USGS is NOT reporting on everything that has been happening on top of the Yellowstone caldera. It's much much worse than you can imagine, and they are trying to cover it up.
Press F to pay respects
(Do some research, amateur seismologists etc)
USGS is NOT reporting on everything that has been happening on top of the Yellowstone caldera. It's much much worse than you can imagine, and they are trying to cover it up.
Press F to pay respects
(Do some research, amateur seismologists etc)
Other urls found in this thread:
people have been saying shit like this for at least 10 years
it's literally nothing
Well t his time happens to be real, And data exists to back it up. The USGS has been underplaying how bad it's been getting. You think nasa would break out its big expensive toy for "literally nothing" when it hasn't bothered all these previous years of usual activity? The data is there, Check the amateurs instruments.
listen dickhead, you created the thread so if there's a mountain of proof, why don't you post some of it
Send me sources plz before (((ppl))) start calling you a shill.
watching the events here in the grand ol' usa over the last 20 years, i think we are in need of a cleansing by fire.
hope it erupts and destroys not only burger hegemony but also the world
take off that flag
Don't forget that you've had the power to make your dreams come true the entire time if you know what I mean and I think you do
>west coast obliterated
>millions of dead white liberals, spics and niggers
Is Yellowstone our/guy?
No more worry about Global Warming if it goes off.
If it erupts it would lead to global winter, famine and death.
Good, the sooner the better. I cant fucking wait.
our volcano
gping to be cold and dusty on the east coast for a bit
Unfortunately the ash cloud would kill everyone on earth not wealthy enough to have a centuries long stockpile of food / aquaponic bunker food system.
just imagine the happening threads!!
Can we get some nutjob American to go livestream Yellowstone?
Nothing will happen, you attention whoring faggot.
Alex Jones ?
He would be perfect, but I was thinking of some conspiracy NEET to do it, kinda like the guy on the 2012 movie
It'd actually hurt the east coast far worse, our mountain range and the pacific protects us from anything wind/atmosphere related.
It'll only be bad business for us if it triggers off other volcanoes like crater lake.
BLOW YOUR LOAD Mr. Supervolcano
Actually there were +700 earthquakes under yellowstone in the last 24 hours. Yyyeeeaaahhh....
>global cooling will kill us all
>y2k will kill us all
>mayan calendar will kill us all
>global warming will kill us all
>yellow stone will kill us all
I will kill all of you
Realistic VR with the sensation of touch and movement will kill us all. Don't even need smell and other shit, the second we get VR that we can feel stuff in is the second mankind begins its end.
>BLOW YOUR LOAD Mr. Supervolcano
BLOW YOUR LOAD Mr. Supervolcano
>BLOW YOUR LOAD Mr. Supervolcano
BLOW YOUR LOAD Mr. Supervolcano
feel free to offer a source or some more information anytime you pathetic larping faggot.
You are a profoundly stupid person who should spend serious time considering why you're even trying anymore.
From how far away would the eruption be visible and audible? Wouldn't it be the loudest sound in recorded history?
For example, I live in Texas - when it happens, would I know?
Climate change won't really have any major effects for about 100 years. It's about whether or not you want to fuck over future generations, which people like Trump love to do because they're so shortsighted.
Mazama's extinct, bro.
You posted right after a source you retarded reddit cuck
On one hand, OP is a faggot for not gives his sources. On the other hand, those digits don't lie. Checked
Hey, I know this guy! It's the edgelord that talked about how skulls will be crushed by his overweight dorito ass. He's going to say some very edgy words to you
checked n rekt
>Fucking "Non Chan" Newfags....
Have you been to it in the past few years? It's not extinct.
Sorry, I'm only here to offer a warning. I told you how to find the data. Do your Sup Forums thing and find the truth. You could end up saving a lot of lives.
>Yellowstone gets about 1,500 to 2,000 earthquakes every year. About half of those come in earthquake swarms — lots of earthquakes in a small area in a short amount of time.
So this activity is fairly normal, Farrell said.
>Most of the earthquakes in this swarm have been small — only four above magnitude 3. Thursday’s 4.5 magnitude earthquake was the only one reported to the U.S. Geological Survey website, meaning people actually felt it.
I know....only influence....never answers, thats for us.
They Won't Listen, I've been trying for years...
How the fuck does warning about this help anyone
August 21
>Yellowstone gets about 1,500 to 2,000 earthquakes every year. About half of those come in earthquake swarms — lots of earthquakes in a small area in a short amount of time. So this activity is fairly normal, Farrell said.
>Farrell said the swarm is the effect of normal tectonic stress in the Earth’s crust. As of Friday morning, his the University of Utah seismologists weren’t seeing anything volcanic in nature.
literally fucking nothing
We no longer have years.
They are being under reported. Find the amateurs, find the answer.
Because it's a preview of things to come. And then entire west coast is getting ready to be obliterated. The world WILL enter a nuclear winter. If your not away and die.
What do you guys think is the coolest thing about Yellowstone? I think it's the fact that you're going to hear USA being gone when it erupts and then you can enjoy happening from news.
>Yellowstone gets about 1,500 to 2,000 earthquakes every year. About half of those come in earthquake swarms — lots of earthquakes in a small area in a short amount of time. So this activity is fairly normal, Farrell said.
What a hot source really confirms that Yellowstone's gonna blow tomorrow, you fucking child.
You're so bluepilled goyim. Read The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels. Some solid redpills on climate change in there
>Yellow Stone Situation Is Much Worse than you think
You've been on about this for years and years. Even promising it was going to blow. Multiple times, multiple dates.
The reality is that if it blows the world is fucked and there's no time to prepare for that level extinction event. It's literally like worrying about getting hit by a KT-level asteroid we're not spotting.
You're at far greater risk of just having a blood clot kill you, or slipping in the shower, than any of this stuff and yet those things you aren't worrying about. Why? Because you're all LARPing little retards who dream about an apocalypse so that your own miserable failed lives will be on parallel with those who actually did something with theirs.
You sound like the existence of Yellowstone and the threat it poses was top secret info before you warned everyone.
There are only 2 types of people regardless of your warning.
Those who are prepared and those who are not.
Environmental Scientist in the area, here.
Well OP isn't completely incorrect. But according to numerous peer-reviewed research papers AND recent studies, it has been shown that OP is a fucking faggot.
I don't need any bullshit color pills. I don't want one side that I feel safe with to tell me only things that don't hurt my god damned feelings. I want all the truth so I don't read news like CNN or Brietbart, or unaccredited bullshit that leaves out half the facts so they don't hurt my feelings.
The guy who wrote "The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels" was funded by the Koch Brothers. NO THANKS
Bumping for an answer
so that we can immigrate to europe or mexico or south america?
> protip, you simply cannot stop a caldera. i would rather take my chances with said caldera than die of some third world disease.
I'll have more in a few. Just to make you look stupid. Take a peek where the swarm was genius.
I know....and it's too late for alot of people. Even if they wake up in time. We have 2-3 months max. And they still won't listen. They are blinded by the fq
Earthquakes mean that there's gas getting released, it's good, stop panicking.
1). Does it matter? He cites all his data.
2). Sauce?
Kek wills it, time to get comfy and watch the firework show
Will the east coast be mostly fine?
Like, maybe some tough times, but there will be enough food and water...
The loudest thing ever was the Krakatoa explosion during the XIXth century.
A lot of Dutch people archived this.
Depends if you're not too bigoted to condemn cannibalism.
First paragraph with sources
Alex Epstien in bed with the Koch brothers:
audibly lol'd
kill me haha
414 quakes in the epicenter of the Yellowstone super volcano 4 days.
414 quakes at the epicenter of the yellowstone 4 days.
48 6f 77 73 20 57 20 4e 43 3f 20 56 41 3f 20 53 61 66 65 3f 20
My uncle works at Burger King and he says this thing is set to go off tomorrow so it's pretty much a done deal.
This guy knows his volcanoes.
>was in Ayn Rand Institute which received funding
>no mention of his current activities or current Koch involvement.
Fuck off shill
Also citing a random blog is very intellectual, isn't it? Alex cites Nasa and UN Data
Or if it sets off the San Andreas fault. San Fran fill be rubble.
>They are being under reported. Find the amateurs, find the answer.
So you don't personally have any evidence? Then the whole thread is based on false pretenses.
>do your own research
>find amateur seismologists
To prove your hypothesis which isn't even based on suspected activity, just thin air? How do you know they are being under-reported if you haven't "found the answer" and you want us to?
>Find the amateurs, find the answer.
Such a condescending platitude. If you're going to make a shot-in-the-dark claim without evidence then at least don't pretend like you know more.
You're framing this like you've found evidence and you want us to spread it around to raise awareness, but you immediately admit you aren't actually basing this on anything and you want us to begin proving your claim. I could understand if there were amateurs claiming shit was popping off and it was being ignored because it's not considered "credible," but you have not demonstrated that anyone is even making this claim that needs awareness raised for them.
Who is being suppressed here? Give us names to prove you have something, anything. Otherwise this is just a great big nothingburger and we should all go to sleep.
>part of an org that received 100k from the Koch Brothers
>wahhh, it's true and I don't like it so I'll call him a shill, wahhh
You right now.
Yellowstone going off would kill most life on the planet so no probably not.
It's not about warning people. Even with pr00fs they STILL WONT LISTEN! It's about giving them a chance to say goodbye. There is no escape. There is no way out. This is part of the "Endgame" they go underground, we die!
>There are "safer" places though....but they won't go until it's too late.
>And the owners of the media....want you to die!
>They want to "Rule" over the few remaining
>has not been reporting on everything that has not been happening
Fixed it for ya
"Yellowstone is surely going to erupt any moment now" says increasingly nervous man for the billionth time this week.
And there were 490 rare Pepe's found on saturns second moon. Same source reports
BLOW YOUR LOAD Mr.Supervolcano
Also checked
Keyword is "PAST FELLOW". Doesn't mean he's still receiving funding. He also doesn't deny, he looks at the costs and benefits as well as data comparing 70's climate change predictions to what actually to show many of the leading "experts" on the issue are alarmists
I want everyone to die at the same time as me.
What a based supervulcano
If I goto Western NC high up do I have a chance? I can't see that far
>I was thinking "Ashville" ironically enough.
>And when should we prepare?
One can dream about it taking out cuck ass California
Also, just because the Ayn Rand institute received the funding, doesn't mean he got any
I hope California is wiped off the face of the earth.
BLOW YOUR LOAD Mr.Supervolcano
love the fear porn
It's probably near life extinction deal, no joke. But it might as well happen tomorrow as million years from now. Who gives a fuck. Hopefully in a thousand years we will have some back up plan.