I've been seeing people like this pop up, which are the middle ground fallacy incarnate, coupled with the most cringeworthy smug commentary.
Is there any way to counter this nonsense?
Pic related.
I've been seeing people like this pop up, which are the middle ground fallacy incarnate, coupled with the most cringeworthy smug commentary.
Is there any way to counter this nonsense?
Pic related.
>the jew threatens to get her lawyer
Is jewish trickery genetic?
That is the worst account on twitter. I can't imagine someone being a bigger faggot.
He dislikes a weirdo anti-white black and a jewess alt-lite infiltrator if that's what you think is centrism i'm for it.
Fuck Loomer.
Fuck Thernovich.
Fuck Pobesiec.
They're just shills.
> Woke centrism
"Both sides are just as bad, I'm just sitting here and being smug I'm so much better than everyone"
I too went through an edgy centrist phase when I was 16. All these kids will grow out of it eventually as things get worse.
All of these nigger cattle will poison your brain
>I too went through an edgy centrist phase when I was 16. All these kids will grow out of it eventually as things get worse.
now you understand the media pushing for the voting age to be lower to 16....
Dislike 2 things=centrist
It's not just that picture, it's that entire account.
I was a centrist when I was 14-15, it made me think "I'm just a douchebag", and I'm still one.
but not the centrist douchebag, I'm more of a "there might be a god, there might not be one there might also be two or more, or just no god at all."
Yes goy, being a centrist is bad.
Why don't you be a stormtrooper or sjw tranny instead?
Who wants to be RATIONAL?
Be thankful these cunts think centrism is hip and trendy. Who cares if they're obnoxious while they're doing it, it's better than them actively pushing nasty shit.
I guess I should be thankful in the sense that it is the Overton window shifting. God knows the Republicans were the sole purveyor of everything bad ever until recently
The literally doesn't know that the play is literally a play about rebellion and assassination of the present president. I bet the left gets an erection while watching the play, there are even lefties who gets joy froman attempted assassination of a right politician. Centrist are literally the douchebags who just wanted to say that both sides are bad without even looking which is worst.
Anti-centrists are just as obnoxious as centrists.
Nah, im good and okay with my ideology, in not a conservative, I just hate degenerates who wanted to have mythical genders, women supremacy, false equality through separating white, muzzies and black, and idiots who thinks being gay is trendy.
Almonds status: activated. And leftist parties always try to LARP as Centrists too.
Ok then i'll side with the black guy and you can have the jew so not to be a centrist
>Centrists are just as bad as Rightists
>I'm just sitting here and being smug I'm so much better than everyone
>Centrists are just as bad as Leftists
>I'm just sitting here and being smug I'm so much better than everyone
>Leftists are just as bad as Rightists
>I'm just sitting here and being smug I'm so much better than everyone
Centrism is the new method the globalist will use in the age of Trump vis a vis macron. They needed to artificially engineer "populism" that coincidently has all the same goals as neo liberals. Notice how all centrists just happen to support globalism, fag rights, the eu, high taxes?
True, even tho theyre bad, theyre quite idiots who doesn't vote and feel cool, open minded and diverse. Anti-centrist are idiots who's fighting an idiot who wont do shit against both sides.
lol examining the facts of the case is too hard man
There's some truth in that, but I'm not saying any of that. I don't think centrists are as bad as leftists, I just think there's this smug "I AM BETTER THAN EVERYONE ELSE BECAUSE EVERYONE IS BAD" thing.
I'd rather convince them of my side but the centrists that are like that are running off of the preconceived notion that 'both sides are just as bad'.
You're either in favor of some degree of violent subjugation of otherwise peaceful individuals to the arbitrary whims of some political class or you aren't.
There's no "center" to that dichotomy.
Nah the black guy thinks a brown Hispanic is a 'white' Hispanic, the guy really hates white people, you wont side with an idiot wont you?
while showing to people theyre "centrist" they're actually thinking that there will eventually one that will win and that one will favor their needs.
Politics 101.
You're all shit even if you don't participate (not having an opinion makes you even more shit).
That and usually one side is actively trying to destroy society with stupid fucking immigration policies, so not siding with the one that isn't makes you a fucking idiot.
Like politics for me is now about who won't expedite our demise, too bad like 80% of "Canadians" are camel jockeys or brainwashed faggots.
I wanna fuck both sides up, but then again I'm more right i guess. I'm not bothered by Trump supporters, niggers on the other hand I wait and expect to hear stupid shit from them or expect them to nigger it up.
No but i'm taking a position, or perhaps I should side with the jew, jew trickery beats black brawn in the up coming war.
I don´t think she is centrist but yes her content is mediocre at best.
Fact is the Jew is worse, people like her are behind the sentiments that the black guy takes.
Fuck that. I'm on the right and idiots like Loomer and Posabiac just make us look bad. It has nothing to do with centrism.
Well typical niggers will say "dye dindu nuffin" the blames the government and white people, so you will know wether theyre stupid or not through hearing that catchphrase.
At least the jew can think than the nigger.
The worst (actual) centrists ive seen on twitter are the sceptics Vernaculis and the armoured sceptic come to mind, its impossible to know where they stand on anything.
And if you knew anything about the play you would know that Ceaser is the good guy trying to do the best for his country and when he's killed it leads to the destruction of Rome without his leadership.
>not wanting to watch fat beta animefag nazis and millennial cuck numale communists kill each other off until neither exist anymore
but anime fascism is a great way to get gen z redpilled about it
>middle ground
that guy is further right than the jew girl
But isn't a centrist's point of view determined by the extremes?
So for example, let's say I were selling an old chair, and we were haggling over the price. The chair is worth $5. The other person offers $3, but I come back and demand $200. The other person will try to meet me halfway, offering $100. I grudgingly shrug and shake his hand. The other person walks away gleefully, thinking he just made a $100 profit.
You see this is how it works. If I up the intensity of my unreasonable demand, if I'm negotiating with a cuck I can extract tons from them. So for example, the political perspective of the SJW's might be totally unhinged, completely off the rails from any sort of normal rational position. But a centrist will try to meet them halfway in order to remain in the "center". Therefore the centrist may actually end up with a political opinion that is ludicrously far left compared to what was reasonable just a generation ago.
Welp true, I've read about it. The play still incites assassination and rebellion you know :v
That's what I was thinking- I mean isn't it kind of flattering to portray Trump as Caesar, one of the most acclaimed leaders in all of history? Unless they changed the okay or something, it doesn't make Caesar look like a bad guy- if anything it highlights the shame of his assassins.
I agree
>is there anything worse than thinking for yourself and questioning rigid platforms given to us by our leaders
You are a faggot and should feel bad for being stupid
nah, you're thinking economic or haggling wise, they just don't want to choose between the two, instead they wont do actual shit but talk how equally awful the two side without research or look whats worse or better. they wont do anything but wait what will happen eventually.
You have to find a way to preserve your personal and group interests, while staying moral.
No one is saying anything is the same you Slav moron.
Or maybe it's the simple realization that both sides have valid points in different instances & that political extremes should be avoided?
The level of projection on Sup Forums, honestly..
That's not even remotely how it works. Are you 5?
And here we see the effects of mass immigration on British education.
The way I see it, since cummunism doesn't work, and since pure capitalism probably wouldn't work, the safe spot for absolute certainty is centrism.
I don't see anything wrong with trying to take the pragmatic stand on things. The problem is identifying the most pragmatic thing. For instance, I'm a centrist but I am very libertarian when it comes to constitutional rights.
The lefty are literally idiots, who supports Islam in which doesn't support or just hates LGBT and feminist rights. I don't see how the two are equally idiots.
See here is the thing, I once leaned to the left then, leaned to the right, my views changed as I aged. However this election was the most horrible example of politics in my life. A literal commie getting a following and being rich as fuck? The true demecrat choice was hilery and every chance she showed her curruption, emails, FAKE news control, party cannibalism by taking out bernie commie. Like literally what the fuck? Then on the right the republicans cant come together on nothing at all, they are all divided and iinterested in themselves, and trump spins a snake oil salesmen pitch and most everyone bought its. I dont identify politically at all, I am suck of the currupt fuckers in office, I am going to base MY vote on the values, thoughts, and intentions of the person NOT by memes, lies, and political leaning.
This is the new shill tactic, centrist threads
Good luck on your kids being thought by drag queens, and thought Islam in schools, looks like your culture is fucked.
I Wouldn't know I went to school before cultural Marxism took hold.
Show both sides are part of a false paradigm...
Except fuck that wishy-washy centrist I have no Ideals bullshit.
And take the power back.
Agnosticism of Politics is just a cop-out for being a shithead who doesn't give a fuck.
Pretty sure centrism is an idea ruined by people thinking that sitting on the fence is centrism. Also probably a lot of your "blackpilled" edgy nihilists misusing the term.
Although actually I just want Liz to dissolve parliament and reinstate an absolute monarchy.
You know it is your responsibility to not be a little bitch right?
Being centrist is literally being the weak cuck having no courage to take part in politics in a meaningful way and just watching from the side.
> Woko Haram
Lefty cuck getting triggered the the right gets bolder and isn't afraid to use sjw tactics against them.
Europe is mostly fucked you know, its messy as fuck after the mass immigration.
Be somebody.
Not a palatable little twat in the face of political correctness...
Which is basically commie-speak for cultural subversion.
Are you going to let the enemy win?
Be a centrist.
wtf even is this country
I haven´t seen that many videos of them because I found them boring. Many of the Youtube "skeptics" just talk about people and events and don´t make the effort to discuss ideas.
I have to give people like sargon credit that they didn´t fall into the same trap and just repeat talking points.
That's exactly how it works. Today in every Western country, all major "right-wing" political parties believe that women and nonwhites should be able to vote and faggots should at least be able to legally marry each other. Three generations ago, such positions would have been to the left of the Communists.
I think this is relevant
You're both correct. Not wanting to choose between a reasonable if slightly wrong position and a way-off position is how it happens.
The only thing worse is Alt-Right Twitter celebrities desu.
"Baked Alaska"
"Woko Haram"
All these degenerates need to be gassed.
Underrated post.
I agree
Try reading Tara dublin
>Right/left party does something stupid that the other side did when they were in power.
>Oh man this is great, even though i was against it when the other side did it. It's gonna totally piss of those dumb nazi's/liberals so i love it now XD
Right and left wing fags tend to change their fucking views on the regular, dependent on which side is doing what.
All americans are spiritually homosexual.
I only read quality anti-American twitter accounts
low t faggots detected
If you want to really learn whats up, you need to realize that politics, logic, philosophy etc. are for gays and that aesthetics and violent expressions of emotion are the only things that matter
> We should never use their tactics, even though they took over the entire western hemisphere with them
> We should lose with dignity goy
Maybe the concept was too complex for you? I tried to keep it simple.
The general point is that if you're trying to stay in the middle, the way you judge that is by the extremes of the opposite sides. So if the left becomes very extreme and the right stays moderate, the "centrist" will start to drift left.
This is why during things such as haggling and debating, one of the strategies is to take as radical and extreme a position as possible, so that the people you're trying to persuade will decide to meet you halfway, and end up about where you wanted them to be anyway
Autistic retards are on both sides, just sit back and watch the fire burn.
>Falling into the left vs right Jewish ploy.
Keep pushing that pendulum goy maybe this time it won't swing back and smack you in the face.
>woko haram
made me chuckle
Strict centrism is more a posture than a principled stand. There's no reason the truth should be in the 'center' so to speak. It could be entirely on the left, the right, some admixture of the two, or perhaps entirely absent from the political debate. Radical centrism is predicated on a simplistic binary understanding of politics.
So why are people 'woke centrists'? Because it allows them to turn their lack of judgment into a positive and look morally and intellectually superior.
>haha, look how dumb everyone but me is
Had to look twice, to make sure it wasn't a screenshot from reddit.
Oh, I forgot there is another kind of centrist. The leftist in centrist's clothing. It's a means of persuasion. By claiming to be centrists some leftists hope to look more trustworthy. It works too. They can make the same arguments as Bernie Sanders but simply calling themselves centrists will make their arguments appear more reasonable to the unaware.
This guy is right. The issue of 'centrism' needs to be seen through the lens of persuasion because it rarely lends itself to legitimate dialectic.
Now that this has been normalized;
maybe Centrism can lean more towards
aka: Family, Values, Honor, Respect, Love, Tradition, Faith
>All these autisitic home schoolers
Political discourse isn't nigger-tier twitter beef. This is basic bitch faggot shill shit.
"This is why during things such as haggling and debating, one of the strategies is to take as radical and extreme a position as possible, so that the people you're trying to persuade will decide to meet you halfway, and end up about where you wanted them to be anyway"
I've used this method on family members and a few friends, it works.