Why hasn't there been any US retaliation against North Korea for this injustice...

Why hasn't there been any US retaliation against North Korea for this injustice? Is President Trump as weak as former President Obama?

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He's going to be the poster boy / bargaining chip when NATO invades North Korea this winter. Trump has big plans for him

>how dare you incarcerate someone who committed theft?

>10 years in a labor camp for snatching a poster in a maintenance hallway

Countries have different laws you faggot, learn to respect their sovereignty or don't vacation there

Update: He's home. Trump secured his return to Ohio last week. Looks like he's in sad shape though.

>Warmbier, who is now 22, wasn’t seen or heard from again until last week, when the Trump administration managed to secure his release and fly him home to Ohio. Only it turns out that Warmbier is incapacitated, and apparently has been for almost his entire time in captivity.


Dude was a faggot and got what he deserved.
Don't go to NK if you don't want to get beaten into a coma for stealing a poster.

He's been sent home already numb nuts, but his brain is all shriveled up apparently

Woops, sorry here's archive


Amendment Eight of the United States Constitution:
"Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted."
Article Five of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights:
"No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment."

oh good, i see you just now googled what this thread was already about

nah daddy trump has a plan

Because sparking a trade war by angering China's pet poodle is a bit much for a faggot who broke the law.

>believing north korea

has North korea signed either of those?

Fuck off faggot

>subhuman laws
> deserving of respect

we need to invade the fuckers already

That's what ya get for violating the nap

>a faggot who broke the law.
says north korea. they could have just arbitrarily picked someone to do this to. it would be foolhardy to think otherwise

Obviously not, but these are essential democratic values which the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea should have.

It's really excessive, but the guy was being a retard.

I had a professor that's been there 3 times. First thing they tell you is DO NOT DEFACE OR TEAR DOWN ANY POSTERS OR STATUES. This guy was a retard that thought it'd be cool to hang a North Korean poster up in his dorm.

He disobeyed the laws of the country though.
What the fuck should Trump do other than getting him released? (which he did) Bomb North korea because he got brain fucked in prison?

What would be the point? He's some nobody from Virginia.

>could have

Nice proof

Yes, bomb the fuck out of them

Their shitty laws should not be respected. More to the point, their laws violate international law on torture and cruel and unusual punishment.

I dont know why u cucks support NK. They constantly commit illegal acts on there own citizens, yet your talking about respecting muh laws

No one is supporting NK. They're just pointing out that he was retarded to even go there in the first place, and even more so to rip down a poster.

There is no such thing as international law.

>Their shitty laws should not be respected.
Rather, he shouldn't even have gone to NK if he couldn't follow the rules.

I think he's actually a spy, so they're happy enough with him getting back in one piece.

He had a ship on the way to shoot at him, but it got into an accident on the way there and had to go back an get fixed.

Given that North Korea has a large track record of doing this, its completely plausable. Anyway, his "crime" was taking a propaganda poster. And for this he deserves to be lobotomised?

Fuck off you subhuman nigger scum. If America had any balls or sense of justice, they would have invaded and mowed down the commie gook fucks

>Obviously not, but these are essential democratic values which the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea should have.

Jesus Fucking Christ, what a cuck!

Shouldn't have even gone there in the first place if he couldn't resist tearing down a poster. Why does he deserve any sympathy? Anyone that goes willingly into NK is risking their life for no reason.

He was asked to steal it by someone in his church group because they wanted one

>NATO invades North Korea
NATO stands for North Atlantic Treaty Organization, knucklehead. Korea is in the Pacific.

Rob a bank for me, I want some money.

Whatever the reason, it was stupid and he should've known better.


He's a white, western, american man. By this virtue, he should be gauranteed his human rights wherever he goes. Those fucking chinks shouldnt have that power over us.

>He's a (((white))), western, american man.

you must have missed when the tsa mugged the north korean UN representatives in New York.

because we know its you, cia niggers

we dont care

You want to go to dangerous areas of the world? Be prepared to deal with the consequences. Being white isn't worth much when you're staring down the barrel of gunning. It's like going to rural Mexico or Taliban controlled Afghanistan for the "adventure" and expecting not to get kidnapped and ransomed. Why some people do shit like this is beyond me. It's stupid.

barrel of a gun*

>Inb4 they tortured him into a sleeper agent and he kills trump once he meets him

It's not the fault of the US government that this faggot went to North Korea. They have no responsibility to retaliate because of this idiots poor life choices.

Are you saying you support cruel and unusual punishment?

>Go to North Korea
>Break North Korean Laws
>Get Arrested for breaking the laws
>Cry on national T.V.
>Get Sympathy from retards
>Retards defend him with "Muh Nkorea Ebil"

Please, Do what natural selection should of done to you're bloodline years ago.

This is sad. Poor guy.


Because he was obviously a spy and this sort of shit happens to spies all the time.


(((Otto Warmbier)))


Sad that he got that treatment only because he tried to steal a piece of government property.

He probably wouldn't have tried to hang himself in NorK jail if he knew Rodman was on the way.

He's why he's suffering.

He takes his fat wallet - to North Korea.
He supports North Korea.
He got what he deserves.

Because he travelled to North Korea and he fucking deserved it for going there.

You should expect the absolute worst if you travel there, why the hell did he provoke them?

>support nk gooks
>get put on life support
he paid the toll, but we shouldn't tolerate this bullshit being done to our citizens. tee bee haytch we should just drone these chinks and be done with it

Trump is a kike loving faggot

daily reminder youtube.com/watch?v=8g6r_kdu1h8

I want proofs that they prosecuted somebody for a law that was not on the books. If he was unwilling to respect their laws, then as far as I'm concerned he deserved it - how I feel about the laws themselves is irrelevant.

I'm saying cucks need to realize when they're not in Kansas anymore.

Here's a little thought experiment, say Sweden or Germany started giving people life sentences for racist jokes, wouldn't you bemoan their cruel and unusual punishments?

Does anybody want to try this? I've been in prison for a few years before and I'm homeless

If a lot of people do this it promotes a conflict resolution system AND you get to redpill Koreans

the only proof that he did do it is north korea's kangaroo court

all you can do is hope that tourism to north korea drops off a cliff which I hope to god it does and no one else has to suffer what otto warmbier has had to suffer, and then maybe there will be some backlash and instability by the people that rely on selling those little flag and trinkets to tourists for a living.

Seriously if we videotape this could be the most epic thing of the century

Sup Forums would be global

When people in Afghanistan stone a woman to death for alleged infidelity, I'd call it cruel and unusual, doesn't really matter what I think though. Laws vary, retards need to recognize.

>Permanent debilitating brain damage for stealing a poster

North Korea has the best court system on this planet

So you agree that what happened to Otto was cruel and unusual?

You get jail time in Germany for holocaust denial, do you not?

We should invade Germany to give them free speech, it's a democratic value after all.

>"B-b-b-b-ut we were fighting communism"
> But but thats not nice
I swear to go you guys are worse than SJWs

How do morons like you get dressed in the morning? How can anyone genuinely be that retarded?

I do not support a military attack on either Germany in this hypothetical, nor one against North Korea in reality, but do you not agree that a state that believes in democratic values should stop those acts through actions such as diplomacy?

"Not an argument"
>How do morons like you even use a keyboard

Go tell Mr. Kim how he should run North Korea, what's the point of whining about it to anyone else?

he is a businessman. soon he will sell some weapons to gooks like he sold to salefists and problem will be solved.

Yes, but I'm bright enough to realize that my opinion regarding said treatment doesn't matter.

>Only it turns out that Warmbier is incapacitated, and apparently has been for almost his entire time in captivity.

Gotta let those injuries sustained from torture heal before sending him back. Wouldn't want people to get the idea that we're brutal, totalitarian faggots now, would we?

CIA nigger btfo

They could have waited until the end of his sentence. They could have prolonged his sentence for not doing his 'labor'.

I am saying the United States government should do that, meanwhile you all are implying he deserved this. Yes, what he did was dumb, but simply taking a poster should not be what is equal to a death sentence, and we should not allow this kind of behavior instead of saying Otto deserved it.

Your biggest issue is thinking that your opinion regarding the entire matter carries some sort of relevance. Share it with Mr. Kim, see where it gets you.

Don't vacation in North Korea

>mind blown

What are we arguing for? Because I'm trying to convince you the United States should retaliate, while it seems your arguing I should not even care.

Well, what are you waiting for? Go retaliate. Vote for someone who will. Call Mr. Kim. Write a nasty letter. Whine on Twitter, whine on Sup Forums, make a difference. In short, change the laws of a sovereign nation.

We already retaliated. In response to the comatose college kid we sent Dennis Rodman.

That is what I am doing right now. Are you trying to argue that I should not care if another country has inhuman laws? Are you arguing that me caring is futile and I am wasting my time? For there to be debate, you need to be clearer, especially over the internet.

If only they'd keep him.

He's not even controversial anymore now that everyone is a faggot

They could keep him anyway.

They're already sanctioned, what more do you want?

Given that he was trying to steal a propaganda poster from North Korea I'd say he already was suffering from mental retardation anyway.

kek, I sold this mother fucker a pitbull when I worked at a pet store


Obviously the sanctioning is not working, and I'll admit there is not an obvious answer, and maybe you are right and there is nothing else we can do, but something has to be done about this entire situation.

He didn't steal it. He literally only took it down. God knows why, but no crime was.committed.
The North Korean government lies, and they continued to lie by suggesting he was afflicted with botulism + sleeping pill, which doctors already figured out is not what happened.

The vegetable isn't a good reason to retaliate, the constant threat to their neighbors is, one of the big reason it hasn't been done is it's big neighbor that its friendly with.

I should add that the video of him taking down the banner shows:
1. It's obviously too heavy to steal
2. Even the video could've been faked by the NK government by coercing him to do it.

Plus the surveillance clip is not convincing as to who it was that took it down.

>Is President Trump as weak as former President Obama?
No he's actually weaker, Obama was known as 'King Nigger' in the international community, Drumpf is known as 'that cheetos looking motherfucker with a small dick' in the same community.

Trump is all talk and bluffing, no substance or balls.