pic related, its happening, they can't hide the truth anymore.
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It was just a prank bro.
I'm a garbage human but who the fuck would vandalize such a place. I couldn't imagine
It's all bullshit you retard, you dumb shabbos goy
Wait what? Is this real?
I'm pretty fucking sure we were shown pictures like this as evidence of nazi atrocities in school.
Kikes, that's who
Of course its real you fucking faggot. I even posted a link in the OP so you don't have to get off your fat ass to prove it
>fingernail scratches of horror
Damn, fired up my potatoes. Who do I send money to for reparations?
what material is this wall made of?
looks like the new intern spilled something jews kept all the time for themself just to let (((people))) roll with the myth
No need to be such a stick in the mud, Wayne.
the ashes of the gorillion jews
how is sweden?
is it fucked up or is it safe right now?
is sexual assault a big thing?
apparently more than half of kids born in sweden aren't white these days...
>marks of vandalism
>visitors who do not know how to behave
it was the jews alright...
I had a teacher in middle school make the 'scratches on the wall' reference. It's not new.
I'm collecting these fantasy stories. Please post more
Of course we were.
It's noice.
Pretty safe.
No, but what assault there is, is mostly immigrant related.
That's not true.
Have a nice day Pajeet.
Remember the 6 million goy.
It doesn't prove anything other than people like to make assumptions without evidence that correspond to their set of beliefs and attribute them to things that never happened.
>3 years old
Probably a rabbi. Watch you doing there... ?
Top fucking kek. Yeah that totally what must have happened there.
everything you have been taught about the holocaust in school is a lie. im not joking.
Thanks. This one is my favourite btw
It sounds like a fun house at thay point
Oyyyy veyyyy 6 billion.
Next you're gonna tell me the holocoaster isn't real.
why is your gay flag missing colors?
My gramps told me he was gassed about 6 times
>Yeah that totally what must have happened there.
Is this a German denying The Holocaust? Want to try restating that?
That Social Media guy will get fired and suicide'd pretty soon guys.
He's not at your level.
are you trying to get hans arrested?
How can you make fingernail scratches in concrete? Don't you need power tools and hammers?
>are you trying to get hans arrested?
If you read my post, I was trying to make sure that the Hans doesn't go to prison by giving him an out.
What a piece of shit. I bet he made a neat buck off of it as well.
Sounds like someone needs a visit to the tolerance camp. Coming soon. For you.
>in many different death and concentration camps
How shit would the Nazis have to be at their jobs for her to survive "many different death camps"?
Maybe cause they were really really innocent, and really really women and children.
I was told this in school as well. Backtracking like they did with the soap and lamp shades.
Its like stormtroopers, stated to somehow be some elite force except every time you can actually see them they suck shit. If the Nazis really cared they would just do mass shootings like basically every other mass killing force in the world, but they apparently didn't for some (((reason)))
Just yesterday I was talking with my uncle on family session, he told me he bought biographies of nazi commanders and visited Treblinka, he was wondering why would nazies bother making shit like wastewater treatment plant in extermination camp. There were also playrooms for kids and for that time super modern bathroom with even fucking soap trays.
I am just wondering WHY?
Why would nazies bother with all this modern shit if they just wanted to kill all jews and take their golden teeth. I am starting to think they just wanted to group them and move them in different place out of reich. It's so complicated I don't even know who to trust anymore.
Cuz da Jews is fighters till the end !!
both have been hollokausted at least 10 times and they still smile
who is "we" ? merkel is a krypto kike - she talks for herself . under the SS legaslation all kikes have been auschwitzified corresponding to SS laws . next question
Most people haven't even heard of Majdenek.
Is he /ourguy/?
Take some pics of the choice parts and post them here. Would make great meme material
Wtf was bibi on that day?
burning some jews is not extermination . killing 12 mio native indians by masons and kikes is not extermination , it`s just history , next question
>who is "we"
When Merkel says "we are responsible for the Holocaust", she must mean because of pic related.
>Jews are responsible for the Holocaust
Thanks for the infodump user. I didn't have even half of these yet.
My history teachers didn't bother with the Holocaust, just that it's officially believed that 6 million Jews died in it. The end.
Pretty based from them to be quite honest. It left a lot for us to research ourselves.
huge holes with razor blöades and stuff - sound like doom level 3
>Wtf was bibi on that day?
He was talking to the World Zionist Congress. Goyim shouldn't be listening to their elders private musings.
>Haul a pregnant woman to a separate facility to wait for her to come to term and then kill her baby or force her to abort when you presumably want to kill her too
Do these people just think since the Nazis were bad they were also mindlessly stupid and wastefully evil?
Haavara Agreement.
He is telling the truth; how odd for one of (((them))).