Will Bill Cosby be walking free? Does he deserve to? What do you think Sup Forums?
Bill Cosby released after mistrial
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My sister is going drinking with him tonight. She'll be fine though because that shit was all a lie.
I really liked the Cosby Show.
Did he really do it?
Still on bail, though.
Out of the millions of niggers raping and killing this is the only one that the left hates.
Really makes me think.
Honestly, hard to tell. The left was correct on some of their analysis on how rape cases are handled.
But rich celebrities are an easy target.
He's innocent, leave him alone already
All he did was get high and fucked consenting sluts lusting after his rich penis. At worst it's a moral grey area that wasn't considered rape at the time, and women who regretted sleeping with a man while under the influence the next day just accepted it and moved on, not cry rape.
The reality is that his show pushed strong family values on the black population with no nigger culture to be seen. That goes against everything the left in America needs to survive. If the blacks started caring for their family and having a good work ethic they wouldn't be voting for the welfare state. Needless to say, destroying Cosby helps paint the values he stood for like those on his beloved TV show in a bad light, reinforcing nigger behavior.
Too nig to jail
What did he do to piss off the kikes?
He criticized current black culture, and told blacks to better themselves and stop being so destructive.
he gave niggers a role model for good father
This is the most correct answer
Our ancestors brought slaves here so as penance we have to make a sacrifice about every 20 years to appease the masses. Some black guy everyone knows has to get away with murder or rape or some shit otherwise they burn down a major city.
>he gave niggers a role model for good father
which is why the jews wanted him taken out.
it;'s so much easier to manipulate fatherless blacks, ya know?
He was set up- yeah he's a scumbag BUT he's not the monster he's been painted as
I couldn't give less of a shit. This is just a media circus. A complete meaningless distraction. Reality made into reality TV.
This is pure degeneracy. I don't care, for all I care they can gas Bill Cosby.
That being said I don't think Bill Cosby did it. There is no evidence he did, it's just a bunch of Jewesses trying to get his money.
Stop changing the definition of rape. Someone fucking you while you're on drugs is no rape.
Mistrial my ass. If there isn't enough evidence for a comviction after this many years of investigation, then the man should just walk. He's already an old man. What do they want? For the Cosby to keel over and die during a trial?
Publicly hang the nigger from a tree and leave him there for a few weeks. Then make his family remove his bloated diseased shitstained body and make those niggers dig his grave. Then kill them as well.
It took them 6 minutes to discredit the first accuser, that's the strength of this case. It's nothing but a feminist hit to promote the idea of rape culture so they can line their pockets. He's going to walk free, and I think he should sue everyone involved.
It's a win/win for feminists.
If they got Cosby in jail, it just means they can push the agenda that anything counts as rape and you can accuse someone of raping you 30 years ago, and they will get arrested.
If they lose, well they just push the agenda that the justice system is against them because we live in a rape culture where women are afraid of speaking out against their rapists because they know they will get no help from the evil patriarchal justice system.
This is how any jew infested movement operates. They always set up these win/win situations.
This is why anything is happening to him, Bill Cosby is innocent. The charges against him showed up only a few months after the video.
It's weird because I even see black people hating Cosby. They usually stick up for anyone black, but not Cosby. Just look at twitter.
>nigger becomes a tv star and millionaire thanks to Talmudvision
>all the while raping da white bitches on the side
>nigger walks free like his brotha OJ
Thanks a lot, Jews.
Exactly, and now his career is over and he's branded a rapist for the rest of his life. I hope he does sue, then feminists will start to think twice about falsely accusing men for profit. At this point, there aren't any consequences for women pulling this shit.
Who do the SJWs support? Bill Cosby because he's black? Or his alleged victims because they're women?
He's a villain of a past era. It's a shame you can't cream on your victim's faces anymore. He's seen things we can only dream about.
I have NO DOUBT the pudding man committed rapes
>He bought Quaaludes (nickname for them: panty droppers)
>He was giving pills to women when they were isolated from others
>60 white woman admit a black guy had sex with them
>He's playing the poor old sick man card
Trusting a black guy's word......lol
Fuck Bill Cosby
Uncle Tom ass nigga
you ain't black, we ain't watchin your TV show nigguh
you a house nigga
come on he raped nobody
I know he's a nigger but if you let him get fucked by crazy bitches eventually you wont be safe yourself
Well he's a black man, so on the victim heirarchy he falls below women. This will help women gain more privilege so he has to be sacrificed.
They support the women because Bill Cosby is a right winger. If he was left wing this would probably never have been a thing and there would be no one accusing him of rape, and if they were they would get the Bill Clinton treatment.
He probably did drug those girls, but the question is really whether it was truly against their will, which being that it was during Cosby's hay-day and the fact that Hollywood celebs are known to have fake crime scandals come up around them in order to drain their money, and the fact that their is no real shred of evidence (which is common in rape cases) will forever muddy the water in the case.
His "confession" means nothing, since he could've easily been forced to do so from thousands of "lawyers" emailing/calling him and threatening to sue for millions if he didn't comply.
feminists would never target a black
the guys a fucking creep, these stories have been around about him forever
Bullshit, he's still a man, and he promotes fatherhood, that is their enemy.
The problem is that it all happened 30+years ago. It becomes very hard to produce evidence for either side to produce evidence for conviction other than eyewitness testimony. The evidence given, such as police testimony, is evidence, but not enough to convict in some of the jurors eyes. The case will go on with a new set of jurors
Bill Cosby was obviously shilled against by the establishment, he's sort of /ourguy/, but only in the sense that hes a meme that represents the mainstream media and establishment going along with political agendas of the elites
because Cosby used to criticize blacks all the time for being niggers instead of people.
>power full famous rich men
>raping ulgy golddickers
i don't think so
>He probably did drug those girls
If you actually look at the timeline, it would be completely retarded to assume they didn't all use drugs. These degenerates were snorting coke and fucking 24/7.
The question is not whether or not Cosby gave the women drugs, the question is whether or not 30 year old '''''''''''rape''''''''''' cases can be brought up just because you figured you can get loads of money from someone by claiming they raped you.
Of course Bill Cosby gave women drugs, that is why they fucked him in the first place, but the same can be said about any rockstar, politician, actor etc.
People like Charlie Sheen have definitely done more of this than fucking Bill Cosby. You don't see Charlie Sheen getting accused of rape even though he gives women coke and fucks them all while they're still high.
At the end of the day it doesn't matter whether or not Bill Cosby did it, what matters and what should worry people is that they can get accused of rape at any point in their life.
I had sex once with a girl who was drunk, and I have to hope she never goes to tumblr and decides that I raped her.
This has been discussed dozens of times.
He probably date raped a few women, but what male of wealth and fame hasn't?
The rest of the "rapee's" smell blood in the water and want a little slice of cash.
>tells blacks to quit being niggers
>6 gorillion rape charges
makes you think
Because he has money. Everyone knows a rich black guy is the bane to the left since they can't manipulate them with small money offers like majority of the others.
This right here. Their resentment built over time and they finally let him have it. No one, not even their own kind, are allowed to call them to task. Cosby was trying but they weren't having it. Hannibal Burress the comedian (a fellow dindu) called him out over rape allegations during one of his comedy acts years ago, but it didn't pick up steam.
my sides
Told blacks to pull their pants up and he was about to buy NBC.
>nigger walks free like his brotha OJ
Good thing some hick already came forward and confessed to the OJ case. Apparently OJ told him to retrieve some necklace or some dumb shit from Nicole and said something to the affect of "You may have to kill her", unbeknownst to OJ, the dude killed many folks before, so he's still guilty of manslaughter, not murder tho.
A friend of mine went through this shame shit. Some girl that we went to school with claimed he raped her, but he never even fucking touched her. He doesn't associate with her at all. Everyone just called her a loon and went on about their day.
This has to be done then
Zippity bop puddinpop gonna get my dick whether you like it or not
Bill Cosby is a monster. He has raped many women in his lifetime.
He really is the scum of the earth.
Reminder that women in the 70's were druggie whores.
It's bullshit that everyone in the world turned on him on a dime. I never thought he was guilty of anything but being a nigger who encouraged niggers to get their shit together, and I still think that's ultimately what this whole thing was really about.
Same with MJ and his criticism of Jews. Blacks that step out of line ALWAYS get accused of committing serial heinous sexual crimes.
Good. No one else found it strange that after a couple decades, all these women came out about his raping them? I think it's bullshit and they were looking for easy money.
"I don't know"
Wow, really convincing confession, certainly convinced me he didn't simply get crucufied by retards on a witch hunt.
This mistrial is what happens when you don't have any proof, and you wait too god damn long to say something, Cosby is innocent as far as any reasonable person is concerned, this manufactured outrage is retarded.
he did it, but back when he did it it was just called partying
hes a victim of political climate
The question is: did they consent to take the drugs?
Yes. Source: his fucking wife.
>women are mindless sheep that cant be
responsible for their actions
>women are equal to men
which is it?
Think of how many millions of dollars people can make by producing "was he guilty?" documentaries for the next several decades
As far as im concerned this is OJ part two
Personally I believe none of the "rapes" occured. Coincidentally, he got charged after telling nigs to get their shit together. Why didn't his "rapes" come out after the day they occured? Why did they hide in silence for so many years ?
oj's son did it then
the harpies are lying now, to bring down a man who questioned the (((narrative)))
They'll hit you with the Trump excuse.
"I-I was scarred until he became relevant again"
So I guess waiting until they're in the public eye and more relevant ever is the best way to try to ruin their lives with a fake rape charge.
He is innocent!
He did, so did everyone else, the question is what he did that made (((them))) throw him under the bus.
What did he do before the claims were made?
Before the rape charges came out I remember the msm opinion pieces calling him an uncle Tom or whatever. Media turned on him first, painted him as a racist (lol) and then out came the rape charges. I have no idea if he raped anyone, but everyone was doing quaaludes back then. They gave them to wives like tic tacs to get them through the days.
This is like OJ Simpson
Courts love to give black rapists mercy but are quick to say a white guy who looks at a girl should get life
found my answer
I thought it was the whole "attempting to buy NBC" thing. I doubt anyone seriously cares if he gets some of his opinions from Uncle Ruckus.
>Where there's smoke there's fire comment
Oh jesus fucking christ, why do Liberals say this shit all the time for shit they have no evidence for?
>"Trump works for Russia!"
>"Okay, you got any evidence?"
>"Where there's smoke there's fire, smoke being my accusation"
Pretty much this. I read some user's wife put it quite well in another thread, why would a woman go to a married celebrity's apartment if she wasn't expecting sex?
Hotel room, whatever. Point stands.
That makes more sense actually, possibly a combination of both, and I mean that in the most literal way.
Having wrong opinions AND the means to spread them with their own brainwashing technique.
>Cosby accused of rape.
>No one considering the rape that Cosby and his fellow African Americans endured for hundreds of years at the hand of the white man.
Let him off. Most of those white bitches deserved it and wanted it.
>Get "raped"
>Still have contact with your rapist for a period of time afterwards
Was it really "rape" then?
Also half of these women look un-rapable.
I think o.j. definitely did it, and after watching that espn documentary of him it depresses the shit out of me honestly (I'm 28 so I never knew oj as anything other than the white bronco guy). Seemed like an actual, unironically based black man throughout the 70s and 80s. If even a black guy like that could turn into a feral ape, what hope do the rest of them have?
That said, Cosby definitely dindu nuffin but encourage blacks to act like civilized human beings and ((they)) unsuccessfully tried to destroy him for doing it
top kek
yes, and after getting "raped" why did they go BACK for more pudding pop? its not like he had them chained up
Remember that photo Janine Dickenson took? If someone raped you, then why did you have a steady enough hand to take a pic? And he was chillin in a robe. Looked like consented sex to me.
It's a lesser of two evils problem desu. Either side with the nigger rapist or with the feminazi tumblrinas. Honestly in this case I'm okay with the nigger winning so we can put this "muh rape culture" horseshit in the trash where it belongs