I have never seen an alt-light faggot more cringe worthy than Jack Posobiec. His entire feed is Kekistan cringe tier.
He still doesn't get that we are unironically Nazis
I am so busy uncovering the mystery of Grenfell Tower & It's Necromancer, I have no time dealing with Hobbits and their childish nonsense.
I didn't get his Gobbels rant. Dr. Joe was a great man!!!!!
desu senpai I just like memeing cause it pisses off journo whores like Jack Psobiec
The alt-lite is afraid.
Also their stunt was CRINGY AF
can someone give me a quick rundown on Posobiec?
Who is that dude
who disrespected the nazis
how did they disrespect the nazis
who is upset that they disrespected the nazis
(((Rabbi media))) operative, cringe worthy MAGA bitch
(((Ezra Levant))) is upset anyone attacked his cringy stunt
>the only right wingers/trolls on the internet are racists from Sup Forums
nazis are bigger cringe than the alt-lite fags. loser worship is a sickness.
Cringe worthy alt-light faggot that lacks intelligence and self awareness.
His Julius Caesar stunt was awful and embarrassing.
gee wiz i hope youre not actually a national SOCIALIST because I would implore you to reconsider
Ran on stage of Julius Caesar/"Kill Trump" play, shouting "Goebbels would be proud". Some who unironically like the Third Reich think this is disrespect to associate Nazis with libtards
This board is not 'nazi' you larping genetic trash, go and endorse socialism somewhere else you snivelling runt
fucking exactly, pussies who ride off the lost glory of a long dead group. Start your own shit.
Well why would you insult the Nazis? They're one of the very few important political groups to actually stand up to the menace of international jewry in a hundred years. They deserve respect, even if they made a few mistakes here and there. Obviously I would defend their memory against attacks from some manchild "civic nationalist" cock gobbler.
what play? who did what? post a link, you dense fucks
You come off as an uninformed faggot. Shut the fuck up.
>he says while sporting a confederate flag
he believes every single larper on Sup Forums and posts screenshots of their threads on his twitter claiming he got a scoop... "POSSIBLE STATE DEPARTMENT OFFICIAL CONFIRMS FIRING OF ALL DEEP STATE EMPLOYEES IMMINENT ACCORDING TO Sup Forums!!!"
also he "leaked" screenshots of the first chapter of his shitty book then posted on twitter pretending it wasn't him
he's seriously the most cancerous person i've ever seen
not my fault these new flags are awful
>flag very fucking related
Who is 'we'?
and he currently holds White House Press Credentials
God Posobiec is such a cancerous faggot.
No, you reddit tier Jew loving FAGGOT, Those People aren't "THE REAL NAZIS" Jesus fucking Christ.
The only thing new is you, faggot.
Yeah I was happy they were disrupting the play, giving the left some of their own medicine, until the autistic screeching about Uncle Joe started. So much cringe.
Nobody disrespects our gerbils! NOBODY!!!
>Literally who?
Kek, tfw culling bandwagon normies from pol isn't going smoothly. We have to double down on our Nazi roots.
All this event has resulted in is a lot of counter-signaling from all the factions.
Somehow the shooting of republican leaders became all about anti-semitism and condeming the holocaust, hmmm.......
they are now hosting separate rallies on the same day to try to split each other's numbers & divide into two factions
It's called PR
>uses memes made by nazi internet "trolls"
what did he mean by this?
The Alt-Right vs The Alt-Lite
You yanks are good craic, nothing similar would ever happen in Europe
rly making me think
>not considering the last 2 years new
Neck yourself
Whats that c word that comes after division? That thing the left and the globalists want to do to the right.. it's on the tip of my tongue...
>Who is 'we'?
>controlled opposition vs controlled opposition
i smell false flag crisis actor happenings coming up
Richard's claiming the alt-lite set up their rally specifically to undermine his. If he was smart, which he's not, he would cancel his rally and instead show up at the alt-lite one and take it over.
but she's a kike
Who is this loser and why should I care?
That baked Alaska guy is a faggot though.
Who the fuck are these people. I thought Milo, PJW, Lauren Southern were alt-lite.
yeah, but saying you are standing up for free speech and crying because someone photoshopped you onto a gas chamber calling them antisemitic and demanding they condemn it is some sad shit
Don't you mean Gerbells? Who's Goebells?
>If he was smart, which he's not
*tips fedora*
You almost saved face there little faggot.
He is an attention whore and he filmed secretly inside Comet Ping Pong.