>When drawn in two dimensions, the molecule resembles a swastika, and has therefore been called "Hitler's acid".
Is this /ourchemical/?
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report it the SPLC
It isn't a swastika doe
Santa stubbed his toe
Pic related
get on my level
B-but you don't have a nice 3D structure.
Fucking kek
>implying that a carbon's bonding angle is 90 degrees, rather than 109.5 degrees.
here is a better one
>Researchers at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology predict that orthocarbonic acid may occur in the interiors of Neptune and Uranus
space nazis confirmed
close enough
>tfw hitler was so right that even molecules mimic him
Also, ethanol looks like a doggy, but everyone already knows that, so I won't waste my time by adding a pic.
if there is no space in atoms it will have 90°
formal charges?
resonance structures?
You can rotate it by 180 degrees around the vertical axis and it would be the right orientation for a nazi swastiki. Chirality is still preserved
>if there is no space in atoms it will have 90°
What on Earth are you talking about?
Nanoputian is a molecule that is literally a guy doing a "Roman" salute
>get on my level.
Any use from this acid?
Could substitute that one H at the bottom phenyl group with some 1,1-dimethylpropyl stuff if you know what i mean
probably as some sort of solvent or fuel idk.
(((They))) are everywhere
Which one will allow me to create a strain of Ebola that will target genes specifically attributed to blacks?
Doesn't look much like a swastika though. It looks terrible desu. Orthocarbonic acid is the best look-a-like.
Some evangelist was going around America, claiming that this protein
>pic related
is a sign from God that Christianity was true, because it looked a little like a cross. The idiot crowd all started gasping and crying in joy and praising God when they saw it.
Freaking idiots, I tell ya.
They need some
Well, I guess they do afterall.
You are a funny goy
That's what a year and a half on Sup Forums does to you I guess. Tho the nazis took my family's only cow in ww2. They go it back or something i don't remember.
>if there is no space in atoms it will have 90°
He means the molecular geometry can be distorted by steric hindrance.
Well technically an atom for the most part is empty space, also the inside of a proton is almost nothing but they still have rest mass.
Saved my friend
Gonna look that up
Maybe OPs using a fischer projection, faggot.
1. He wasn't the OP
2. Using the fischer projection is the height of faggotry.
3. The whole point is "what does the molecule itself look like?" His diagram was very deceptive.
Fischer projection is useful when dealing with stereo isomers tho.
Yeah, they can resonate slightly (become distorted), but not that much and it will always average 109.5 degrees.
Secondly.... ehem....
>pic related
Thirdly, what does any of this have to do with atoms taking up "no space" which, even if that made sense, is completely untrue!
I need a minute to calm down...
Try 3,3-diethylpentane for which the skeletal structure is attached
> The whole point is "what does the molecule itself look like?" His diagram was very deceptive.
If that's the "whole point" drawing the correct bond angles aren't going to get us very far user, lrn2 wavefunction m8.
i already posted it
How about this one?
Oh yes, I slipped it into a nomenclature homework once
Could be used as a primer in ammo I guess. The point is chemistry doesn't happen in 2D anyways, unless it has 2 bonds or a tripple bond or a single and a double bond. Then there are other planar molecules.
A wavefunction doesn't tell us what the molecule looks like, it tells us the probability that one of the particles will be in a specific place at any given time. Molecules do actually have shapes, and they do look like things.
Now, I know what you're thinking, you're thinking "your definition of a wavefunction sounds exactly the same as what you said it wasn't at the start."
But no!
When you get to to size of electrons, it has a major effect, but the wavefunction is beginning to be negligible at the size of moderately sized atoms.
>pic related
Soda water
Soft drink
CO2 + h2o + pressure + time = h2co3
Which is carbonic acid...
t. Chemical engineer / Chemist (carbonate equilibrium specialist)
You can draw it like this.
This is what they think dissolved co2 looks like in water. This is before it becomes carbonic acid...
One type of hydrogen ion in water
This is the zundel hydrogen ion. The other post shows the eigen hydrogen ion
>>>>>>doesnt get the joke
Reported to ADL
i came here just to see if this was posted yet
thank you
>tfw the Jew has infiltrated the silicates