Stop while you're behind

Guys. He's not planning ahead. He's not playing the long game. He's literally a few steps away from being a mediocre retard. It's just that he happened to be a trustfund baby. The kind that screw over people like you.

He's a different flavor of Hillary, propped up by understandably angry people, but they got played.

Other urls found in this thread:

>sources familiar with a memo say

>A recent National Security Agency memo documents a phone call
>NSA memo

If you're going to knock NSA government memos, allow me to show you how anything Trump says if bullshit. See what I did there?


>"The memo was written by Rick Ledgett, the former deputy director of the NSA, sources familiar with the memo told The Wall Street Journal. Ledgett stepped down from his job this spring."
>sources familiar with the memo

Yeah, and? It was written by someone who worked there recently. If you don't have any actual way to disprove it it's not really helping your argument. Nice try though

Even if it was true which it isn't I'm glad if he did. He's speaking with the people behind him. Democrats aren't people. I trust him

>you need to disprove this memo that you can't even read

He needs to get the military onside NOW and then call their bluff by firing Mueller and Rosenstein, then sending squads into DNC offices to investigate them for the murder of Seth Rich. Burn their shit and then come at them when they start impeachment proceedings by announcing it to be an extra-legal insurrectionary campaign. Just get this fucking show on the road already. Do what Erdogan or Duterte would do Trump you fucking cuck.

>Democrats aren't people. I trust him

Liberal or conservative, turning politics into that type of bullshit is why our country is a shithole right now. Stop being so sassy

Civic boomer cuck faggot detected. You will be erased from history. Sit down.

Did you type that from your cheeto crusted gamer fuel station? I'm actually standing up because I don't have amputation from diabetes. You're so mad you're going to write another cringy, rage fueled comment and I'm going to shit on it some more because it's funny.

You're weak and laughable. Scared of conflict. Appealing to the people who want to destroy you and trying to bargain with them. Your skull will be crushed instantly during the happening.

> Your skull will be crushed instantly


Can you tell me about your level 100 WoW characters? I bet they're pretty badass

Go ahead and keep trusting a bloated corporation like Trump, the same type of people that lobby with Hillary.

I've already posted what I think Trump should do ITT

Are you SERIOUSLY praising Erdogan, an Islamist that's pushing his country towards extremism and arresting people that disagree with him? Trump is a disphit, but at least freedom of the press is still here unlike with Erdogan. HAHA

Freedom of the press means allowing your enemies to exist and for them to control what your subjects think about you. It is a frankly insane principle that only completely deluded liberal retards like yourself believe in.

Democracy and Enlightenment values are the reason white people are being bred out of existence and displaced and fools like you still cling to this poison because you've been brainwashed into supporting it from birth.

You would rather your whole family and line were extinguished than give up on this ideology which has lied to you every day or your life.

I never actually said anything about democracy. You're grabbing make believe conversations and replies out of the air here. Are you okay user?

>throw the baby out with the bathwater
why are you suggesting a nap violation

>sources familiar with the memo told The Wall Street Journal

I'm a monarchist not an An-Cap. We don't have a flag.

Also you appear to think the freedom of communist to propagandize people within your nation is a freedom worth defending. Can I ask you why you are completely retarded?

You're attacking Erdogan for being an authoritarian leader, presumably you support the failed and corrupt system of Democracy.