Conservatives are dumb and anti science, prove me wrong! you can't though hahahahaha.
Watch Rebel Media get destroyed by a pro science vegan woman, this reminded me how dumb conservatives were.
Conservatives are dumb and anti science, prove me wrong! you can't though hahahahaha.
Watch Rebel Media get destroyed by a pro science vegan woman, this reminded me how dumb conservatives were.
Conservatives are actually statistically higher IQ than liberals.
Sorry I can't take ugly women serious, she looks like she would've been sent to a concentration camp awaiting deportation to Israel.
not white, Asian and Indian liberals
It's not that conservatives are stupid, it's that everyone is stupid except for people with intellectual bachelor's degrees and advanced degrees.
This isn't saying that people who can wash hotel sheets and pull cars out of ditches aren't equal and lovely in the eyes of the law, it just means they aren't that fucking smart.
And it's not just conservatives that are dumb -- it's basically everyone except a few people. The reason conservatives are particularly offensive to people who are actually smart is that they are not like just dumb, but they are useful idiots of the elites and they think Christianity is real. It takes some serious mental acrobatics to cobble together a worldview based on cosmic eternal juju, hatred for the Earth and animals and people, money, ignoring the fact that you're being ass-raped by corporate fascists on the daily and vapid quotidian pastimes and taste.
Rebel Media are fucking retarded. As a conservative-minded leaf, fuck Rebel Media.
>Ha ha ha conservatives are so stupid they don't believe in science, they think man made global warming isn't real!!
>Hurr durr there are no differences in human races and there are 72 genders
Yeah no, doesn't go in the context you're trying to represent.
Also white liberals have an abominal IQ. If any of them is even close to mine, I'll consider not reproducing.
learn to post you fucking inbred retard
Libertarians have the highest IQs by far:
>Faggot OP BTFO
>everyone is stupid except for people with intellectual bachelor's degrees
All you're really doing is repeating what you're told, How is that "smart"?
An autodidact will almost always outperform someone who has to have everything pre-formatted and presented to them.
The reason for this, is that If you're only good at fallowing orders, you'll only reach as far as the ones who teach you, however if you can teach yourself
you can go as far as you want.
In modern times, people with intellectual degrees are more likely to be brainwashed retarded faggots like OP.
>prove me wrong
They do understand that you can't predict demand and in some cases supply, unlike communists.
No they're not. Smarter people are more liberal alligned.
complains about other people being stupid.
Liberals are literally saying there's 6 gorillion genders, and you want to talk about science? Gtfoh
They are blocking out Bill Nye's episode about 2 genders, because liberals hate science.
here, fag chink