Should blacks be considered just a type of animal? Let's face it, there is nothing that shows that they are humans other than being able to speak
Should blacks be considered just a type of animal? Let's face it...
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shut the fuck up
Why can't we accept the possible fact that homo erectus still lives?
Animal enough to be robbed of mined resources, it would seem
You probably have some white admixture, but pure blood negro is NOT a human being
You should rename that
Butthurt nog detected
There WAS a court case recently in Argentina giving an orangutan human rights...
Out of Africa theory is falling apart.
This happened during the black darkness of night, and when the day shone forth, there came out to them, from caves in that land, people of black complexion and with naked bodies, like wild beasts, not understanding speech.
They're the Homo Sapiens branch that was left behind in Africa and didn't evolve since then.
It's not a coincidence they are the only Sapiens that didn't mix with Neanderthals and failed to evolve.
total agreement
People fuck dogs as well. What does that prove?
We don't give animals rights in the same way we give people rights, we don't treat animals the same way as us because they are not intelligent enough to understand these rights and apply them themselves.
So why should we do it with blacks and other people who are too stupid to be considered human?
There are animals more intelligent than some people.
I've read it's possible for human and chimpanzee to breed so maybe blacks are the closest apes to us humans and chimpanzee the second closest
Morgan Freeman can be honorary human, though he is white mixed
I look at guys on the right side of the Black Bell curve and think NANALT. Not All Niggers Are Like That. Then I remember that in the aggregate numbers and crime statistics yep ANALT
Yes. Same with abo
Anyone with a drop of negro or abo blood is not a human being. It can reveal itself centuries later
sandniggers such as syrians included
Any white trash that breeds with blacks get thrown out in the gene pool so it's all good.
>being able to speak
This is literally what makes us humans: language.
Humans are animals.
People with intellectual disabilities are given human rights.
This is revisionist history.
You white bois can't ever compete with the BASED black man's 10 inch titans.
Oh look, found the nigger!
Sure why not?
The Negros had 1000s of years and weren't even capable to invent the wheel, let alone mining precious metals.
So we take these resources. Its called survival of the fittest.
>Being able to speak
Have you been to America?
they should be called homo sapiens nigeriensis
they should be reclassified as fauna and mating with them should be labeled bestialit
Well since the original niggers used to communicate via clicking noise much like animals I don't see why we shouldn't
Keep them in Africa where they belong.
I'll take more than 3 generations to fix the whole continent up.
When the nigger is confused with facts regarding his inferiority, he usually responds with:
>ay hol up
>smacks lip
>so ya sayin
>ya sayin
>smacks lip
>but MUH dick
>mute people aren't human
Just read this:
Daily reminder that no subsaharan African has ever made a written language. A white man, reed, was the first to make a written language from an African tongue when he transcribed Xhosa. Black African efforts to transcribe the rest of the 500 languages in Africa stalled in the 90s until white linguists from Europe returned to assist.
Society should acknowledge their severe limitations. Because then we can fix their genes via hybridization with genius sperm. It would only take 2 generations of hybridization to turn blacks into decent citizens.
>le disgruntled Chinese engineer meme
Doesn't discount that agriculture and civilization were in Africa centuries before Europeans colonized it.
>inb4 le ebin dank memes
Thats what ive been saying fucking morons ignore the problem so they can't even be helped.
In Egypt, yes.
>Misses the whole point.
Get the fuck you you reddit retard.
not in sub-saharan aka nignog africa
LOL-Niggers are so predictable.
Niggers are not humans and should be treated by vets.
I wonder what world you live in