Why do the gun nuts always lose their minds whenever someone mentions smart guns...

why do the gun nuts always lose their minds whenever someone mentions smart guns? People just want to make firearms safer for everyone, how can you be mad at this?

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So what exactly are smart guns?

War has changed.

It's not about nations, or ideologies.
It's not even about profit, resources, or ethnicity.

It's an endless series of proxy battles,
fought by mercenaries and machines.

War, and its vast consumption of human life,
has become a rational, well-oiled business transaction.

War has changed.

ID-tagged soldiers carry ID-tagged weapons,
use ID-tagged gear.

Nanomachines inside their bodies
enhance and regulate their actions.

Genetic control.. Information control..
Emotion control.. Battlefield control.

Everything is monitored, and kept under control.

War has changed.

The age of deterrence is now the age of control,
averting catastrophe from weapons of mass destruction.

And he who controls the battlefield, controls history.

War has changed.

When the battlefield is under total control,

war becomes routine.

ID lock like in MGS4.

Why do the spooks always make several versions of the same slide thread at the same time? Seriously wtf is going on? Atleast mix it up a little, ffs.

Seems to be a fingerprint scan device on the trigger. Possibly limiting use by no glove as well as higher possibilities of malfunction

Computer chip that changes some of the ways the gun operates, most notably it only allows the person who has the gun registered to fire it. Stuff like that.

>confronted by snackbar with knife
>pull out smart gun
>mfw forgot to charge gun and finger print scanner doesn't work

You can't trust a machine, period.

What if in a home robbery your dad(guns registered to him) isn't there?

A mechanical object is most reliable when it had fewest moving parts and no electronics. It's why revolvers and bolt actions have a reputation for reliability. Add a bunch of electronics specifically designed to make the weapon inoperable under all conditions but one (correct user with correct verifications of whatever sort) and suddenly any shooter worth his salt with any practical awareness on the situation that may befall him will not trust said weapon.

Tinfoil: Govt will disable your weapon remotely, batteries will be proprietary and controlled through price gouging, companies will force re-verification of proper credentials with a monthly fee.

But how will we overthrow the state if we can't pick up other people's guns when we run out of ammo?


Force the police and military to test them first for 15 years.

Not that I've even got a gun, but I reckon if you're carrying one about the place you want to know that when you pull the trigger the moorish american in front of you cops a bullet. Thumb print detection might well mean that you're faffing about trying to get it to work while the honors student is charging you. Bad idea.

Fine, Russia can have all the smart guns if you're so keen on it. Can't wait till an EMP fries all your guns and you're stuck with your thumb up your ass.

exactly this

>It's why revolvers and bolt actions have a reputation for reliability.
Because fuds are a bunch of morons.

We had machine guns in WWI doing hour long bursts without malfunction and in one case a 12 hour long barrage.
We have electronics that have been operating continuously for decades without faults or maintenance.
Their are electro-mechanical devices that have been running non stop for decades.

A good design is more important than any other factor. Static objects with zero moving parts break all the time due to wear.

>be me
>post thoughtful words about the subject free of memes/muh 14/88
>other user posts the same shit talking about shooting a dark skinned individual
>immediate reply
Fuck you guys

Oh and a few states have laws that say once smart guns are on the market every non smart gun becomes illegal.

>hour long bursts
>static objects and wear
>kekistani flag
Kill yourself faggot

>gun nuts

>"smart" guns
>don't do anything smarter than a dumb gun

If someone made a handgun or whatever with some identity recognition tech in it that was 100% guaranteed not to create drama when you least need it, I'll bet people would be into that - stops the honors student from getting a chance at it if he manages to disarm you.

But until you can showcase tech that doesn't make people feel like it's going to get them killed you won't see adoption.

I figure the people campaigning for it probably want the malfunctions to happen. Black lives matter and handguns are a proven way to limit niggas.

Why does the phrase "shall not be infringed" enrage globalists and their leftist puppets?

Aerospace Engineer here. Your statement is retarded.

Let's be real here, you aren't thinking about the danger of this thing jamming in a situation that doesn't involve a wild basketball american high on glue charging you screaming wurlstah. He's the (colored) elephant in the room viz gun talk.

>Govt will disable your weapon remotely
Exactly. It's just another government shackle on the common man. It's exactly why they want it.

Well first off, the smart guns on the market suck ass and don't work. They have failure to fire rates due to a failure to unlock that are way too high.

Second, smart guns may prevent retarded kids from accidentally shooting themselves in the face, but anyone who has access to a smart gun can easily fire it, malfunctions notwithstanding, because most guns are going to be within reaching distance of the device needed to unlock it. A stolen smart gun can have its self locking features disabled through disassembly.

Finally, the fact that not all firearms can be converted to smart guns reveals the true intention behind these pointless laws, which is to justify seizing the hundreds of millions of "dumb" guns already in circulation, and forcing existing companies to throw out their current product lines, effectively killing the gun industry. Smart gun companies will never be able to keep up with the demand of replacing hundreds of millions of firearms with inferior devices, and most citizens will simply refuse to comply with converting or turning in their regular firearms.

... Or we can just talk about smart guns.

*not talk

FUCK, I wrote all that and that FUCKING typo at the end.

Because if smart guns are available, it will become "common sense" to ban all the others.


>confronted by snackbar with knife
>pull out dumb gun
>mfw forgot to load gun with ammo

Rocket Propulsion Engineer with PhD in ethics, worked on many secret projects including the declassified Operation Star Beam. You're full of shit saying he's full of shit, fucking faggot.

its disappointing that nobody else in this thread is aware of this fact. it is legitimately the only actual reason the smart gun is being held back.

the state in question is New Jersey. the law in that state requires that once the technology is available on the market only models with that technology would be allowed for sale in the state. in other words, if the smart gun is introduced in new jersey it automatically becomes the only gun people can buy in new jersey.
the man who holds the patent did not create the smart gun to hurt gun owners, so he's sitting on the patent until the law is rewritten.

Loading a gun is as natural as wiping your ass after a shit. Charging a gun isn't. Nice try though.

If you have a gun on you when you're confronted by someone you most likely have a Concealed Carry and have that bitch chambered.

Because if you forcibly limit my ability to defend myself by relying on a shitty mass produced finger print scanner I think you deserve to be shot.

>implying this isn't insanity


War. War never changes.
The end of the world occurred pretty much as we had predicted. Too many humans, not enough space or resources to go around. The details are trivial and pointless, the reasons, as always, purely human ones.

A Smart gun is a liberal POS getting between me and MY trigger on MY property which is MY Gun
There are more guns than people in the US they are not getting scrapped and replaced with "smart" Guns, its a point less argument.

>>confronted by snackbar with knife
>mfw forgot entire gun at home
This is how fucking stupid you sound.

(((Weinberg))) asking the NRA to hamstring themselves so they can drop the "three year" mandate and turn it into a "drop of the hat zero notice" mandate.

>pic of gun with no manual safety
>add a manual safety
Fucking murder your family and kill yourself you nogunz cretin.


>muh liberty freedomes is in danger cuz someone wants to make toddlers unable to fire my gun durrrrrr

America was a mistake


Smart knives.

>confronted by snackbar with knife
>mfw he stabs me before i could even pull out my gun

what's the point anyway and how often are you stabbed by snackbars in murka in order to require carrying a big inconvenient pile of metal around everywhere

Thx Manuel Delanda


Snackbars, thugs, psychos and more know to attack places where people are not likely to be armed. Airplanes, schools, private businesses dumb enough to not allow guns but not provide security of their own.

If you're in a position where a knife is drawn within in arms reach of you, you have already failed. The point is to exercise caution to avoid that situation, to which a gun becomes incredibly useful to keeping people out of your kill radius by threat of returning violence or physically stpping them from getting close if you can see them coming.

Not every encounter is the same and the gun is a tool that is useful in many-- saying that one particular scenario where it's not makes it useless entirey is shrt sighted and lacking of a basis in personal self defense.



You need at least 15-20 feet to pull out a gun and fire it at an attacker with a knife

If you want to make guns safer get rid of niggers.

>>Confronted by snackbar with knife
>>Doesn't stab me because I have no gun and we're in a no knife zone

Liberal fantasies errywhere

because muh ebil gubment

Hey Assholes, I have an idea that solves everything: why don't we just make murder illegal? Then no one needs guns.

Nice argument you've got there, you useless faggot.

>willingly giving another person the ability to render your weapon useless

The only people who want smart guns are wannabe tyrants and idiots who don't think.

Could you jam a smart gun with an EMP?

Let me guess, these are linked up to the internet and have a remote kill switch, yes?

This. Why ban guns when you can just ban murder?

Because it's something you retards want to make mandatory

this comment is culturally insensitive to the many peaceful arabic countries where murder is a formal reeting for kafir.

please report to your nearest Brussels sponsorsed reeducation concentration camp and turn in your guns.

>gets shot

If its "smart" it can be disabled from a distance. Do the math.

Doesn't a gun lock prevent the same thing?

Don't even need 15-20 inches.

Are you serious?

basically guns that don't fuckin work

when you actually need a firearm you don't have time to scan your fingerprint or enter some code you need to pull it and bang bang

>cc smart gun
>sends message "dont relax" to bluetooth headphone whenever
>go to detroit
>headphone constantly saying "dont relax"
>cant take it anymore
>try to shoot self
>"Target is ot black, trigger locked" plays on headphone
>gun starts to automaticly point nigger
>squeezes trigger automatically
>pops niggers like i pop virginities
>cops come around
>buy you dinner as reward
I cant see whats the problem here burgerbros. U niggerlovers or what ?

If it weren't for the gun control idiots, smart guns might be nice for police and security guards who need to wear a gun all day and get physical with people. You still have to trust the computer chip not to fail and get you killed, though.

yes goy, just a smart gun

we wont add cameras, wifi, windows 10 or anything later

just smart gun goy, besides whats so bad about a camera, like cops body cams goy, theyre good, wifi good too, for firmware updates, dont want to get a bug and shoot yourself in your sleep goy

but we worry about that later, we just want smart guns

No, its marxists


This cannot be abused by the government in any way

Exactly. It's not the right to only bear the arms that have your finger print stored in them. It's to allow the people to form a militia, with whatever weapons are available.

What the fuck did I just read


And these are trained police

Lol at you burgers thinking you're John Wayne.


>Need near instant reaction times to avoid being gunned down by a feral nigger.
>Gun fails to unlock.
That's why.

>adding a level of failure when your life is at stake

but you already do, because any gun is a machine

We got it, you limeys hate freedom. No need to keep quoting tge same post. Your point is made.


It's a stupid idea

>can hack shit by stabbing it
sounds nice

Bullets don't magically deplete themselves out of your gun if you don't use the gun for some time.

I'm serious.you don't HAVE to let Ahmed stab you over and over. Especially with pistol you can fire from the hip at point blank range, or you can make a contact shot in a pinch. Are you stupid?

literally muh freedomes

Go watch some facesitting porn. Oh right, you can't.

>t.56% white
>complaining about Ahmed

Um, Sweetie...

Literally yes. Your point has been made, now fuck off.


Who needs an argument when you have freedom in South Africa 2.0

A trained policeman needs at least 20 feet but you need 15 inches. Ok mate.

yeah wouldn't that be great. Have to log in to guest wifi and buy a subscription data plan if not in wifi range. what a glorious time to be alive.

>whenever someone mentions smart guns?

Oh, you mean those state controlled firearms that would be disabled 5 seconds before a home invasion so you can't defend yourself?

Gee, I wonder.
