Can they really keep this up for 8 years?

Can they really keep this up for 8 years?

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The (((left))) calls it "permanent revolution" - you have to have something to fight against at all times or people will stop caring.

>Can they really keep this up for 4 years?
Ftfy. Yes, they can.

>Can they really keep this up for 8 years?
It's their job.

>The (((left))) calls it "permanent revolution"
Various thinkers have pointed out that leftism is a kind of religion. Leftism is not a religion in the strict sense because leftist doctrine does not postulate the existence of any supernatural being. But, for the leftist, leftism plays a psychological role much like that which religion plays for some people. The leftist NEEDS to believe in leftism; it plays a vital role in his psychological economy. His beliefs are not easily modified by logic or facts. He has a deep conviction that leftism is morally Right with a capital R, and that he has not only a right but a duty to impose leftist morality on everyone. (However, many of the people we are referring to as “leftists” do not think of themselves as leftists and would not describe their system of beliefs as leftism. We use the term “leftism” because we don’t know of any better words to designate the spectrum of related creeds that includes the feminist, gay rights, political correctness, etc., movements, and because these movements have a strong affinity with the old left.


i hope they try. the conspiracy theories and weekly meltdowns are pretty entertaining

Watch us, bitch. When the political pendulum swings back (as it ALWAYS does in U.S. politics) we are gonna be insufferable :^)

of course they can they are the party of tolerance.

Why isn't the same for the right though?

No, at this rate they will just speed up the next civil war into existence, and get summarily sanitized from the white american gene pool.

Psychology, the leftist movement is one of victim hood, real or perceived.

thank you, that is the funniest thing I've read in a while, kid.

>Can they really keep this up for 8 years?
do they have anything else going on in their life?

they're literally clowns. they're paid to say stuff others wrote and "perform" and dress and act like clowns to "entertain" us. this is their job. it's all they have.

I don't think you understand the whole pendulum analogy. But you are a mentally retarded cuckold so we don't expect you to. The "pendulum swing" refers to cultural paradigm shifts that sometimes take up to a century, and the swing to right has just begun. When we tell you that you will get genocided we aren't merely meme-ing. As the culture continues shifting right, the ideea of hard(genocide) and soft(castration) eugenics will start getting traction and all of your negro and tranny pets will start getting nipped or outright purged. You can research the phenomenon of paradigm shifts a bit more but you might start to understand what's coming if you do and it will only make things worse for what time you have left on this earth.

Yes, they did it with George W Bush

I cut myself on all the edge

That's military grade argument you got there koala fucker

"the right" is just people with rational and critical thinking skills

You honestly can't tell the difference between an argument and statement?

Yet more proof lolbertarians are autistic.

>4 years?
gave up on impeachment already, sweetie? um, sorry, but no. honey, it's going to be 8 years

Wasnt eugenics the fabian socialist's dream? Irony the fascist here is promoting socialist policy.

You're confusing me busting your shit with an actual conversation. You assburgers is showing.

>8 years


All it will tak is a couple of high rank to be incarcerated and the rest will hide.

I really don't give a fuck what it's origins are. They're a long-term improvement strategy for the genetic stock of the european races. But i understand why a bull prepping leaf would dread the concept.

Sure, thats why LePen etc got elected in Europe and why Trump got the most votes, oh wait


You're confusing me busting your shit with an actual conversation. Your assburgers is showing.

If he doesn't die of old age or some other means by then

LOL good one! Unfortunately for you, "the culture" hasn't shifted right. And the pendulum refers to the tendency for the U.S. to alternate with the political parties they elect. Muh genocide LOL this site why you guys are so bitter and make so many threads complaining about women. Because in real life you're a bunch of LOSERS :^)

Ur welcome :^)

Trust me, the majority of european nationalist have neither the delusion or the desire of attaining power through the (((democratic))) process. Violence is both the only viable and the only desirable solution.

>we are gonna be insufferable
You aren't already?

Oh okay you're a LARPer

You haven't even seen our final form, virgin :^)

Look, he wasn't elected by popular vote the first time. There's no way Americans will vote him in for a second term.

The salt has been wonderful, and every now and then one of themselves sacrifices themselves almost totally. Can you imagine 8 years of this timeline? Also how many kids got felony pleas from the inauguration alone?

>implying the next Democrab president isn't going to be based DINO Tulsi

Your shenanigans are over, neolib

>There's no way Trump will ______

Tulsi is a qt I hope she wins, especially because she felt the Bern in 2016 :^)

You mean to say that evangelicals got to their political beliefs through critical thought and not the same type of normalized beliefs that the left holds? Piss off, real critical thinkers are rare, but the right is no less monolithic than the left.

Yeah it was unexpected as hell but that happens sometimes. He got lucky running against Hilary, anyone else and he would have been a laughingstock. His luck wont last

It will grind on theor psyche, like the guilt of knowing you support child trafficking.

You can't just wander off the edge of the political spectrum and expect everything to be normal.

I look forward to the left's inevitable implosion and the reformation of the true right.

There is not right in the political world. Those so called Republicans on the hill do not support him. So to answer your question The Republicans don't support him because they are really Democrats.

The right is focused around belief in the ability of the self. Gvt, stay out of my way and I can do this.

The left is centered around the idea that the right is out to get you and you need us and our politicians to make it ok. You will die/fail/whatever if we don't actively change the world.

As others have said, your typical leftist admits they are a victim, and it is their foundation. Everything is someone else's fault.

Not saying which is better, even, just my observation on how they see the world. That's why the left clings more fanatically to their views and are all perfectly aligned on every issue.

There rumblings that a case against Podesta is forming. Hold tight!!!!

Colbert is such a cunt. He had this quote ready on the election day.
It was meant for Hillary's victory, and his staff had planned on showing this and tell the murrifats to "calm down, we hate each other too much, let's heal and move forward".

But things didn't go as planned, Trump won, but this shit was already in their script, so he pulled off a half hearted message, and the following days began to sling shit again.

....the evangelicals elected Trump. Stop pinning your hopes on the same falsehoods you keep spewing. Its like a dealer smoking away his own product.

christ but its been 6 months and literally everyone i know (even democrats) are tired of the constant slander and long drawn out investigations with no evidence being blown out of proportion.

Like christ I used to get angry when i saw the fake ass russia conspiracy. Now it has the Sup Forums happening effect on me, I see it and say "oh look its literally nothing".

They kept up hating Bush for like 10 years

>Commie thinking the democrats will have any chance in 2020 if they keep up this hyper tantrum

Delusional as usual.

Yes they can.

Leftists subscribe to 'Critical Theory', a movement created by Jewish Marxist professors from the Frankfort School in Germany. These professors were forced out of the country by the Nazis and ended up in southern California and started teaching their theory in American universities. Critical Theory espouses that in order to change any culture or society, EVERYTHING in that culture must be criticized endlessly until it is weakened and finally, defeated. This is why destruction makes the Leftist happy, nothing else works for them.

And what? The assertion that the right operates by logic and reason, while the left relies on propaganda and emotion is not only patently false, it is counterproductive to understanding our political opponents.

I almost wish Hillary had won. I can't put up with this shit. Blatant propaganda and constant slander on TV day after day after day, and Trump can't even get anything done anyway with these retards blocking him at every corner. Fuck me, boys, it makes me sad.

Students of these professors became professors themselves by the 1950's and 1960's. This is how the Leftist Agenda became ingrained into American culture ever so creepily over the last 50 years. The Agenda works seamlessly when it is applied through an unspoken cooperation between Academia, Hollywood, News Media and Government. The dissolution of this unspoken "agreement" is what we are witnessing today.

It's gonna be a glorious 8 years

What was it last time? A San Francisco judge blocked the immigration ban on war-torn countries because RACISM!

Can't a midwest judge overturn that ban because FAGGOTRY or something? Not like there's a straight person left in San Francisco anyway

We haven't had a single term President since Bush sr.

As a German descendant from CA, I cringe at the thought that maybe my family was from this movement. That's why I make it my duty to be against everything they fought for.


That's cool, man. Whenever i engage a Leftist, I remind them of the fact that their views originate from an artificial propaganda introduced to America by a bunch of nihilist "Kurt Cobains" that thought Lenin and Marx were, like, totally rad.


16 years!

Lefties are also feeling the Bern of their Saul Alinsky Rules for Radicals tactics being exposed and defeated.