>The New Right
The New Right
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your on a mac aren't you
Galaxy S7
enjoying the touchjizz jew? bet you are faggot
>you are the rosa parks of the trump train
How has it gone so wrong
These are the new snowflakes. Horseshoe theory is real.
Also, something something something Jews.
God I fucking hate jews. Why do they always have to ride our fucking coat tails and ruin everything?
More like Laura Boomer
>Horseshoe theory is real.
Baked Alaska is a meme spouting faggot who doesn't know anything about anything, he's just pandering to us. I've seen him get called an antisemite while streaming and he just stutters and says "it's just a meme bro" over and over.
I had some respect for Laura for calling out the play and causing a hassle but sooking about a twitter joke from a meme spouting fag lost that respect from me.
Posobiec is ok but he's very clearly autistic.
All these new Sup Forums pandering meme spouters are prime examples of why you faggots should be happy with what you have every once and a while and shouldn't have turned your backs on Molyneux, PJW, Styx, Southern and Milo so fast. At least those ecelebs are actually knowledgable and passionate about right wing issues and aren't all about the shekels like these newfags springing up.
They are all shit but Baked Alaska is often talking about white identity and (((them))) - Personally, I think he's annoying but he's definitely doing good work redpilling his followers.
Baked Alaska is for many people the door from the alt-light to the alt-right. The alt-lighters who recognize the identity issue and don't have baggage (mud wife and mixed babies) warm up to the alt-right when they can see it has substance and isn't just Nazi larping. Baked is alt-right in kekistani clothing.
Literally all twitter """"Personalities"""" are cancer and should be totally ignored. Why the fuck do you faggots even use twitter anymore? All you're doing is contributing to them pushing their shitty agenda.
>Why the fuck do you faggots even use twitter anymore?
so I can see what the President of the United States is saying
your main point isn't wrong though, the twitter personalities are mostly garbage and are in it for cash and attention
BASED Laurapede
His on a Mac aren't you what?
BASED alt-light!
Trump! Woo! Trump!
You mean the "Jew Right"?
who tf is this baked alaska?? kinda looks like controlled opposition trying to discredit "us", flame wars with the auschwitz memorial twitter account doesn't really sound like a great productive idea
I get so tired of you le ebin centrist fucks.
He's a chink MAGA autist of hwndu fame I think.
Who the fuck are either of these people and why should I give a fuck about them?
(((Rebel Media))) is cointelpro through and through. Never trusted it.
Woo! Yeah! Fuck stupid liberal leftist racist Nazi centrists against our based Trump overlord
Jews once again fracture the right. This is the last biggest piece of evidendce,
>Why do they always have to ride our fucking coat tails and ruin everything?
It's time to get out. Pull the coat tails.
(((Laura Loomer)))
>You are either a boring centrist, a MAGAfag, or a commie
Is there something wrong with you? Mentally handicapped? Autistic? Braindead?
meme spouting faggot that kept yellingg r/t_d tier memes on streams until we kept caling him a faggot for it now he pretends to be redpilled on jews so we leave him alone. Either controlled op or just an idiot, either way not /ourguy/, just chasing /ourshekels/.
Mind if I save this friend?
He's clearly all three.
>tfw you will never have her call you sweetie while she powders your bum and gets your diaper ready
why live?
>Spending money to have a fucking meme tattooed onto your body
I don't think you understand why that meme was made and who it is intended for. You are kind of an idiot.
Jack is straight ammo for shareblue, controlled or not. He makes the entire conservative body look like total faggots.
it's honestly as bad as a dickbutt or a doge tattoo
This is what happens when you hate commies and think that they are fascists.
>ahahah fuck nazis bro praise kek!
>not understanding that conservatives are natural faggots
This. Mosley was the only right guy for Britain and Churchill was a war criminal.
oh I am sorry worthless nigger country, I meant shariablue.
Daily reminder eastern Europe is a place of degenerate morons with shrinking economies and shit leadership.
Baked Alaska is such a faggot. People are claiming that the alt-lite is a divide/conquer psyop, but then here he is needlessly punching right like a fucking tool.
Show me your flag then, you advanced and mighty westerner :^)
Why do Americans always find a way to fail at basic English?
Oh sweetie...you aren't mad that a woman much stronger than you is calling out people who are mean to her, are you honey? Sweetie...just sit down and drink you bottle ok honey?
Can somebody give me a run down on what Baked Alaska has turned on her for? She disrupted a play glorifying the assassination of Trump right?
So what's the story here? Can't keep up with all these e celebs.
they don't need baked alaska to divide and conquer, they are already doing it themselves
holding rallies on the same day on purpose
Suck on this freedom, faggot.
She is an SJW, Christian cuck style.
He was right to go after her if he even suspected she would respond the way she did
>needlessly punching right
surely BA is to the right of this whoever?
Because the fucking "new right" is and never was on our side.
>Shart in mart
>Poo in aisle 2
>Plop in shop
Have fun gulping down your corn syrup and dying from heart disease at age 40, le 54% man
She's alt lite. I'm pretty sure he is too. He runs with Stickman, who has punched right.
Well, he was hanging out with Based Stickman the other week.
>I'm pretty sure he is too
nice doubles, but he says the 14 words, has addressed the JQ and gave a speech where he said he was proud to be White
otoh he does have faggy bleached hair, so he'll have to be gassed
She looks like Bette Midler, also I am reeeeeally sick of all the FUCKING jews
Punching within the right*
And at the same time he's holding a "Unite the Right" rally.
What's he doing with Stickman then? Stickman went on a rant about Nazi's and racists and white nationalists didn't he?
Laura Loomer literally works for a jews and is literally a jew herself.
She is using jew tactics to control the right.
Baked can't admit to being anti jew because he knows it will destroy him. Baked is much more /ourguy/ than fucking Laura the kike Loomer.
The jews are purposefully attacking the "alt-right" now and causing as much divide as they did in the left.
The new right is going to be as much a laughing stock as the left by the end of the year.
Baked Alaska is a cool guy though. Don't abandon him.
She looks like a fucking tranny. It has to be a fucking guy,
Oh I am laffin:
What is your "side" trying to accomplish? A white ethnostate? You're a pretty long way from that goal, buddy. And you're not gonna get any closer if you keep attacking and vilifying potential converts.
New right is Neocon take over of the right again.
so are we not on the trump train any longer?
Just a typical jewish woman who's daddy didn't pay for the surgery to make her look goy.
what rally?
also, did you object to us taking the piss out of milo and 6 gorillion mindset man?
I don't know, enlighten me
They both are unoriginal opportunistic bottom feeders, i'd rather get get a le centrist meme (you) than support any of these fags, e-celebs that add nothing.
>Baked can't admit to being anti jew
he already did, and apparantly sent a pic of him gassing that jew
If these ecelebs are not denouncing zionism and the ZOG then they are part of the problem.
social media was a mistake
Haha, nice one leaf!
I will as I head to my local Walmart in my Ford F-450 paid for by my ferromagnetic research and patents, to buy ammo for my .30-6 to aim at local varmints 'cause I like to see em explode. Then I will head on down to the nearby farm and hop on my 449 cc Yamaha to have a bit of fun in the dirt while country music plays in the background. Meanwhile the boys come over and we have a few beers to watch the Raiders game.
>meanwhile in serbia vlad ends his shift at the tire plant to afford his 4th story box where he keeps his tracksuit and favorite cigs for that weird squatting position.
Fuck, you! these people are fucking actively working against us.
attention whore who is no different than BLM interuptin traffic. kikes condemning nazis.
If you want to be associated with this shit you are completely out of it and lost.
>you're not gonna get any closer if you keep attacking and vilifying potential converts
why do we need cucks and kikes?
also, we don't want A White ethnostate, we want ALL of our lands back
>One size fits all.
Fuck Baked Alaska. Every single time I've seen him hes said "Sup Forums!" And a handful of stale memes a minimum of 5 times in 60 seconds.
I hope him and all the rest of those faggot e-celebs cashing in on Sup Forums memes get there skulls cracked by flying bricks.
Why does Laura always look so disgusting?
something about her appearance makes my stomach turn
Kind of. But he hides behind the "ironic memes" defense. Out of all this Baked is one of the few attention whores in the game who could really be considered one of us.
Baked isn't a lost cause like so many others. Most of them are jews trying to steal support or associate with jews and do their bidding.
>attention whores are jews
you don't say
That's what a parasite does.
Baked Alaska isn't cashing in. He's basically broke. His shenanigans aren't making him rich. He's just living the meme. It's pretty pathetic on many levels but at least he isn't a kike shill.
>he hides behind the "ironic memes" defense
fine by me
what are they ruining exactly?
they're providing a good cover and outer shell
let the rust coat the iron brother
I used to like being a Trump supporter but people like her, Jack Poesbic & Cernovich make it so fucking lame. I'm done with these kikes.
I agree. Like I said Baked is the only one in this Alt-right e-celeb group that isn't a big phony.. other than the MDE guys if you consider them Alt-right.
we hated jews long before we were ok the trump train, newfag
He's a moderate liberal democrat kike-loving baby boomer, and he was the best candidate we've had about 100 years. This was the reality we got.
because bakedalaska is jew and he's trying to take the spotlight, he got his 15 min of fame at hwndu n.y and thats about it
You are hashtag of the hashtag, don't hashtag until hashtag hashtag!
>isn't cashing in
Really? Please tell me what his "job" Is. People with actual professions don't have the time or money to travel the country from N.Y. to California spouting memes into a fucking cell phone camera.
I'd support every one of these alt-light queers if they'd keep their fucking mouths shut about Sup Forums in Sup Forums but without attracting kekistan newfags to follow them on Twitter and donate to them they wouldn't be relevant. They are 100% attention whores to their core.