Post anything that lights a fire in your heart. Whether it be hateful or hopeful. Anything that inspires you to redouble the efforts and be the best version of yourself.
>>Morale thread<<
Other urls found in this thread:
Attractive 'woke' White girls is what gives me hope
>pictures of girls.
what, are you a fag or something m8 ?
>Attractive 'woke' White girls is what gives me hope
Same girl at the airport
>>Attractive 'woke' White girls is what gives me hope
Same girl with one of her bridesmaids
This entire album, but especially the first song. It's just so beautiful.
I hope I see Iceland one day.
Lo I can see where this is going.
>>>Attractive 'woke' White girls is what gives me hope
with her groom
>>>>Attractive 'woke' White girls is what gives me hope
They look so happy
>>>>>Attractive 'woke' White girls is what gives me hope
Breakfast in bed on their honeymoon
Honestly, not the worst thing that can happen to a white woman. I'd certainly prefer that to a black or latino, or even a lot of whites.
That said, this is supposed to be a morale thread guys.
Me too, fuck I've been here too long
Nice, thanks. Herr mannelig and anything by Wardruna is good too.
qt Generations Identitaire girls are great
true romance
At least the chink could provide/look after for her unlike a black or latino
Why she gots to be so nasty?
ignore the nigger music
That is 19 year old Big George Foreman in 1968 after knocking out a a 6'6" Soviet Russian to win the gold medal for heavyweight boxing at the Olympic Games in Mexico City. That was at the height of civil unrest in the US (wayyy crazier than the sissy shit that goes on nowadays) and many of his team mates and peers were all black power bullshit, yet he had the nuts to buck his peers as he understood better than them the opportunity that was his birthright. He was born in the ghetto in Houston Texas and was on his way to becoming a thug and likely a convict when somebody convinced him to go to Oregon to join the Job Corp and fight forest fires and shit. While he was there another somebody told him if he felt rowdy, he should try out boxing and after a very short amateur career that culminated in pic related, he fought his way to the top and destroyed Joe Frazier to become world champ. The example of Big George has got me through some shit.
My countrymen defending parliament from the USSR military. 1991.
White women in wheat (WWW) thread?
I like the first song of this one too. I'd like to see Finland as well, of course.
Wardruna is great, I haven't heard much Garmarna. Almost sounds more Celtic to me, in a way. Not that that's a bad thing.
Something about the chick on the right is really attractive.
Psych types have good intentions, but usually just head off into degenerate liberalism from my experience. Also, it literally just takes what is lying within your subconciousness. McKenna was no doubt an extremely spiritual and introspective man all his life. Normans who take psyches pretty much just go 'Woooaaah man' and learn nothing. It's not the drug, it's the mind.
Naughty Naughty
Nothing warm my cold, Godless heart better than the inevitability of a new World war in my life time
He was born catholic, quickly turn to materialism/rationalism with which he tried to prove to himself, that theres nothing mystical about life. Also his way of explaining is pure art.
And thats the reason I trust this man more than anything i could imagine and I haven't even tried psychedelics yet.
This one is good:
OP, you poor little cuck, all the women in the OP would much rather get impregnated by blacks than anyone who posts on Sup Forums
Well if you do, make sure you wait till you're like 21 because taking them before around that age can have an effect on your brain chemistry in negative ways. Also if you're schizo it'll bring it out earlier and make it worse.
Saying this as someone who did like 11 grams when I was 16 and have been just a bit mentally ill since.
Just a bit.
The Russian "Dead Hand" nuclear counter attack device is still operational, just saying...
This is a /kind/ idea for a thread.
so that world war will be nothing short than a nuclear armageddon
fucking hell Barking and Dagenham get it together
checked, and yeah im 21
Terence said 5g of shrooms is ideal dose and in autumn I have them growing near me, can't wait :D
speck for yourself, weak cuck
sometimes I watch this on max sound just to calm me down:
Look up RS 28 Sarmat (Satan 2)
Also, have fun with
If I were to speak for myself then yes, our women are the least blacked and the most right-wing women in the world.
But your western women, especially the girl you really really like IRL, the girl next door? They gettin' blacked.
that's how you KNOW she's woke
fucking disgusting
I'm afraid that this is, more or less, larping.
Bitches go for the money.
What's her name ?
Not even big into bashing the kikes or Pierce but this one always makes me feel something.
You know how Einstein (I think) once said... something like "I don't know how WW3 will be fought, but WW4 will be fought with sticks and stoens". So if humanity ever reaches that critical point of degeneracy, we can just start over like in the old days.
The vision of the future itself gives me immense hope. Imagining the greatness that we can achieve brings a tear to my eye.
>filename references internet explorer
WW2 killed 60 million people and it's only 3% of the population, out of 2.3 billion people in the 1940s.
And now here we are, 7 billion people in 2017.
I am not really convinced we will ever fight so hard that it turn the entire world into a nuclear wasteland.
Everyone will fight, then everyone will shake each other hands and agree to not do this for a while.
Everyone go home and rebuild from the ashes anew.