Why so much gay sympathisers on here

Why so much gay sympathisers on here

they're a plague on human decency, they commit disgusting acts and should be wiped out promptly

>caring if John sucks a dick at home

Lmao, you're just mad that even faggots get fucked more than you do.

zero fucks > fucked by men

shut up faggot and join us

Closet fag. Fuck off and stop using Sup Forums as a therapist office

Hang yourself, John.

>Why so much gay sympathisers on here

Because traps

That meme needs to die

because homosexuality really isn't degenerate.

>he says while posting a Naruto picture
Are you actually stupid? Everyone in this manga is a scrawny, gay emo boy with visible toes and makeup. Literally turned so, so many American teenagers gay and into trannies.

Kill yourself and stop using the Hakenkreuz, you stupid piece of shit manchild.

What meme? Traps aren't gay meme? Nah, they basically appeal to bisexuals.


Because as a straight male, they are not hurting me. There are 1 million things I want changed with today's world before we even reach the issue of gay men.


Would fugg all of them but the one

Hate this argument, why would I hate faggotry if I'm gay

The whole trap meme. Not just that they aren't gay.

I view gays as handicapped people

I don't hate them but I acknowledge they're not well nor is their condition desirable for anyone. Plus I really don't think they should be allowed to have kids in the same way that senile or delusional people shouldn't be allowed around kids.

Out of all the issues two men buttfucking each other is pretty low on the list, you closet faggot. No one cares unless you try to politicize it or show off like a flamer.

Why would you wanna do that unless you were a gay who didn't like femininity?

There is literally nothing wrong with people like OP having gay play dates.

>Sup Forums would genocide this

Now THAT is fucking gay. This is why traps and feminine qts are less gay

would cuddle the fuck out of/10

>Against traps and think they are gay.
>Must be a gay who doesn't like feminity


No, they are gayish, but more bisexual really. They piss off roasties, especially when they're more attractive than them.

I heard somewhere that if a gay man has his dick sucked by a straight man, his homosexuality will be cured. Do you think we should give it a try?