You monsters need to stop trafficking in this despicable conspiracy.
For shame, Sup Forums. For shame.
You monsters need to stop trafficking in this despicable conspiracy.
For shame, Sup Forums. For shame.
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You are probably right. Too bad when Sandy Hook is mentioned in the media, it has never been opportune for them to let everyone know that the shooter was purposely going over the top so that banning guns would be an actual possibility.
I still think it is.
Thought it the day of.
The actors were so horrible. It was like the real life version of spotting shills on Sup Forums.
You're literally going to push him towards the Presidency.
>I, Alexander Emerick Jones.....
most of the people on Sup Forums know it wasn't a hoax and we also are aware that Alex Jones is crazy, but he's stated he believes it was real - and was only covering the existing theory that it was a "Hoax" - this may be some back peddling on his part, but he's openly admitted it was real - and he believes it happened
This is like calling a liar out for telling the truth because they speculated the LIe.
He went on the radio show to talk about the chimp
Never happened
All lies
>poster chimp
speak for yourself and be a good goy
Leaked extra footage of Alex Jones Megyn kelly interview
>school was closed
>no kids died
>Adam never existed
The government would NEVER kill people to control you goyim!!!
lol that nigger was a str8 up actor he even had a catchy poem phrase all premade
"i left him with his bookbag and i picked him up in a body bag"
w-what is she doing with that enema bag?
>Videos of hamsters
Oh the humanity
being raptured
>You monsters need to stop practicing independent thought and having unpopular opinions
Fuck you, kink shamer.
k, John Brennan, keep us posted.
t. NSA