Why don't you meditate, Sup Forums?
Why don't you meditate, Sup Forums?
>Genuine questron
I mean technique, setting, etc
In this fucked up techno-narcissistic info babble age we live in
step 1 is learning to passively observe your thoughts. close your eyes and just observe. guard against getting sucked into your thoughts.
step 2 is concentration meditation. lots of variations on this exist. you can concentrate on your breathing. on a mantra. on positive affirmations ("loving kindness" meditation). again, be on guard for getting distracted.
step 3 is totally clearing the mind of all thought.
Also helpful is the notion of mindfulness throughout the day. Being aware of unwanted thoughts. E.g. if you're at home and thoughts of work intrude. The goal is to recognize that the mind is subservient to the will, and that you can control this stuff through practice.
Because meditation was spread by the ussr as a way to weaken western society.
The way that you sit doesn't matter. You just want to be comfortable but not so comfortable that you fall asleep. No need to worry about shit like lotus position or funny hand gestures ("mudras").
'Mindfulness meditation' is the most popular type that isn't weird eastern mystic chakra stuff.
Too busy having this panic attack for all that
>Why don't you meditate, Sup Forums?
I meditate.
What profits does it give?
I already do, usually for 15 minuets per day. It would be ignorant not to recognize the health benefits.
I have problem calming down and focusing. I would like to learn but it seem so hard
I think the hardest part is developing the willpower to decide that you're going to do it.
Because i don't dream about my goals i act on them
I have insomnia, so the hours I spend sitting in bed before falling asleep could be considered meditation.
No LARP cunts, I am a white nationalist that meditates.
I strongly agree with OP. Meditation is a hack that works. It is so hard to do every day but I do it as much as I can. I found that the more I do it the more control I have over my thoughts and reaction to phenomena - which helps me to contribute to the 1488 cause.
Our people and culture and nations are dying so it is important that we keep a cool head over the coming years. All white nationalists should meditate (as well as lift).
One of the benefits also of meditation is that it gives you additional insight into consciousness. You realize that the conscious "you" is different than the part of your mind that generates thoughts. I remember being unnerved when that dawned on me initially.
meditation is so BORING. i would prefer almost anything to sitting around staring into space trying not to think. thinking is literally why i have a brain and as long as my brain works i am going to do as much fucking thinking as i can.
Peaceful mind.
This doesn't count as meditation?
Meditation is basically NOT THINKING. Which is difficult to do, but there are tricks to getting over that initial hump. Give your mind something to do besides thinking.
A basic technique that worked for me is to take a hot bath first, then lay down like the pic in OP so your spine is flat. Then clench and unclench your individual muscles starting with your toes and working your way up, while concentrating on that feeling in your muscles after they unclench.
Also another thing that worked for me that I stumbled upon by accident was a hair dryer, the sensation airflow and the white noise give your brain neutral stimulation. Zones me out QUICK. But I may be predisposed to this working so well because when I was a child I would pass out in the car on the way to Kindergarten with my face near the vent during Winter, so my brain knows to go into some alpha wave zone or something.
Yeah. To force one self to be still and not tihnk too much. I don't really know what that mean desu. Just observing thoughts. There are so many so trying to observe is like activity thinking about it.
This is good ideas, thanks user. I've been thinking how I probably come in that meditative state when I take a shower and tried to imitate that feeling in my every day. I guess it is some kind of mindfulness.
Lifting + meditation = ubermensch
It really is an amazing combination. There was a period of time when I lifted&meditated regularly and I was extremely calm, focused, disciplined, clear-thinking, effective, etc. It really is amazing. I'm starting to get back in that rhythm recently.
If you calm yourself and close your eyes, you will realize that thoughts just sort of pop into your mind. To give an example of "just observing your thoughts", you might randomly think about a work project that you need to do. You note it and then go back to just sitting. Then something entirely different might pop up. To contrast with getting sucked into our thoughts, you continue thinking about your work project. About how you need to do X, Y, and Z tasks. About how your coworker isn't pulling his weight. And about how stressed that makes you, etc. And next thing you know you've spent the past 5 minutes ruminating on work without realizing it.
I have autism so I meditate/daydream on default.
How do I explain this... Meditation helps you think better. Thinking constantly snarls your neurons, leading to more racing thoughts and ultimately negative self-destructive thoughts and impulses. Meditation allows your mind to smooth out those neurons, metaphorically. As a thinker you will love the results if you can get into the habit, I promise you.
Your insomnia is caused by racing thoughts, thinking while laying down is not meditation. If you practiced meditation your brain wouldn't be so out of control and likely cure your insomnia.
I think There are link-backs to the womb that tend to dissipate with age.
Parents took many road trips while preggers with me: Result? Me Prone to falling asleep when a passenger in a vehicle. White noise, road hum etc
My cousin used to swim while preggers and nearly drowned one time. My second cousin is terrified of water to this day
Hair dryer is your example
Faggot shit. I find peace holding my AR or my Mossberg 590.
I learned about a lady recently who had to have her brain cut in half in order to stop her constant seizures. Basically her left and right brain weren't able to talk directly to eachother anymore. Anyway one of her hands started acting on its own freewill sometimes. Alien Hand Syndrome, I think its called. When she was cussing, or smoking a cigarette, or drinking, it would hit her, just slap her across the face. Her hand was being controlled by the part of "her" that wanted her to be a better person, but it had been previously overpowered by a part of "her" from the other side of the brain.
In a way, meditation is a form of renegotiating that Self.
On the other hand, as our bodies age, the same must happen to our brains/mind.
The fuckery of youth is left behind as societal pressure and expectations accumulate in our beans. . .
>Because meditation was spread by the ussr as a way to weaken western society.
Hurr durr.
Not sure why they'd focus on mediation of all things to weaken western society, seeing as the west has done a pretty good job of destroying itself. Meditation is not a foreign notion to Europeans anyway.
i wanna have kids but i cant imagine ever getting any alone time to meditate and workout and remain cool and calm to be a good dad
id need a wife who didnt lose her shit taking care of the kids while i was taking alone time
i dont think they exist anymore
Well the hair dryer thing isn't a womb thing, its just I would be asleep while being dressed and put in car before kindergarten, not awake but not asleep. The airflow/noise triggers that wave pattern of being super relaxed and not thinking.
In Finland we call that saunaing ... its the best place to relax and clear your mind
No you're just Finnish
So the sensation of the water hitting your skin is giving your brain something to focus on and not-think.
Come to think of it that has maybe worked for me for moments at a time in the shower when I zone out instead of soaping up.
Try the hair dryer trick see if it works for you too.
I meditate everyday. I used to suffer from intense anxiety, but meditation helped reduce my anxiety. Meditation is the best medication. One of my goals related to meditation is for me to awaken my siddhis. My only goals in life are to become the world's first real super-hero and then to achieve moksha. My super-hero name will be 'Dragon Man' (because I'm a Dragon, according to the Chinese zodiac). I am training right now to awaken my siddhis.
In the ancient Sanskrit language of India, the word 'siddhi' means 'perfection'. In its most common usage, the word 'siddhi' refers to an ability that is a natural and inherent faculty of our true identities as eternally alive souls. The soul is smaller than an atom and larger than the universe. The soul is infinitely small and infinitely large. The soul is ALL-PERFECT AND EVER-PERFECT. The soul is the storehouse of ALL ENERGY, ALL POWER AND ALL STRENGTH. The soul is PURE CONSCIOUSNESS. The soul possesses ALL siddhis and there are an INFINITE number of siddhis. Among all of these siddhis, there are considered to be eight major siddhis. Siddhis can be awakened through a variety of methods. In Patanjali's Yoga Sutras IV.1, it is stated:
"Siddhis may be attained through birth, the use of herbs, incantations, self-discipline or samadhi."
Here is a list of the eight major siddhis (in no particular order):
Laghima siddhi: Making your body and/or anything else as light as you want.
Garima siddhi: Making your body and/or anything else as heavy as you want.
Mahima siddhi: Making your body and/or anything else as large as you want.
Anima siddhi: Making your body and/or anything else as small as you want.
Prapti siddhi: Having unrestricted access to any and/or all places.
Prakamya siddhi: Fulfillment of whatever you desire.
Isitva siddhi: Control over any and/or all of the laws of nature.
Vasitva siddhi: Being able to control any and/or all beings.
"A man is a god in ruins. When men are innocent, life shall be longer, and shall pass into the immortal, as gently as we awake from dreams." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Thanks. You're a good user. How about having a song stuck in the head instead? I just tried meditating and didn't think about anything but then my mind got stuck on the tune "Everybody sing this song doh dah". It's like my mind must find something to get stuck on.
We ought to remember who and what EVERYONE REALLY IS - Pure Consciousness (which is INFINITE AND ETERNAL) experiencing life in a temporary human form. You can do ANYTHING YOU WANT TO DO and you can be ANYTHING YOU WANT TO BE. They want us to think that the average person is powerless to positively change the world, but the TRUTH is that we have INFINITE POWER - both individually AND collectively. There's only one of us here. If you hit yourself on the head with a baseball bat, they'll put you in a mental hospital, yet that's EXACTLY what people are doing on a global scale. You can call Pure Consciousness 'God' if you want, but I don't because the word 'God' has religious connotations that I would rather avoid. Religion is the McDonald's of spirituality.
What we need to do is to raise our level of consciousness, both individually AND collectively. If even one person raises his or her level of consciousness, it has a ripple effect that benefits EVERYONE ELSE, even if they don't believe any of this stuff - and this is because 'reality' itself is HOLOGRAPHIC in nature. One of the ways that they have manipulated us so deeply for so long is by suppressing our sense of the possible. What we call 'reality' is COMPLETELY ILLUSORY and thus MALLEABLE - and they KNOW THIS, while most other people do NOT. EVERYTHING IS ILLUSORY, EXCEPT PURE CONSCIOUSNESS ITSELF. NOTHING is impossible in a universe that is ILLUSORY TO BEGIN WITH. People are AWAKENING to a MORE EXPANDED CONCEPTION of the world and life in general and this is a PROFOUNDLY GOOD THING. We owe it to our innate intelligence to QUESTION EVERYTHING and that includes EVERYTHING that I tell you. We have the power to transform this prison illusion into a PARADISE ILLUSION, so let's USE that power.
Exactly. Some times I just find my self showering for minutes without doing anything. I try to find that state. And I think I had the same experience with hairdryer. There is something with the sensing on the skin that calm one down.
Only takes about 10 minutes to get a decent transcendental meditation in. On my way home from school/work I used to just park my car in a quit spot, get comfortable and meditate there if I knew that doing so at home wasn't going to be an option
We're all one - and the beauty of this is that we don't have to be cucks despite this fact (and it IS a fact). We can STILL protect Western Civilisation and save the white race from extinction. We ought to embrace nationalist principles to protect Western Civilisation and save the white race from extinction even while REMEMBERING who and what WE REALLY ARE - Pure Consciousness (which is INFINITE AND ETERNAL) experiencing life in a temporary human form. Our TRUE STATE, our TRUE NATURE and our TRUE IDENTITY is Pure Consciousness and Pure Consciousness is ALL-PERFECT AND EVER-PERFECT. We are SIMULTANEOUSLY one yet different in our oneness in much the same way that the waves of an ocean are one with that ocean but are also unique in and of themselves in that each wave has its own shape, speed and size. I think that's pretty neat. What we call 'reality' is HOLOGRAPHIC in nature, so we are in fact smaller versions of the whole (which you can call 'God', if you want). Every part of the whole contains the whole and, to be more accurate, IS the whole. And just as a drop of water contains the same qualities as an entire ocean of water, we likewise contain all that exists within us - but merely on a smaller scale. From unconditional love we ALL sprang and to unconditional love we ALL return. There is no death, only transference of consciousness. There are no answers, only choices. There are no hallucinations, only shifts in perception. There are no laws, only habits. There are no coincidences, only synchronicities. There are no truths, only experiences. There is no separateness, only oneness. Heaven and Earth shall pass away, but my message shall NEVER pass away. The message is more important than the messenger.
IMO it's best not to jump into meditation by trying to think of nothing. Instead, try to be curious. When a song like that gets caught in your head, try to figure out why it is caught in your head. What is its nature? What causes your mind to ruminate on it? When you feel an ache, what is the nature of the ache? Where does it come from? Who aches? When you feel bored, what is the nature of boredom? etc.
Alternatively, you may note that you feel or notice X, and then return to your object of focus.
Trying to dive in with the goal of thinking about nothing is so difficult because you lack any object of focus.
I don't even believe all that shit but I can tell you one reason I stopped meditating is that I had what felt like the beginnings of an out-of-body experience and it scared the shit out of me. I could feel myself start to separate from my body, like pulling your hand slowly out of warm water into cold air.. like the water line would be equivalent to my body. I didn't go all the way out, I freaked out and snapped back in and sat up.
Meditation did help me with anxiety, controlling my thoughts, focusing my will. It only takes like 15 minutes you don't have to do it for hours.
Literally just focus on your breath and pay attention so you don't get distracted. If you have a thought pop into your head, stop and focus back on your breath. You can stand or sit or be walking it doesn't matter
The mind chatters, probably because of evolution, if it became quiet it'd mean it was unaware of its surroundings and any potential things to worry about. For example, am I going to starve? Is there a predator around? Do I have shelter prepared?
But when you're safe, whether 100,000 B.C. or in 2017, your mind really can take some time to silence and calm. Then you can return to thinking with more clarity. Temporarily. You need to meditate daily and whenever your mind is becoming clouded with thoughts.
It's a great life hack. There's research that has been done that shows the brain enters alpha (I believe is the term) waves during proper meditation, while 99% of the time the mind operates at beta.
THREAD THEME: youtube.com
>Meditation is basically NOT THINKING
This is a meme. at least in the buddhist context outside of zen buddhism.
Meditation is more about affirming everything that comes into your peripheral vision without giving opinion or additional "thoughts" about the phenomena. By acknowledging and being mindful of the phenomena that comes to you, phenomena as in thoughts, sensation, and ect, you start to realize two things about the nature of reality.
The first is that of emptiness. Now in buddhism emptiness does not mean "nothing" in our context. All it means in the buddhist sense is that it is without essence; that it does not really have a phenomenological characteristic that we usually see it as. In other words, we start to view reality with no opinion, and once we have no opinion, or in other words no attachment, we understand the second nature of reality: impermanence
Impermanence is a given. It just simply that the nature of phenomenology, and thus your entire world, is never lasting. And once this is done, there is sort of a neat sense of bliss that comes from these understandings. You start to feel extremely aware and attentive along with a sense of bliss and empathy. Really neat experience for anyone that is interested in meditation. Consider looking into buddhist meditation and philosophy
Thats a good idea. I'll certainly keep that in mind. I know I function much better after doing a 15 minute TM in the morning.
Cool dude give it a shot. Also do the clench/unclench/concentrate on the feeling in your muscle after you unclench.
One weird side effect is that lifting weights became super relaxing for me, I wouldn't get pumped up and gung ho, I would get completely relaxed like lifting heavy weights was a massage, really interesting.
Thank you for posting this pasta I love it every time I see it
Song stuck in head would definitely NOT work for me. The humming/mantra shit doesn't work for me either. Everybody's brain is different though.
I depressed from my body until I was floating about 1ft over my body at a 90degree angle looking down at my physical body. It was a very strange thing like a child first stepping into dark woods, a little scary but I lost focus and was pulled back into my shell. I also noticed that my "spirit" form was a light blue color. Really cool experience
>I don't even believe all that shit
It is not about belief, but whether or not it is true. The law of gravity is true whether anyone believes in it or not. In the same way, siddhis exist (whether you call them 'miracles', 'psychic powers' or something else).
>Meditation did help me with anxiety, controlling my thoughts, focusing my will.
Meditation helped me with all of those things too. Meditation is literally the 'pause button' of life itself.
>It only takes like 15 minutes you don't have to do it for hours.
I completely agree with you. I usually meditate every morning as soon as I wake up only for about 30 minutes, that's enough for me to benefit for the rest of the day.
Nah why pre-load your mind with bs from buddhism, zen buddhism, hinduism, etc. Just meditate without all that baggage. I'm coming at this as a pragmatist.
become i dont want to be at risk of possible demonic possession. Thanks.
Because it causes people like in that pic to collapse and it looks like he forgot his life alert.
meditation is thinking, it is a technique to hyper hone your attention about the present state you are in without judgement
you are describing a relaxation technique, not meditation
you should sit fully upright so you are attentive and concentrating on something present
Everyone meditates with varying awareness.
The eye can't see itself but it can observe its own activity.
Aided by a mirror the eye sees the outer surface, never the inner workings.
In short, meditation is contemplating what you are NOT.
Without a difference between inner and outer the mind can't function.
Shutting off the mind briefly reveals a blank overexposed image.
Maintaining gradient between inside and outside happens continously, as naturally as breathing or taking a shit.
Meditation is to prayer what masturbation is to copulation.
I think I succeeded for a while. Calmly observing the thoughts. Noticed how when I moved my focus around through my body it "felt" like a it was a focus point that moved around. A bit interesting form of awareness that I hadn't thought about before.
How soon does it become easier to just sit down and start meditating right away?
That sounds awesome. When I was young and really really anxious I'd meditate for 30-60 minutes at night in total darkness. After doing it for what I think was a few weeks I remember one night feeling like I was coming apart from myself, a very strange feeling, and I chickened out and opened my eyes.
I've never had an experience like that since, but I've never meditated that long consistently in total darkness since.
i rather pray if it counts
Wait a second. If that is meditating then i spend a lot of time doing it. It isnt hard at all to think about nothing? wtf.
I think to get significant benefits of meditation you need to do about 45 minutes a day for about 3 months
I usually do a week of 30 minutes then stop
very hard routine to get into
I'm saying I don't believe in any of that, didn't come into the experience with some expectation of it or bias, it accidentally happened and thoroughly shook my understanding of the world. If it happens again I will try to go with it, maybe now I won't be so surprised I'm shocked out of it. Just started meditating recently accidentally using a hydro-massage table. I feel great mentally just from a little bit, I'm going to get into a routine.
What kinds of effects does this life hack come with?
>How soon does it become easier to just sit down and start meditating right away?
what do you mean?
You're welcome.
>Meditation is basically NOT THINKING.
No, meditation is NOT about NOT THINKING. This is a Western misunderstanding of what meditation is really about. What meditation is really about is FOCUSING your mind, NOT emptying your mind of all thoughts. It's impossible for the average person to empty his or her mind of all thoughts, since the very NATURE of the mind is to think thoughts. So what meditation is about is SILENCING the 'chatter' of your mind, because the average person's mind is CONSTANTLY immersed in many thoughts - each of which appears in that person's mind WITHOUT that person's control. So what expert meditators do is that they make their mind ONE-POINTED when they meditate. What this means is that they think ONLY ONE THOUGHT while they're meditating (to the exclusion OF ALL OTHER THOUGHTS) and they keep this single thought in their mind for a prolonged period of time (like an hour, for example). The single thought should be something simple (like a white dot, for example). This technique is about DISCIPLINING your mind.
the weirdest thing it can immediately do for you is cure pain
like if you have a headache, instead of taking advil, sit and meditate but the trick is to put all your attention on the pain
the more you concentrate on the pain, the less it hurts
Yes I feel like I go through stages when meditating. Once I've been sitting calming my thoughts for 15-25 mins, that inner space will start to vibrate very rapidly almost like my entire conciousness is inside a tornado, if I can get past that stage and still remain in the present moment it's almost like you break through a barrier, and meditation becomes super silky and easy and that's when you can "move around" in your conciousness and go places and out of your body. When you come back to reality it's like you just had the best nights sleep feeling really refreshed and light.
satan agrees.
and if you were really a pragmatist you would look into it because it would help you take away something when you meditate.
For me it reduces anxiety and stress. I also plan out my day and the sub-plans for the things I need to do. I kind of cheat and if I think of something that will make my day more efficient, or something important, I write it down then go back to meditating. That's during the morning when you've got a lot on your plate, at night when you've got nothing to do you can just meditate and enjoy the happy chemicals your body gives you.
yes. i really want to understand what Science says this feeling is. i've never seen it addressed
Try to do it for 30 consecutive minutes. It's actually pretty difficult but it gets easier the more you train your mind.
I do know what you mean. The description of the barrier is very appropriate. The meditation changes and really washes over you. No longer trying to meditate, but just riding it and you physically feel so light.
I think this is correct. LSD has shown me this and I can't argue with Lucy. LSD made me into a nationalist.
Don't run as exercise. I've always intuitively felt that running is an unnatural type of exercise for us humans and this was confirmed when I found out that some guy died from a heart attack shortly after running in a marathon. We don't need to run for exercise, walking for long distances is a better type of exercise than running. Consider this: The slowest creatures tend to be the longest-living creatures. For example, turtles can live for over a hundred years.
"Many illustrations could be given of the mathematical relationship between man's respiratory rate and the variations in his states of consciousness. A person whose attention is wholly engrossed, as in following some closely knit intellectual argument, or in attempting some delicate or difficult physical feat, automatically breathes very slowly. Fixity of attention depends on slow breathing; quick or uneven breaths are an inevitable accompaniment of harmful emotional states: fear, lust, anger. The restless monkey breathes at the rate of 32 times a minute, in contrast to man's average of 18 times. The elephant, tortoise, snake and other animals noted for their longevity have a respiratory rate which is less than man's. The tortoise, for instance, who may attain the age of 300 years, breathes only 4 times per minute." - Paramahansa Yogananda
Running makes us breathe fast. Now tell me honestly that running is good for us. You can't!
I know this will be a turn off for some people, but I think Franz Bardon's instructions would be good for someone trying to get into meditation. Beginning on page 34. files.vsociety.net
Could you elaborate more on this and/or give links to places that teach this form?
I always liked meditation, but I always wanted a form that had more of an emphasis on 'focusing your mind' instead of emptying it
It is awareness, yes, but no it is not thinking about shit.
I think thats a main component of why its helpful
the main purpose of sleep is to relax all your muscles (and brain since it acts like a muscle)
as your muscles are used metabolic processes have byproducts
when you sleep and the muscles of the body and brain become relaxed, these byproducts are more easily flushed out and that when new blood can come in and repair damage from the metabolic process and clean up the waste products
meditation kind of simulates this in the brain by having it be active in one direction and not not firing about all over the place and gives the brain a bit of rest in a manner, even though you are still using it consciously
When does it become natural and not something you have to force yourself to reach
you don't know what meditation is.
Bro, same here:
Deep slow respiration breathing.
I think it varies for every person. The harder you try, the more difficult it will be. Recognize that there is no such thing as a "bad meditation". Your experiences will fluctuate over time. You'll find it more difficult when you're stressed about life. But over time you'll find it become easier. You'll learn become more aware of when your attention has drifted. To be more adept at refocusing your attention. Etc.
Meditation or medication
A comfort or a promised reward
It isn't thinking about shit. It is affirming all phenomena without opinion.
It made me more... disciplined isn't the word. But I would just say hey I need to do this and I'd do it, make it happen. Even if it was a difficult thing, it didn't seem difficult.
that's the most basic or normal form or whatever. you do have to keep your focus completely on your breath (manual breathing) and nothing else though, which is different from just plain not thinking. you'll find that you have a ton of more or less passive stuff going on in the background that you didnt really notice ever before, even when you would be "thinking about nothing". you pretty much just use your breath as a reference point or anchor
other methods mainly just mean having your singular focus on something else, like imagining a 3d object in your mind, your awareness of your surroundings, etc.
I think the physical benefits are analogous to deep prayer that some religious people get into. You do meet some religious people who are very calm, happy, they look healthy because they are healthy.
Conversely you meet other religious people who are very unhealthy and stressed and just a bummer to be around. I suspect they don't get into deep prayer, or their prayers are just that constant mental chit-chat without slow logical dialogue/prayer.
I'm not religious anymore but I remember feeling a similar feeling during prayer as during meditation.
Check out Ramana Maharshi's stuff. He knew all about the 'one-pointedness of the mind' style of meditation.
Niggers, when you accidentally have an out of body experience, then you can talk about knowing what meditation is.
No thanks
concentration is thought
common meditation is thinking about your breath and that alone
and being conscious of when an errant thought enters into your mind, recognition of it without judgement and releasing it
it IS thinking
its not thinking about the past or future
if you are 'affirming' something, you are engaging in thought