stupid shit like that won't have any lasting effect on you.
Your argument could be extrapolated to gays, lesbians, trannies raising children without repercussions, because they don't turn out like their parents. Do you agree with that?
Unterreichted poßt
Not realky wont pay to reverse a vasectamy but will pay for a vasectamy.
>you do realize political orientation is not genetic right retard?
It unironically is, there isn't a political gene per-say but the character traits are passed on and parenting have these impacts.
Sometimes. Sometimes it's not. It's a stupid thing to do to yourself.
What the fuck! Where do I go, pol?? My home is degenerate now!?
Disgusting. Repulsive. I do not know which part bothers me more, the fact that this is an obvious slide-thread or that the image is actually from a real person's vasectomy.
Neutering is for controlling the population of cattle, not men. Any who thinks otherwise is a degenerate and any who goes through with the operation out of his own free will is a race-traitor whom deserves to be shot and disposed of on short order.
Utah shirt?
Typical mormons,they will probally adopt some Black babys soon.
Wait, why should he get a vasectomy? For what purpose (aside from having black babies)?
Gays lesbos and trannies can't have children retard. I guess you failed health class
Is that pic stupid? Yea.
But vasectomies are not stupid retards. There are not many options out there for birth control that don't involve some form of hormone. What would you rather have, a vasectomy or a bitchy wife that is more attracted to low testosterone males? Get real
While it's stupid to.get a vasectomy for a woman.
It's generally a smart idea. I do not want to put children in this shitty world that will not exist much longer as we know it.
Enjoy your enslaved by muddies family while I roll solo fucking normies
Unless you already have kids and don't want more. If you are both late 30's, you are better off unless you want to risk a child with down syndrome.
>Gays lesbos and trannies can't have children retard. I guess you failed health class
I am white and have 4 white kids with my white wife already.
I just want to cum inside my wife and have no more kids.
The way I see it we have done our part to double the white population.
Am I cuck if I get a vasectomy?
Every time I get a girlfriend she ends up saying something (((stupid))) and I punch her and get arrested and she breaks up with me. I've been in jail 20 times for punching women who spout feminist shit at me or call me racist. I've never punched a man for it because I don't want to risk getting my ass kicked.
>you and your spouse are 30-somethings
>combined income of at least $250k
>nut in her 24/7
>travel to wherever you want
>do whatever you want
>no chance of life-destroying kids
Sounds pretty good man. Is /snip/ the ultimate redpill?
Why didn't she get her tubes tied?
I saved the pics this thread will live on it should be national news.
>Every time I get a girlfriend she ends up saying something (((stupid))) and I punch her and get arrested and she breaks up with me. I've been in jail 20 times for punching women who spout feminist shit at me or call me racist. I've never punched a man for it because I don't want to risk getting my ass kicked.
she'll eventually want someones seed
just not yours
Your better off making half that money and impregnating young beautiful 19 year old women.
Before you get the snip, be sure to speak to a Urologist.
I was about to do it until my GP advised me to forget it. There are so many different complications Acute and long term after getting your balls blanked.
It's yuppy garbage but I fucking love Bojack.
It's a more risky procedure.
Yes just keep making white babys.
Make 10 save the white race with your penis.
Especially if your having healthy children
lol nice balloon
Giving up my entire life for at least 18 years for a small person that's going to scream and cry and shit everywhere? Not thank you.
> By age 35, a woman's risk of conceiving a child with Down syndrome is about 1 in 350
Yeah it's increased. I'd still take the 1 in 350 chance. But that's more a problem with society pushing off having kids until later, which is actually an awful thing to do. We're doing it wrong as a whole.
Because she needs to be able to give birth to tyrones,jose and ahmed's children.
and the look of a man who knows she can't wait to be pumped full of nigger seed while living off his alimony
parents are an influence
society is another
random life occurences is another still
It's not automatic. Lots of cuks have conservatives parents and viceversa.
The case of gays and lesbenas and trannyez is different bc more often than not it's not an outright rational decision and stems off molestation or trauma, such as seeing ur "dads" get gangbanged by 20 niggers or him raping you in the ass at age 6
No, you're a cuck if you're childless and get a vesoctomy like the man in the OP's pic.
I have 2 kids with my wife & then we both got fixed.
now we can fuck like rabbits with no consequences
No thanks. Me and my wife are over 30 now and I don't believe women should be making babies over 30.
How many children do you have? Maybe instead of putting the burden on me you have some of your own.
>Kek flag
I bet you are one of these gavin mcinnes, based stickman followers who fucks asians and then lectures people like me on having 10 kids. Dirty racemixing no children cuck.
He already looks like he has cancer.
Then just pull out
Isn't it considered a more dangerous procedure or something?
If it was her choice though then she should have. I wouldn't get a vasectomy for my wife.
For the record I made the thread to make fun of people like you.
My thoughts exactly. Thanks britbro.
Can you give me the quick rundown on your procedure? I am heavily considering getting it done.
A small person who's going to take care of you in your later years so you don't have spend them in some nursing home getting beaten and robbed by your nurse Jamarcus.
Women can stay fertile into their 50's though.
> A 25-year-old woman has a 1 in 1,200 chance of having a baby with Down syndrome; by 35, the risk has increased to 1 in 350; by age 40, to 1 in 100; and by 49, it's 1 in 10, according to the National Down Syndrome Society.
>failing at your most basic biological purpose because of greed
Having sex without the possibility of procreation is sinful
And what if your kids die and you gotta replace them idiots
Lol, a leaf thinking he won't ever get cucked.
She will leave him next month and get impregnated by someone else.
He will die alone.
he is the child here no testosterone now
>muh travel
I swear you fucking retards never think about the future. What are you gonna do when you're 60, your dick doesn't work, your bitch wife leaves you and takes most of your money, and you have no friends, no family, and no future.
Oh but it's ok, cause you got drunk in Thailand that one time, oh and also you got drunk in Spain, and oh yeah you also went to Peru and got drunk. Cool at least you have those hazy memories of touristy parts of shit countries to comfort you while you die alone in a nursing home with nobody to care for you but 2 illegal immigrants who will abuse you and steal from you until one day they finally get sick of dealing with you and kill you with insulin.
only big black cocks get to launch their sperm in white women!
This post is just perfect
Thanks for the laugh leaf
SO you have no kids and you are cuckistan fag. How about you kill yourself? I don't want you accidentally knocking up some gook and producing more retards like yourself only double cucked because you fuck snaggle tooth gook cunts using your pull out method..
It basically is the part that has to do with fear response versus new inputs. If you have a normal fear response, you're a conservative. If you have a non-existent fear response, you're a liberal, and also likely to be eaten by a tiger anywhere but the comfort of modern civilization. This is why societies get more degenerate the more advanced they become. Weaker people manage to survive.
>Women can stay fertile into their 50's though.
If you can only produce aberrations I don't know that it counts.
>while you die alone in a nursing home with nobody to care for you
>He's not going to off himself when he can't take care of himself anymore.
They can, but those older women are largely outliers. Women have lost 90% of their eggs by the time they're 30 on average.
if by fertile you mean they can grow a fucking potato for a kid than yeah
i cant believe shit like this have become normal,there is a serious problem with education going on in the whole world
I don't understand this ive pulled out over a million times and have never got a bitch pregnant. Are some guys just too beta to figure out how to pull out correctly?
Hi fbi or doj
We both know by the time he's elderly assisted suicide will be mandated for all elderly white males.
Well put
Yes goy, don't get vasectomy! Birth more slaves for us into this world, spend your hard earned money on our baby products, and don't forget to give us their foreskin.
I had one, it fucking sucked. My wife and I had four kids; the first was a c-section, and the (((doctors))) dont like letting women deliver normally after that (VBAC), so we had two more kids, both also via c-section. So thats three of them. We sya, fuck it no more kids...naturally i knock her up again. Pregnancy is going fine, then 27 weeks in her c-section weakened uterus tears, her and the baby almost die, they do emergency c-section (fourth times the charm?), and I have to get fixed because her uterus was wrecked and one more pregnancy would probably be fatal.
If your doctor says "you'll be up and about in three days" he's a fucking liar. Took a full week to even move normally.
This is why there are "new" Europeans, you fucking incredible faggot.