I don't want to live on this planet anymore

>Go to the gas station to get a soda.
>Wait in line for 3 people ahead of me.
>Finally my turn.
>Woman jumps in front of me, all but elbowing me out of the way.
*nasally retard voice*: Can-can-can-can you scan these for me. I don't know if any of them are winners"
>She holds out a handful of wadded up scratch-off tickets.
Blue haired cashier lady: There is a scanner for you right there *points to the right of the check-out counter*
Retard: But I don't know how to scan them
Retard's 5 year old son: I know how.
Retard: I don't know how the scanner works.
Retard's son: I know how.
Retard: I don't know where you have to scan it.
Me: Scan the bar code.
Retard: I don't know where the bar code is.
Retard's son: It's on the back.
Retard: I don't think you're supposed to scan the back.
Me: For god sake you either scan the back or scan the front. *takes her lotto tickets and gives them to the kid*
Blue haired cashier lady: Ok there is no need to mansplain...
>Brain shut down, no idea what anyone said after that.

Other urls found in this thread:


This is not politics, but then again, blue-hair is quite the retard...

>claiming a cashier said mansplain in a long wall of non story text
Is this an organized shill/slide campaign or are you just a lonely faggot?

Lonely faggot. But the story is true.

As it relates to current SJW trends, I couldn't think of a better place to post it. Maybe /lgbt/? LOL

made me laugh kik loving nigger.

Who cares what some blue haired dumb cunt has to say.

If this was America, why didn't you open fire?

I had left my XM25 at home, and I was not confident that my .45 would be able to eliminate all traces of the threat.

>mansplain deez nutz

Sounds pretty rough op.

More like cuckistan. This is what you get for listening to Sargon.

Bro you should have said "WHAT THE FUCK IS MANSPLAIN YOU CUNT". How is a normie supposed to know tumblard lingo.

i'd say OP acted like a god damn autistic autist stealing some lady's lotto tickets & then when he got thrown out of the store he made this up

When you get to 5 and start to realise you have outgrown your mum.

It's a consequence of removing ourselves this far from natural selection.

Most people are dumb fuck zombies now.

Yeah. On one hand I hope the kid has a good father, because he's never going to learn shit from his mother. On the other hand I feel bad for any guy who has to put up with her.


lemme get uhh swishuh sweets and uhh packah malbuh

Milf tryina get some strange dock sick

Skills tapped that with a spoon niggles

You lame blind vro

Quit jacking off and get laid noob

The story is boring enough to seem legit, and the cashier using the phrase "mansplaining" is sufficiently fucked up to be thread-worthy.

Better OC than the millions of "hello fellow Nazis!" and "look tumblr can meme too" threads.

I think she just didn't want you to buy your stuff and leave, because she was trying to hit on you. Cashier understood and was trying to be supportive, kid didn't understand and wanted Mom to stop embarassing him.

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Entry on the basis of having at least one leaf roped in autistic lifetime.