>Current year
>Still drinking the liquid jew
Alcohol serves no purpose in the civilized world. Prove me wrong.(protip, you can't)
>Current year
>Still drinking the liquid jew
Alcohol serves no purpose in the civilized world. Prove me wrong.(protip, you can't)
I agree.
I was a drinker with a busy social life, I stopped drinking to get in shape for a boxing match. Once I started drinking again I got out of shape, I quit alcohol and stayed lean ever since. Alcohol is just a jew, keeps us complacent and unhealthy.
>it's wrong to have fun in a social environment while practicing an ancient culture of not being a muslim
I don't I'm a fit.
That and I get ultra violent and usually end up in jail for the night, not that I mind the latter and fuck with da police.
Again do not project your police forces on our corrupt quislings
I didn't use to, but I increasingly find that its sosrt of become a required component for social interaction, which really sucks.
That's just your growing alcoholism that you'll get used to.
Still don't drink much and as a consequence don't have a lot of social interaction. I've been trying to figure out how to meet people and socialize without a drinking component involved
>Why do you drink, white man?
I don't.
Because I still have complete control of myself when I do and don't chimp out.
i drink one beer a week to honor german tradition and because it tastes good.
i only occasionally drink with those that are worthy to drink with and i only usually drink once a week and not to the point im blind drunk
I am currently "sorting my shit out"
Quit tobacco and weed almost 2 weeks ago
I drunk last night, I regret it because I always spend my money on stupid shit, it takes me an entire day to feel normal again after drinking
I have a pint every now and then.
Moderation is key.
Also avoid spirits like the fucking plague.
They will fuck you up.
Fck alcoholic society.
Because I'm not an addict and I can moderate my intake. Your statement is as valid as 'gourmet food serves no purpose in a civilised world'. Don't tell me you do things you enjoy, the recreational jew..!
Because it helps me be more outgoing provided I stop at the right point
i haven't had a drink since march
glad i curbed my rampant alcoholism it started to affect my job
Stop drinking alcohol
I'm one of those weird bastards that has an insane tolerance to alcohol. I don't drink much- maybe one beer a month.
There were 4 times where I tried to drink myself into a stupor due to stress, and drank enough to easily hit 0.2-0.3%
No effect. My wife was shocked. No impairment whatsoever. Got a bad headache from dehydration but other than that, nada
Do the same thing as normal people do, but instead of alcohol ask for something else
my ancestors drank alcohol so why shouldn't I?
did your ancestors also practice bloodletting and use chamberpots?
Why would you ever want to interact with people without being drunk? People are shit user. Booze makes them slightly more tolerable.
Beer is healthy, a lot of culture surrounding it, good with meat and it's a social drug
>Not drinking a glass of wine / a bottle of beer to your food now and then
Why is it that faggots either drink themselves to death or they abstain from alcohol 100%?
imbibing can deal with stress or help you sleep, is it healthy? no, but purposeful and unhealthy is still useful
I don't know, but I've noticed this trend too
I drink because I was born out of my time. I wish I was born 100 years or so ago. At the very least I could've died gloriously in war. Instead I get to witness the slow rot then end of the west.
Doing anything in the realms of normality is fine. Smoking, drinking, as long as you can control yourself it doesn't matter. But the faggotry on this board of "Muh liquid Jew" and "Muh lung jew!" is so fucking cringy it makes my balls hurt.
Have a drink with your food, have a beer when you go out. You don't have to get fucking shitfaced every time you drink you nigger.
I drink to forget that the world is full of retard faggots like OP
It's part of my culture
I don't drink much at all. But I've been wondering if I should try to go to bars or clubs and try to talk to women, and then of course drink. I tried it 10+ years ago, had no luck.
Lemonized low alcohol beer is pretty goddamn enjoyable in a hot summer sun
Fuck off Ahmed
Sounds like me. Bad stuff ALWAYS happens when you drink too much. I have a hard time quitting once I had my first drink on an night out
>Can't hold his liquor
had an amazing lunch and drinking a cold czech beer right now , suck my dick OP
Its a disease in my country. Everyone gets drunk until they pass out in weekends.
Alcohol just makes me sleepy. No idea how some people get violent when they're drunk.
Substance abuse is more degenerate than anything mentioned on this board.
I don't user, I also go to the gym 5 or 6 days a week on top of working as a union construction job
getting fucking blackout drunk is part of Fin culture, only way to stave off hypothermia and utter loneliness
My dad always used to say, "Well, son, at a certain age, you just start drinking poison."
because I don't care about anyone elses opinion on drinking, that's why I still drink when I want to.
>t. Achmed Muhammad Abdul al-Sahim
Sprite and Coca-Cola cherry
Because most of Sup Forums can only look at things through extremes and are too autistic to realize theres fuckloads of middle ground.
If I lived in an empty shithole like Finland, I'd want to be drunk all the time too.
Wine and Whisky mostly.
Beer after a work day.
Alcohol is a white man's tradition, alcoholism is nigger tier.
>implying your piss bottles aren't modern day chamber pots
My life has improved immensely since giving up alcohol.
Agreed. Alcohol is just calories. I have never been sadder and more flabby than when I drank several times a week. It's just candy that makes your brain weak.
Whiskey Is tradition
I've had the same 2 beers I got for Christmas in my fridge. I'll drink them some time.
Does anyone else just find alcohol,weed, and all drugs boring? I have much more joy and fulfilment without the need of some chemical inbalence.
Alcohol is a sacred tradition of our people
You fucking kike
I only drink rum that is over 15 years old minimum
I only drink socially and then just one drink.
So at most like once a month
Mostly water or squash (you know, water flavouring stuff... juice but which you mix.)
If I am drinking alcohol, cider (alcoholic, not that nonse stuff you Americans call cider), perhaps white or cherry wine, or a recent favourite, Guinness.
I'm an alcoholic so I don't drink. I can't, mustn't. I got over the fact that I can't enjoy it and can't lubricate myself with in social situations. The real issue is cravings that will stay with me forever. they can easily ruin an entire fucking day sometimes.
Because I am an alcoholic by now. My predisposition to it is hereditary.
i drink extremely sparingly, maybe 2 or 3 times a year, and the only time i do is to vent because i have trouble with mincing my words when im not drunk.
I don't find LSD or MDMA/MDA combos boring no
I swear the only arguement to make something seem bad is to put the word "jew" in front of it.
Drinking pub ales and Scotch keeps me in touch with my English and Scottish ancestry.
Drinking bourbon, rye, macrobrews, and microbrews is a celebration of my American identity.
I like the taste of all of it, and it makes me more uninhibited and heightens/hones in creativity, all I ways that I find only beneficial and never regret.
If it wasn't for alcohol beating my superego into submission and making me do crazy shit that i would never dream of doing in a sober state, I would have never made the move that set a girl who I had squarely friendzoned for years on the path to becoming my now-fiancee, nearly 7 years later, when after a Four Loko-fueled night out during my senior year of college I spent the night being an asshole to the girl I was hooking up with at the time (she loved it and the tension usually made the sex better) but ultimately decided instead to walk my then-friend home from a house party, where I drunkenly decided to kiss her on the doorstep of her apartment before saying goodnight. It was the best bad decision I have ever made.
I understand that booze isn't for everyone, and I don't begrudge those who don't drink because of dependence issues or who it makes them become, but dismissing it out of hand as having no value whatsoever is autism at its finest.
Also, remember that Ashkenazi Jews are just about the only "European" people without their own rich history of alcoholic beverage artistry.
They may parasite off of other European alcohol-producing traditions, but they have nothing whatsoever that is their own.
Meanwhile, there is nothing more quintessentially white than having a healthy relationship with alcohol that only does good things for your personal and social lives.
I drink a lot
but im also in top shape
and i work 40h weeks
strong drink once a week is no harm. stay away from beer and sweet drinks.
>mfw still using a chamber pot