Reminder churches are heresy, Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life...

Reminder churches are heresy, Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. Not through pope or priest or whatever, Jesus doesn't ask you to subscribe to a church

Other urls found in this thread:

Pope is a heretic, where in bible does it teach to follow some antichrist in Vatican?

The Catholic Church is a pagan cult, it was created by Constantine who bastardised Gods word, he threw out the bible and said obey my commandments, the bible warned not to follow the traditions of man over the commandments of God.

The catholic cult is pagan, but we are supposed to congregate as Christians, preferably at a church.

>Desperately trying to hold onto a kike created ideology that was intended to keep the goyim in check.

Kill yourself

What's in genesis was the church created by God?

Catholicism wasn't created by kikes it was created by Romans

>being a pagan cuck boy in year of our Lord 391 + 1626 AD

>Being this historically illiterate

Hey did the mods just shut down 3 Christian threads that were full-on, while leaving the israhell ones open ? wth is this crap .
It's unacceptable.

Are the mods jewish or antichristian left ? get them the hell outta here they're tainted.

I know what I have seen. I trust nothing touched by Jewish memetics.

Daily Reminder that (((Judeo-Christianity))) is just another sect of Judaism, non-European, non-white, multi-cultural and the primary enemy of ethno-nationalism, even worse than the tribe.

wrong the catholic church is Leo's III kid, Constantine actually fought heresies though did a few mistakes,
silence kike, you're not one of us .
I'm sorry but Orthodoxy a) isn't 'judeo-Christian' , b) would tell you to fuck off for being a kike . Take that with a pinch of salt, /salty/

Jesus founded the catholic church




Calls me a kike, while bowing down and praying on his knees to a literal Jew.

There really is nothing more pathetic than a Christcuck. Seriously: you are so pathetic, it's cringeworthy.


you don't have a clue, your pic shows kike acapella , fasting only a hasbara kike that got a whiff off of previous threads here would write that crap, busted .

prove me wrong

Jesus is not a jew, He's my friend and you're a f*ckup, and He agrees.

He makes Peter the literal rock of His Church dude.

I'll stick with tradition and apostolic succession, thanks.


Guise they're shilling full time, which means were winning keep it on .

More important than the 'rock' statement (as it'll get bogged down in semantic arguments) is the fact that he outright conferred the keys of the kingdom to Peter & commissioned the apostles to forgive sins, exorcise, etc.

Here's the only real Sky King

yes only peters first church was antioch, the one that will probably last till the end time
get lost subversive kike trashcan fail

I'm all for these endless threads on religion.
The more time spent arguing about the thoughts of illiterate ignorant peasants from the 1st century, the less time spent promoting this con.

t. r/atheism

am sorry but wioth so much kikery in all threads and mods someone got to say NO and talk about religion, specifically, the Church of Gof , Christianity

>>Save someone else

>get lost subversive kike trashcan fail
says the christian tranny tree hugger.
You apparently took that "turn the other cheek" to heart.


again with the ssame punchline ? you're getting boring, find a new poem you 2-bit nickel kike , you took the goyim up your ass

>Reminder churches are heresy, Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. Not through opposition against a pope or priest or whatever, Jesus doesn't ask you to subscribe to opposition against anything.

Fixed it for you, nordshit. Stop destroying everything and go run around naked in your forests or whatever the fuck you do.


You're completely misunderstanding.

Churches don't bring salvation, but the NT repeatedly calls on Christians to create churches, give to churches, and strive for Godly churches.

You obviously have me confused with another superior.

you shouldnt flatter yourself when youre totally worthless

Don't you know the difference between salvation and good deeds, O.P.?

recycle yourself then

i rather have yourself rot in a pond

Op, what is the pillar of truth?

all catholics are going straight to hell for worshiping all theyre fucking stupid idols (crosses around the neck, praying to the pope, praying to holy relics..ect..)

Organized Churches I agree. The "church" can also mean a group of believers which I believe it important, to keep in contact with other Christians

>worshiping a dead kike on a stick in the year 2017 when you could be worshiping the gods of your EUROPEAN ancestors, but instead you worship a dying middle eastern religion.

good job.

Perhaps you should actually read a book. None of what you said is true.

its all true.

And you know this how exactly?

hahaha 'good goy' he meant
take this Sup Forums copypasta and shut your yapper