WTF is wrong with you fuckers against abortion and trying to outbreed other races?
Are you that retarded?
Overpopulation is not the solution, cunts.
WTF is wrong with you fuckers against abortion and trying to outbreed other races?
Are you that retarded?
Overpopulation is not the solution, cunts.
So what is then.
1 child law
Unless we legalize killing non-whites, we'll have to settle for out-breeding. Sorry Muhammed!
Alt Nazis are insane retards. They'd rather have a country full of redneck retards that don't contribute anything to humanity, than something like "degenerate"
liberal California that invented the internet which they use spread their dumb ideology.
>have 1 child law
>have a girl
>family dies out
k. next.
It sure as hell aint the solution, but its a start
Reminder the West isnt having children at the replacement rate.
Spook thread
No such thing, subhuman Moloch's worshipper.
You and the other morlochs should be driven back underground
Literal idiot
racemixing is ba-
California used to be full of millions of White people. A high concentration of White people with access to education leads to innovation. Liberalism has nothing to do with it, as evidenced by Nazi scientists who were among the most productive/inventive people of the last century. They weren't liberals; they were White people with access to education and the opportunity to discuss/refine their findings with like-minded people. If Montana had 80 million White people, it would be an economic powerhouse like Germany, despite being conservative.
whites don't have enough kids to replace themselves. the average woman in Mali has 9 kids. do the math.
Woah. I see that woman in a different light now.
Now I know why the media portrayed her in such a negative light.
Good on her.
>family dies out
Are you fucking retarded? She still is your genetic offspring. It doesn't matter if she has your last name.
Not like your going to breed anyway with your 200kg ass and those gross teeth Brits have
The alternative means becoming Israel in our own former nation.
Mass deportations is the only realistic solution. There is nothing wrong with our birthrates. Too much immigration is the problem.
Yeah it is full of Jews too, which also contributed a lot to the development of the internet
you can't be outbread by other races if all other races are gone
How loose do you think her pussy is?
Sterilization of non whites. Deportation of non whites
Of course race mixing is good for the non-white race. It makes their women more attractive, even if not as attractive as a white woman, but it's not good for the white race in any way.
nice try
Either we do this, stop immigration permenantly or ethincally cleanse other races.
user I-
If six couples don't have kids and one couple have eight kids, does that really mean over population? No, it's replacing the parents. So stable birth/death ratio.
so how's your first year of liberal arts university going?
literally all you have to do is end gibs an the subhumans die off in a week
they are a bubble
unfortunately kike politicians dont allow them to die off
Do All 3
Overpopulation is a jewish lie. There is enough flora and fauna in Africa alone to feed 50 times the current population on Earth
You're a spastic.
Just spitballing.
Agreed. I don't care about niggers adding 1 million to their population every week. Close the borders and stop sending aid to the cunts. Nature will do the rest.
Non-whites are going to have a fuckload of children regardless. The AVARAGE sub-saharan african women has over 5, and unlike some memesters would tell you the vast majority of children survive into adulthood.
white birth rate needs to be increased to above replacement
Holy fuck there is so much blatant shilling this morning.
HURR stupid "alt-right nazis" (already gave (((you))) away) the fact the UN has explicitly said in official statements decades ago it wants to replace the native western populations with migrants is not a problem. Low domestic birth rates are not a problem (even though it's a known huge red flag of a dysfunctional society). Telling people that being child free is a better life and better for the environment because global warming theory, but also claiming low birth rates are an issue solved by importing immigrants to increase birth rates because it's necessary to keep the economy and welfare state propped up, is not a problem.
Neck yourself r/anarchism
Stop being a fucking low IQ nigger. We don't have to breed like fucking rabbits until we have to fight for basic resources. We can simply sterilise any invading ethnicity that threatens to replace us.
>Overpopulation is not the solution
the earth can't support any more horses in 100 years the entire world will be covered in horse shit - this was an actual position 100 years ago, calm your autism
Cut all the enabling bleeding heart shit and just let them all starve, drop dead from easily preventable diseases and/or genocide each other.
This. Limit immigration and introduce child limit based on income.
You're an immense retard
Offer $10,000 for voluntary sterilization. Just think of all the kangz who would cash in on this. Good investment for us.
just don't have shitskins in your country
>2 posts by this ID is the new 1 post by this ID
Sorry, we're doing it anyway.
The white race and countries will just become as degenerate shitholes if we matched their birth rates. It's literally one of the reasons they are shitty in the first place.
And if we didnt invent/mass produce cars and everbody would have a horse that statement would hold true.
However being the aussiecunt you are, you misrepresent this statement because the statement was about cars never catching on and being a big thing.
You got spare room left, whats the pop density in stralia? 10-15peeps per km2?
Gotta pack 300 more per km2 into you and then we talk, you disgusting piece of filth.
It is one answer. The other is race war.
>overpopulation in the west
kys you parkistani nigger
>Sorry, we're doing it anyway.
How can a kissless virgin outbreed others?
>And if we didnt invent/mass produce cars and everbody would have a horse that statement would hold true.
So you manage to get the point and miss it completely. Every year we decide the capacity of Earth is larger and larger. Stop being autistic.
he is right
>we must adopt mandatory abortions for all children with muslim blood
>pre and post birth (up to age 50)
Earth should be protect from humans
Fat white slobs are just as bad as the niggers in Africa
I support depopulation, too much human scum on this planet.
Outbreeding them is the best option until we decide to actually compete for resources. Hopefully at that time people will consider a culling of Africa.
Depopulation is the answer, depopulate our enemies.
Pope Francis: Stop breeding like rabbits
But if we don't out breed then we have to accept millions of migrants.
>Overpopulation is not the solution, cunts.
Yeah, that message is getting through to Blacks, surely.
if you haven't noticed we aren't even reproducing enough to replace ourselves.
Is one of those wife beater t shirts required attire for large families
>Overpopulation is not the solution, cunts.
The solution is to cut off all trade, immigration, and aid to the third world and just let all their infrastructure collapse completely. They'll have mass famine and disease and their numbers will be reduced to pre-industrial carrying capacity.
>outbreeding other race is not the answer
Right. We need to selectively breed ourselves into a super race with eugenic artificial insemination.
Then, when we are super humans, the other races will be enthralled by our super human abilities, and want these abilities themselves. So we will give them out super sperm, and they'll hybridize themselves with the sperm, and become super humans too.
This is a simple way to win, without out-breeding other races, which is impossible, anyway.
Stop feeding them.
The point of this statement and why its used still sometimes is that technological advances happen and we find ways to cope.
You simply cant stuff more humans into the same space w/o everyone in said space getting less of it.
Then theres also the thing about needing resources, food, water and oxygen.
Sure Earth can support more people if we´d scale down our consume of raw materials.
Sure we can burn down more forest to make farmable land and yeah we could built 10 story high cities in multiple layers above eachother to house 10 million people on a few square km.
But for what reason you fuckwit? So that most of the earths population can be useless filth?
Fuck that shit. I want, I need, my house a frigging garden with a barking dog and only a dozen people in a few hundred meter perimeter around me. Then I walk just a few hundred meters to the nearest field or woods were I can relax in nature.
Not constantly having cars drive by my window from which I only see concrete, not having hundreds of shitskin walking and screaming in the street below, not being constantly stuck in traffic jams and drive 2+ hours to work and back for a route that normally takes 30 minutes.
So fuck yourself, if you want to live like some 3rd world shitholer then go to some nice innacity place in china we´re they can honeycomb your ass in some 2m2 compartment while you hope to not suffocate on the good air they got their.
Please do not feed the Africans.
Yes good goy... don't have children, we can always replace the population with immigrants
really makes me think
I'm not reading your blog but consider you made a snide comment in your previous post regarding "jamming more people" into Australia, which is like 95% unpopulated.
Calm your autism kiddo, overpopulation isn't a problem.
it's a short term solution, though
a better longterm strategy would be ensuring sterilization upon entry into our countries, and/or for welfare
I've argued this with environmentalists in universities. They don't get it. They don't understand that more people means more resources consumed, larger, denser cities with more pollution and more land that has to be cleared to support all of it. They naively assume that regardless of the numbers of humans everyone deserves a first world lifestyle and somehow it's magically possible if only we use solar panels and bike to work. It's insane.
More humans does not equal better humanity.
You'd be the first to go, unless you think.
We´ve got enough new births. Problem is that the boomers fucked everything up by shitting out kids with dozens different fathers and not creating a real family.
We already have more then we should and now it goes down to the normal birthrates.
But of course the boomers fear for their retirement so they flood us with fugees to "stablize" the mess they created in the first place.
Given a few generations, the population in Germany for example, would stabilize at around 50million.
first we outbreed them
then we exterminate them
then the world is underpopulated and we go back to two children per a couple
>then the world is underpopulated and we go back to two children per a couple
Then we go to achieve a 11 billion EUROPEAN global population
Then we colonize Mars and other planets.
>which is like 95% unpopulated.
So whats the problem?
We got around 300 people per km2 here. So close your cakehole and start pumping out kids or flood your country with fugees till you get there.
Dont want to crunch numbers but I estimate that you would need a population of around 1 billion to get so densely populated.... but that surely isnt a problem, is it?
Cause overpopulation isnt a problem.
That´s what I dont get with them.... I mean that´s the first things that come to mind.
Also around 5 billion people on this planet are totally worthless in every sense of the word.
They just exist, breed and die. Never doing anything remotely usefull.....
So why the fuck would we need more?
>don't have children, we can always replace the population with immigrants
They will never stop flooding us with migrants, they need them to keep the housing bubble inflated with garbage-tier borrowers using gibs as collateral.
Can't fool us any longer, Shlomo. Your trickery will backfire soon enough.
Only people that hate themselves or their partner wouldn't have a huge family, like its normal.
The more you have, the more they will take care of themselves, then of you when you're old, of your community, country, they will hold and take the country and people further.
The earth belongs to those who breed.
Your piece of the pie will be taken by someone else.
Yes, and how the fuck would it help us if we´d go the same shitty way?
More kids per couple means less money and time for the kids, meaning less education, less culture, less holidays (and thus family memories) and thus a whitetrash generation.
Also less money to give the kids a headstart into life and thus lessen the need for debts for the first car or apartment.
So a white trash generation with eternal debts.... sounds great.
>You will never be a british man living on benefits and dedicating your life to breeding
For real. Traffic is heavy enough as is. We don't need millions more driving around like idiots in their little golf carts.
Overpopulation will be the most excruciating death imaginable. It won't be too bad at first, then all of a sudden you'll realize it is and the effects are irreversable.
There wont be enough of anything, you'll be waiting in line for a hospital bed, and end up dying inches away from a smelly foreigner.
Your last impression of this world will be the failures of your anscestors come back to haunt you.
What we need is a culling.
>Dont want to crunch numbers but I estimate that you would need a population of around 1 billion to get so densely populated [AS GERMANY]
You are explicitly proving my point and then saying it's not true.
Extermination of non-Europeans and eugenics
And bringing migrants that overbreed is? Overpopulation is an Indian, African, and Chinese problem. Not a white problem. Stop looking at the picture with a microscope, dumb British nigger.
At least be realistic and show a picture of her where she isn't trying to play up her whiteness.
Yes. Because we ARE overpopulated you fucking roo.
I think you fail miserable at imagination how your country would be like with so many people running around.
So either you´re totally retarded, a troll or a city cuck. In either case, just do the world a favour and hang yourself.
>Overpopulation is not the solution
The problem is you stupid whites dont attack the head of the snake. You practice sterilize yourselfs when you already dont have many children meanwhile the population in third World explotes, we are going right into an age of barbarism, África is a bomb wanting to explode but you cowards do it on yourselfs I don't get it, if you really care about over population you would have shilled in places like South America, África, india.
>I think you fail miserable at imagination how your country would be like with so many people running around.
Your idea of overpopulation is "our country just let everyone in", but given your position this makes sense. At current levels of immigration and birth in Australia our population wont meet your lofty goal of 1 billion people for a long time, certainly it wont happen quick enough for advancements in technology to remedy the issue before it's an issue. It's not my fault you stay in that shithole, but local overpopulation and global overpopulation are such vastly different concepts you should calm your autism.