How do you join the new world order?

I figure it is a huge hassle to fuck them over so why not just join them?
>Marry some Israeli jew hottie
>laugh at lies instead of fighting them
>hope you won't burn in hell forever
>your children won't be fucked
>genes secured

why not Sup Forums? Its not like you have to molest children to join them, I think

I knew a jew who married a part Abo

kazakhstan shits on every place for illuminati stuff

Damn son. They even accept abo genes into their sacred club?

>willing to marry someone like us
I'm sure if you ever found a Jew hottie she would have a dozen jewboys with millions of dollars chasing after her.

You underestimate my power level

But if you become a jew you would have to gas yourself desu

We don't really want you unless you're jewish

I imagine you either have to be born into the right family, or selected and groomed from a young age.

we can marry jewish then, I don't care

Obviously start with Freemasonry, then do other rites. Its not hard, any shabbos goy can do it.

Ex freemason here

You dont want to. These people are fucked and really do worship evil.

Btw the G in the center means God and the all seeing eye is being observant.

Sort yourself out kiddo

Stfu you know nothing.

The G obviously stands for boG.

yeah but they do so regardless of me joining, I bet they don't push the worst on newcomers anyway, what was so horrible?

NWO fag here.

You have to generate a lot of capital and show a talent for making money.

This may sound like a "catch 22", but once you are in fiat currency is no longer part of your life. The money game is just the first layer of things.

magic / AI / Immortality / trans-humanism / owning slaves / owning celebrity slaves etc.. all this stuff is kind of the norm behind the curtain.

You also learn all the secrets of the earth, aliens, space, time etc.. you escape the bird cage.

The only financial advice I can give you faggots is find something you like to do, even if its pokeymon cards, find a niche inside pokemon cards or playing cards, become the very best, top tier person there is in the world at this niche.

Thats what I did in my field. I have no university degree.

I was worth about 280m before I got adopted into "the family".

>You also learn all the secrets of the earth, aliens, space, time etc.. you escape the bird cage.
explain yourself reptoid

You hit the streets, march in in there, look the guy in the eye and ask to speak to the manager and give him a firm handshake.

Oh - I'm sure it involves molesting children at higher ranks

bby plz gib me Glorius Architecture

>explain yourself reptoid
we are all reptoids ( except niggers ) some of us just know how to let it out and have more fun with it than others.

I miss the days when that was what it took to get a decent job.

You handout resumes in front of the building where they hold Bilderburg meetings.

Sounds good, fuck fiat currency.

though you can always just hoard gold and other precious metals if you want to and more or less achieve the same without them if you have that amount of money

One of the best in my field too. No degree which is rare in my industry. I work with people I used to watch on TV growing up. Very strange how life is with dedication, passion and an insane work ethic. Some of the most powerful people who run shit, you've never heard of. Money isn't everything but you only learn that when you have excess. Focus on being a decent person and doing what you love.

You already have joined it

benefits seem meager so far, not impressed

if my luck in life make another jump for the better I'll believe you

first Thing would be to get away of Sup Forums i think

>Be a Jew and become dirty rich, or
>Be dirty rich and marry a Jew

Since you're neither a Jew nor dirty rich, you don't.

I like all these larpers.

People dont understand that illuminati is the western collective conscious symbol for a secret society.

The whole means to liberation.
Your initiation into the illuminati
Is when you realize you are part of it so might as well go with it.
The purpose is to create the illuminati, not "join" them.

What would be the point? There's always someone above you that can fuck you. You'd be stuck in the same situation, only you'd have a lot more messed up stuff in your life like snuff parties, child prostitution, and more of the degeneracy they engage in once they have so much money, they're bored of everything else.

People should really stop to think ist a Group called the illuminati.
They are all gone Long time ago.

t. Adam Weisshaupt.

Abo Jew reporting in

why is that supreme court parking lot so weirdly fake looking

where do the cars even come in? how do they get to their space

The point? Truth. I want to know how things really are, that is a struggle from where I am now by comparison.

what they do happens regardless of my knowledge, I just prefer to know

you can see the ramp they drive up on one of the pictures though, it would be at the top right of the image that shows the close up I believe

>There's always someone above you that can fuck you.
not always.

Because you have nothing of value to offer them. You're essentially a bum trying to join the yacht club.

How does it feel to know that statistically speaking, you're more likely to become a millionaire by converting to Judaism than you are by going to a University?

> *hint hint*

Convert to Judaism (The Synagogue of Satan)

can i get a 200m loan ;)

youre most likely larping but at the 0.01% chance that you arent , you cant make it that big , not all niches are profitable like that and the worst part is that they steal your ideas , you think facebook was original idea?

ex: if i have a billion dollar idea today and pitch the idea for investors tomorrow , if im not part of the tribe they will steal the idea while i get 0 investment.
>make them sign user competitive clause
implying they would copy my idea on their name

the system is rigged, you cant make it big without their approval

It feels tempting but how does one place a value on ones soul?

It might be a bargain or it might be a scam

you can't join, fuck off

think outside the box, if you have a great idea, plan how to invest in yourself, pitch something else to them, once you have capital, then you go hard

>kekistani flag
>would marry a kike
why the fuck are you even here? pls 6 gorrilion yourself

lies, filthy kike lies

why won't you let me share the laugh with you? Make some hummus and invite me over

I'm here because I value my own pristine genetics over the sub human nigger lovers who have replaced my race

Don't be like that...
Let me join, for old times sake...

I'll even cut my dick

Can't stand these larpers even ironically. god damnit fuck you niggers

>why not Sup Forums? Its not like you have to molest children to join them, I think
You literally do, and that's not the beginning nor the end of the depraved shit you have to bring yourself down to being forced to do like a fucking cuck.
Nope, I will destroy it instead, look at me, I'm the one world governor now.
Here's how the new world government will work: you do what I fucking say or else I will personally beat your shit in (possibly with my doublewide penis) until you submit to me or death.

so there will be a power structure. nothing new there.

I am pretty sure that silence and not seeing would be enough if you have the right position in society

>walk up to a rothchild
>say exactly that
>get vaporized by laser gun

by the time i raise enough capital it will be to late, with 7 billion people ideas arent unique

would you believe me if i told you i pitched the idea of uber 10 years ago and got told its illegal because it would essential be a taxi service that you need license for .... and look at where we are now

> but how does one place a value on ones soul?

The value of having this world IS your soul. If it makes you feel any better, the bible states that all non-repentant unbelievers will be burnt and turned into ash. So there's no "eternity" of hell or anything like that. You will be essentially trading your everlasting soul though. You'd be giving up eternity with someone who loves you more than this world for someone (Illuminati) will give you material wealth and will probably hate you while using you.

The choice is yours.

yeah, i'm just going to casually walk up and have a chat about it

>tfw you share the same political views as globalists but they still want you dead
truly the worst feel

No wonder you voted democrat, sounds depressing to have your perspective on things.

I have proven to myself many times that giving up because someone said so is wrong because I never have and most of the time it works out

there is no society without power structure
and it may not necessarily be new, but it's been out of use long enough that it, absolutism, is new again
and it's the only option, the war of ideologies aka the meme war will only leave one ideology left standing, the absolute strongest

You cant join something that already owns you.

if only the blacks thought the same

LOL that's like a child saying to their parent, "Y'know I think its about time I join this family."


who would cum on a little bird?

Naw son, Skull and bones. Skull and bones.

an absolute madman who just wants to watch the world burn and he cannot be stopped, he'll keep on getting away with it