I guess the last thing to happen was a bunch of righties (Including some attention whore with "Patriot Prayer") jumping in there:
facebook com/zoltan.grossman/media_set?set=a.10212161704373207.1073742104.1094182679&type=1&1=2b91508882
Evergreen State College Protests
Other urls found in this thread:
Recent fan-made videos:
As usual, the playlist that professional journalists don't know about... for some reason: youtube.com
Except for Vice, they seem to have it all: youtube.com
> 98.9 acceptance rate
What are these niggers complaining about now?
They're complaining that people laughed at them on the internet, and some unhinged assholes sent them death threats (or sent themselves death threats ... go ask /k/ if they'd use a .44 magnum for a mass shooting), and that people were coming to protest.
Something like that, at least.
"Online vigilantes from Sup Forums, Reddit and other forums swarmed to unearth Evergreen students’ contact information." I never saw much contact info on here, but this guy Zoltan's facebook says specifically that it's fine to share to others.
Archive shills
Why do blacks always portray themselves as victims of violence, even though they're normally the cause of violence.
>that fucking transnigger
Who let the ape into collage?
Forgot to post this guy's videos too:
That's the 98% acceptance rate in action. My cat could get in there
> white kids
> chanting black power
Are these people just plain retarded?
/k/ here.
Nobody is going to use a fudd gun from a early 80's movie for a mass shooting. even with a speed loader nobody is going to use a revolver for that.
One of the students had a knife on him and got tackled and arrested.
Just notice the screaming hispanic guy from this event
was also at this event...
... Wow. You were not kidding. You may be even more autistic than I am.
In both situations he seems to be supporting violence and his voice is highly annoying.
Schools are now begging for students?
the best one is where they're demanding free food for a year because the cook didn't cook fast enough. it's like something i would've done when i was 8.
>Founded in 1967, Evergreen was formed to be an experimental and non-traditional college. Full-time students enroll in interdisciplinary academic programs instead of classes. Programs typically offer students the opportunity to study several disciplines in a coordinated manner. Faculty write narrative evaluations of students' work in place of issuing grades.
This one and the one after: youtube.com
Pretty interesting. She wants to take down names to give back the money, but they're afraid of putting on a blacklist. Then they demand food for the rest of the year as well as a refund. A few minutes afterward someone else says "who the fuck wants prison food".
Open borders: College edition
damn all those emaciated faces. how many of them are gonna drop dead from opiates within 5 years.
why do cats meow?
Cool kids and nationalists came out to battle Antifa, then a bunch of fags in camo showed up to "fight racism". Get a job, cuck.
It doesn't matter that over 90% of murdered blacks are killed by other blacks. That sub 10% killed by other races is the outrage we all need to worry about...