Cuckservative and alt righters "hurrrr I love me some based jews you Nazis need to BTFO"
jews are and always will be the same
Cuckservative and alt righters "hurrrr I love me some based jews you Nazis need to BTFO"
jews are and always will be the same
>sorry got but Israel can't take in immigrants cause it's a small country
They are all the same
There's literally a youtube video of him saying Israel has to stay Jewish.
So I guess he shouldnt give a good damn about the whitening of America?
Btw he is a good debater, he brought me into conservatism, I don't mind if I dont agree with him on everything.
I think he meant it in a religious sense, but I cant be sure.
Open borders for Israel
>need to blown the fuck out
please go away and never come back
Go away spaghetti
Total cop out, Judaism is intrinsically bound to ethnicity just like Hinduism.
Only phoneposters know this humiliation.
pretty much
Jews like to pretend like Israel isn't racist because Jews come in many varieties
Except all but one of those varieties is European/Mediterranean/Near Eastern
And that variety is the Ethiopian Jews
And let me tell you, Israel hasn't treated the Ethiopian Jews very well and most Israeli's don't care much for the plight of the Ethiopian Jews. Just a coincidence that they're also Black I guess.
His "little brown ring" still winks with anticipation of what Zoey Tur whispered she would do to him.
>a Jew not caring about white interests or the stability of a country at all
Wow I'm so shocked who could have predicted this
not necessarily cos you can convert to judaism by Jewish Law, but ofc ethinicity or blood is an important part of judaism
everyone hates niggers
But Jews like to hide behind their racism by saying that they care about religion not race
When you look at how Black Jews get treated their facade falls away and you can see Jews are no better than the rest, they hate niggers all the same.
A Jew invented the cure for polio. Still want to expel them from your society?
Always remember demographics are destiny. Ideology and economy changes all the time
Cuckservatives and the "alt lite" are basically moderate leftists when it comes down to it. They're pro-fags, ok with race mixing, ok with Jewish domination of banks, media, etc., ok with wars for Israel and reckless foreign policy, ok with nonwhite immigration... the list goes on. Forming an alliance with these people as some suggest is a horrible idea. We have barely anything in common. Sure they're "fiscally conservative," but properly speaking, that has NOTHING to do with historical conservatism, much less the cultivation of an ethnostate. We must draw the line between us and those who oppose white nationalism. That's where the "with us or against us" dividing line should be.
A jew will always be a jew.
I seriously used to think this until I met enough of the brown people.
Civic nationalism sounds good and virtuous, but the people who are supposed to become just like you don't see themselves that way. Even the ones who integrate well enough to have typical mannerisms, fluent languages, good jobs - at some level they see themselves as outsiders and take their heritage seriously.
Even several generations down the line it's the same. There is no civic nationalism. Once the host nation is another minority you'll see some major upheaval, because the guest minorities don't share our values.
>a cuck jew
Sam Harris, who is otherwise anti religion, does the same things. Members of that tribe always put their tribe above everything else.
>Color doesn't matter. Ideology does.
OK sure whatever. The only thing the Democratic party needs to do to win the Hispanic vote is show up, while Republicans need to spend billions on propaganda to increase their share by maybe 5 points.
But yea ideology and culture are not tied to ethnicity at all.
Imagine if he was forced to think about Jews all being half brown FOREVER by 2050
Of course he would give a shit
This is true racism
anything that doesn't involve genocide is not racism in my opinion
Shapiro and the Kikes are the True Racists
Hurr lets hate the Jews because they have a different opinion than me. DERP
The only problem I have with this guy is that logic and rationality don't apply when talking about Israel.
We should learn to be more tolerant of each other. Now let me blanda upp with a hot Jewish QT
pathetic shilling retard. kikes want to destroy the white race and no amount of astoturfing can say otherwise
Libertarians are kikes that want turn all countries into business and money transfer stations except for Israel, wtf do you expect? The entire world is just debt crops and cattle for the chosenites.
>implying people of a different color share your values
American liberals are idiots.
or women he's orbiting.
Ben Shapiro is the American Nationalist who puts Israel over the United States
Why not go Amish?
All jews are the same. There is not a single one that is remotely "based".
Why should I care about my kids not being white? If they're not retarded and I raise them ok why should I give a shit if they're a nigger or a gook or a spic
it's a hedge. technically he is correct, but realistically he couldn't be any more wrong. kindly command him to post demographics of his neighborhood and we shall see the facts.
Because these people are communists. They are unfit to develop their character based on self pride and individual achievements, and so they are dependent upon the group for personal substantiation.
Jews just wantva more peacefulvand inclusive world. Your bigotry is showing.
Don't you guys believe non-whites are discriminated against?
Yes but its not because of race. It has more to do with how attractive you are. Whites in general have the most symmetrical faces
Kubrick was the only based Jew and he's dead so it doesn't really matter anyway.
Ask him about Israel now!
A jew most likely invented polio to begin with.
Racism is for those with low IQ. Ben Shapiro is a smart Jew. This is why he is against racism and dumbfuck racists like OP.
>Abstract, nebulous ideas matter, not real, concrete people of flesh and blood
Cuckservatism summed up in one sentence.
Ask him how he'd feel about a goyification of Israel if the goyim in question shares Israels' values/ideology.
So does that mean niggers are racist?
Some of them are.
Reminder that Shapiro is also against niggers but not black people.
he's being coherent, He also wants the US to irradiate the welfare system and to become a true meritocracy. Then as a natural consequence, economically stable people - smarter people (whites) - would be the ones having more kids.
You faggots are the Canada of Europe.
I like Benny boy, but he gets really, REALLY hypocritical when talking about Israel. You can really tell he wishes he were a native Israeli.
Great, but who invented the cure for Jews?
And how would you like this to happen with the ever shrinking white voting bloc? Shapiro is bright enough to realize that, he'll just move to a nice protected Jewish community
>color doesn't matter
Then tell him to wear all pink suits from now on if color, appearance, beauty and diversity is so unimportant.
Disgusting pieces of shit.
does he give a god damn about the gassening of the kikes?
because as a country gets more brown their ideology won't change
Not really, he said israel shouldn't be a jewish state.
what the fuck is that
ideology does matter at this point because there's no real solution to removing all the minorities here already. deporting the illegals isn't going to cause a huge dent and the ones legally here will out breed whites by a large margin. We Either change the ideology of the ones legally here or we change white culture so that it priorities having kids.
I hate that kike Ben Shapiro so much. Anyone who listens to him, goes to his shows, watches his videos should be gassed.
my question is why is anyone surprised. He's basically a neo-con who bucks the socially liberal trend no?
>it's just a coincidence that various forms of ideology are consistent to various regions and the the various races
>157 cm tall
>literally a kike mouthpiece
>thinks day of rope doesnt apply to him
>he fell for the minorities are bad bc socialist meme
ahahahahahh you do know that's just a rhetorical device we use on normies right?
Typical cuckservative who hasn't read a book in his life, knows nothing of history, knows nothing of race and IQ due to human biodiversity because to him evolution isn't a thing, god created us all the same. Seriously you are worse than the left. At least they don't try and act like they are on our side.
>it's a shadowboxing thread
>All jews are the same. There is not a single one that is remotely "based".
Wrong. Stephen Miller.
I never said minorities were bad. are you retarded?
>I never said minorities were bad.
>We Either change the ideology of the ones legally here
Why should he care? If shit hits the fan, he'll bail to the kike-land, where they can shoah Arabs and other unwanted elements with minor repercussions.
Gas that kike
Well it's true. Socialism can't work because of minorities.
wanting to change ideology of a person does not mean I think they are a bad person. Its like assuming you're a bad person because I don't agree with some points of anarcho-capitalism
Once again are you retarded?
oh you're actually legit autistic.
is that what people tell you when they hear you talk about your ideology?
You know Judaism is racist to the core? Ben is married to a Jewish woman, why not a white Christian one? Why not a black or latino? Oh that's right only goys are supposed to race mix. Now kys potatoe nigger.
>Expecting the alt-right have become full on Nazi
>Voting in Trump expecting him to bring in the new Reich
Only thing more pathetic than the alt-right are the National Socialists on this board.
>Getting mad at a Jew for not being a Nazi
Seriously? But you guys hate the ""racist Jew"" too. I guess Jew can't win.
Muslims blame Jews for animals and weather, why not diseases while you're at it, eh?
>e-celeb jew says something
why do you let these kikes dominate everything, this and their blacked posting? fucking bitch boys take this shit to /e-celeb/
Any excuse to hate on Jewish people is a good one, even a Jew not being a Nazi on Twatter.
Also curing Polio, apparently.
Even Christopher Hitches and Noam Chomsky who have written books against Israel said the same thing
You don't need to be a Nazi to not be indifferent about the degenerating demographics of America.
shapiro is a nigger
To be honest you have to cross several safe countries to get to Israel.
It's obvious the niggers want to abuse the welfare state
He is right though. Ideology matters more, as a right one allows you private discrimination against brownies, gays, atheists, muslims, christians and whateverthefuck group you want to discriminate.
OP is a fag.
openly leftist jews are less cancerous than subversive cuckservative cancer
No shit.
Never trust a Jew. It's the golden rule of any form of Ethno nationalism from Europe and Africa to the Americas and Asia. The Jew only cares for its own kind and wishes all others to be subservient to it.
The only reason you're able to think like this is because no one in their right mind immigrates to Russia.