Syrian refugee students sexually groping Canadian girls and uttering death threats
Scared Canadian girl speaks out about Syrian refugees groping girls
Thanks citizen, we are tracking this dangerous far-right extremist to enact justice for saying anything wrong about PoC culture.
It's part of their culture, they don't know any better. That Canadian girl is just an Islamophobe! The human rights court needs to send her to a re-education camp run by Imams.
I cant believe how racist this girl is, how can you be so intolerant that you wont even let a syrian refugee grope you????
Fucking westerners NEED to learn how to be tolerant, I think that every white girl should lose their virginity to a refugee so that we can destroy racism.
Schlomo Bergstein
The only reason I don't care is because no matter what happens there's always going to be cucks and women being all pacifist about the problem and it'll never get fixed
you can tell she really wants that kool-aid guy there cuz he's a hunk
so shes going to prison?
Protect the QTs, Canadian cucks.
>It's part of their culture
they should adopt Canadian culture
pic related
The only saving grace about these hard times is that all the crybaby cucks will get exactly what they've been screeching for. Darwin deems cucks unfit for survival.
>Wanting to save white women
They chose this future. Let them have it.
Solid kek
>pic related
Umm, It's part of their culture. I swear the right are the true snowflakes
ha ha ha take that roasties
t. r9k
"the white students were egging them on and threatening to bomb them...if you want peace, it has to come from both sides" the camera guy has little to say about that, i guess it goes against the narrative
>there needs to be peace from both sides
So inviting them into the country, giving them free food, free housing and free schooling is NOT considered a peaceful gesture? Would they like a free white wife and white male servants as well? Fuck this purple-pilled bullshit.
>rape and threats of violence are the same as telling Muslims to fuck off
Fuck /sg/ and fuck Syrian people
The whore was riding Ahmed's cock after the video I bet
>that fat, neckbearded retarded coming up half-way with his MAGA head... in Canada
Literally ruins the entire integrity of this video.
>foreigners invited into country and given billions of dollars in gibs
>show thier gratitude by raping and blowing things up
>the victims of your abuse speak up
>lol the hate is coming both sides, you dumb racist rednecks
Fucking kys cuck
but you didn't post a pic
Canadian flags are oddly missing from this thread. hmmmmm
>she throws in a jab at the white male students for standing up to the shitskin gropers and defending white women
It was funny watching the interviewers deprogram her in real-time though with simple questions. She's obviously just another brainwashed Cancuck, slowing realizing the truth. Sounds like she has a decent head on her shoulders if it wasn't hijacked by leftist indoctrinators.
That fucking disgusting racist hitler loving whore needs some BBC in her so she stops resisting diversity.
I fuxking hate it here. reeeeeee
girl: whites were threatening them
guy: actually, they weren't. whites dindu nuffin.
girl: yes sir, the whites dindu nuffin
The white kuffar whores deserve a lot more than just groping. They're just not used to dealing with real men.
>the white students were threatening them and thats not okay
This, when she said "that´s wrong, you don´t say things like that" she was dropped and any violence, crime or terror is her very own choice and fully deserved.
our women believe the last thing that was said to them. they are basically just collections of their friends most recent opinions given form and a smartphone. I'm supposed to marry one of these bitches. fuck my life.
Kys there are no excuses "muh men didn´t teach me well enough, I only had jews and feminists brainwashing me" Not an excuse, not any fucking longer.
They need to THINK for once and stop being so massively disloyal to their own group. The genes that allow this can be allowed to be winnowed out naturally.
If they rape you, you win
It's rare for me to agree with a Swede.
mgtow cùcks get out, women are cattle, it's our fault they're whores
Canadians are going to be replaced by whichever low-trust culture reaches the demographic threshold first. There are really nothing but shit options, but it's probably best if it's the Chinese rather than the Muds or Poos. All high-trust societies are doomed by the end of this century. Eastern Europe, and East Asia will be the only (halfway) civilized places left standing because we're not high-trust faggots willing to give away our shirts to strangers.
Fuck this shit
Part and parcel being a leaf.
Happy fucking Ramadan.
I thought the few refugees canadian took were primarily women and children?
Good, let her rot.
Seriously, normies only listen to hot people and shes hot af
bullshit staged video
Enjoy ramadan, leafs
they are due for surpassing sweden in this type of shit imo
This is bullshit. There's no proof of her getting molested.
The alt right is hypocritical whining about feminists lying about assault and then they do the exact same thing.
Cunts that mosly support and fight for (refugees)
Fat neckbeard with MAGA cap is interviewing her. Trump supporters are overweight neckbeard autists.